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If Boston2024 is actually about fixing the T, why isn't a single Olympic dollar going to MBTA improvements?

It is one of the many myths Boston2024 tells to try and sell hosting the games to the people of Boston. If you recall, the USOC and Mayor Walsh originally said they wanted 70% support. One way to get it is to promise the games will do something everyone agrees is imperative.

Will taxpayers be on the hook for Boston2024 cost overruns? Not if we win a ballot initiative www.bostonolympics.vote.



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We don't spend money on public transportation here. The MBTA didn't get how it is by accident. And now, even after this winter, what is the first item on the Governor's special T fixing panel's list of things NOT to do? Report more funding is needed. Because funding requires taxes and Republicans aren't allowed to raise those. Meanwhile fare hikes are fair game because that only affects those people who would be lowly enough to take a government handout like public transit. How can we expect a private organization to invest in our transit system when our own leaders refuse. And the next time the T fails drastically, all they have to do is print a few articles in the Globe & Herald about how 'union hacks' are taking 57 days off a year on your dime! It doesn't matter if its true, it just needs to distract people and shift their anger from those actually responsible and in charge to the people on the front lines. How republican.

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Out of every dollar the MBTA is given in increased funding most of it is given to bloated administration and employee perks and very little makes it to actual maintenance and improvements.

The MBTA needs revenue and reform with a heavy emphasis on front loading reform. Throwing money at the agency with its current broken management and employee culture is a bottomless money pit. The culture and management need to be fixed first and then given a massive infusion of cash to do the work that needs to be done.

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