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Roxbury's Fourth of July at BPS Playground

Last night there were loud noises and flashing lights in Roxbury but I wasn't BPD. Instead an unknown person or persons decided to use one of BPS's oldest elementary schools playground as a launch site for a hazardous four hour long illegal fireworks display. And these weren't your run of the mill fireworks. The culprit or culprits had powerful deafening explosives that rattled the windows of nearby homes as sparks shot onto roofs, cars and greenery. I hope someone has the common sense to check the school cameras.



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1. I saw said display at the Nathan Hale School. It did not last 4 hours, but since fireworks were going off around neighborhood all night, I can understand the confusion
2. The police showed up, mainly to shoo away cars parked along the road to watch the display. I believe there was a permit to use the school yard
3. This may come as some surprise, but fireworks happen on July 4th. Learn to love it or consider a move to Canada (but of course there's that annoying Canada Day holiday around this time)

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You seem to have a lot of information about the fireworks display. Were you one of the organizers? Also, the organizers were smart enough to get a permit (?), why didn't they also inform the neighborhood (flyers, neighborhood list serve, etc.) to prepare them for the noise and dangerous sparks that would be going on. Many neighbors called 911 to complain because they were unaware that the local schoolyard had become a launch site for loud explosives that could potentially do damage to their property and surrounding areas. Not mention that this "permitted" display left the school yard littered with debris which was NOT cleaned up by the organizers. So it's not that I'm ignorant to the traditions used to celebrate the holiday but, I care more about the safety and cleanliness of the neighborhood I've lived in for over 40 years, than sparklers and loud noise. Your flippant response leads me to believe that you must be one of new neighbors. #gentrification #keeproxburyclean

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