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Those magnificent men and their flying machines


Chris Devers took in the Wings of Freedom tour of World War II aircraft yesterday at the Norwood municipal aerodrome.

Posted under this Creative Commons license and in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.


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The tweedy set enjoys the afternoon on their bicycles

Boston Biker posts photos from yesterday's Tweed Ride.


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Worst restaurant service ever

Ari Herzog reminds us why it's a good thing we're usually asleep at 2:30 a.m. instead of trying to get something to eat at the Apollo restaurant in Chinatown:

... About TWO HOURS AFTER entering the place, and telling the kitchen to stop the teriyaki dish, we want to leave. We can't. We have a bill for $32. That was after taking the teriyaki dish off the bill. Why should we pay for food that arrived OVER AN HOUR LATE due to waiter forgetfulness and then bringing out the wrong teriyaki dish? Back and forth with the manager, yelling match ensues, we refuse to pay the bill but they won't let us out without paying.

Did I mention the large-framed bouncer at the door? ...


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Monday-morning Green Line bonus: Three broken trolleys

Around 7:30 or so, there was a dead train at Hynes/ICA, another at, of course, Government Center, the MBTA reports.

At 8:28, Local 718 added:



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Nuclear disarmament has its price

Seems the Cambridge City Council recently debated nuclear disarmament but tabled a proposed ballot question on the issue after the city manager said a referendum as part of the December senate election would cost about $35,000.


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Street explodes in gunfire outside Pizzeria Regina

Oh, phew, it was just a movie.


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Cute kids, marching bands and giant animals on parade in Roslindale

Hurry, or we'll fall behind!

Photos from today's Roslindale Day parade (if you were there and posted photos, add the link in a comment).

Good form:

Cinderella knows how to dress for a parade - with sneakers under her gown:

What would a Boston parade be without bagpipers and marching bands?

Junior-miss belly dancers (no, really):

Human museum wall:

See, Kevin James didn't kill all the giraffes at the zoo:

Without doubt, the most maudlin part of the whole parade was the Gormley hearse (followed closely by the Dapper O'Neil memorial limo, accompanied by an old white guy who handed out O'Neil-for-council stickers to all the old white folks along the route):

That's some car:

Remember kids: Always eat your corn!

This is the end, my friends:


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Politicians on parade in Roslindale

Pretty much any pol running for office that doesn't involve replacing Ted Kennedy made the Roslindale Day parade today. Here are pictures of them all. Above: At-large City Council candidate Ayanna Pressley exhorting us to "make some noise, Roslindale!" Aside from three girls who screamed excitedly for almost everybody, though, we kinda didn't - we just weren't the feistiest stretch of the route.

Floon was out in force:

In contrast, Tom Menino did his usual parade thing, which was to march with wife Angela and an aide or two:

Say what you will about Doug Bennett, the kid seems to be in shape - he's always running:

At-large candidate Tomas Gonzalez had to run as well, to catch up to his contingent:

In contrast, at-large candidate Tito Jackson looked like he dressed for a string or two of candlepins over at Ron's after the parade:

At-large candidates Felix Arroyo, Steve Murphy and Andrew Kenneally dressed for success:

West Roxbury (and bit o' Roslindale) Councilor John Tobin showed who he was supporting today:

Couldn't you just picture at-large Councilor John Connnolly as a teacher? Oh, wait ...

State Sen. Marian Walsh isn't up for re-election this year, but she always marches in the parade:

There was this one woman by Walworth Street whom the old-time pols seemed to single out for hugs. Here she is with Roslindale/Hyde Park Councilor Rob Consalvo:


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Roslindale to get Taiwanese food

Look what's hanging from the front of one of Rozzie's gazillion nondescript Chinese take-out places (on Belgrade Avenue near Walworth):

Taiwanese food

So could be cool, although that's what I said when Roslindale's only Vietnamese take-out place opened at that location, too.

Just yesterday:
Roslindale to get jazz cafe.


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No doubt there's a good reason for a BTD worker to park in a bus stop

Just because I can't think of one doesn't mean there isn't one. So why would a Boston Transportation Department worker block a Brighton Center bus stop and force a guy with a cane into the street to board a 57 bus?


Oh, of course there's a good reason! As the person who took the photo explains:

The BTD truck driver was parking to buy scratch tickets and ignored the man with the cane that was waiting for the bus. He threw the ticket out the window into the back of his truck afterwards.

Here's his license plate, should anybody at BTD wish to inquire:



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