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Add her to the list of people who hate Valentine's Day

Angela is a waitress who had to work V-Day night. The morning after, she is not happy:

To every customer I waited on tonight who eventually stiffed me, I hope you all cannot maintain an erection tonight when trying to satsify your girlfriends/wives/mistresses. I have never before worked so hard for so little. You jerks sent me running back and forth to the kitchen for ridiculous things. You made me refill your drinks countless times. You left a mess of epic proportions for me to clean up and all I get in return is a 13% tip? ...


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Your kids will learn why they call it the Back BAY

A new report says that within 50 to 100 years, global warming will mean repeated, expensive flooding of the Back Bay, Cambridge and other waterfront areas as sea levels rise and storms grow more intense:

An EPA-commissioned study details the wrenching impacts that global warming will have on Greater Boston. Most strikingly, the study shows predicted sea level rise caused by global warming flooding swaths of Downtown Boston with waters reaching all the way to the Back Bay and Harvard Square in a severe storm.

Charley on the MTA says it's a call to action:

... 94 billion cost for global warming, just in Greater Boston. When will skeptical business types wake up, and realize that if it's bad for everyone, it's bad for business, too?

Message to Mitt, Reilly, Galvin, Patrick, all you would-be govs: you've got to make this a major issue, and take it national. Get in the media's face about this, in a real and persistent way. It's way past time. ...

John, though, isn't buying it:

... Sure, we should be concerned about global warming and realistic about our vulnerabilities to mother nature's extremes, but this five-years-in-the-making report is a non-story. They can't get a seven day forecast right, and this is a ninety-five year forecast.


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Snow heart

Tanaise is walking through the courtyard of the BPL in Copley Square when she sees a heart somebody had made in the snow:

This is found art--I walked by it, stopped and said, "That was a heart, wasn't it." I love the perfection of the heart, and the starkness of the light.

See it today before it melts.


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Albanian food: Yum

Eric and family try Cafe Apollonia, the Boston area's only Albanian restaurant (146 Belgrade Ave., in Roslindale). He recommends it:

... Our best expectations were confirmed, and we are delighted to say that the Hysi family operates a wonderful little place. Francesco, they have byrek! The menu looks traditional, but chef Marlon Hysi makes them with the innovation you might expect of a Cordon Bleu graduate, which he is. Ivana's Trofte Tave was baked in wine and tomatoes over carmelised onions, Azra's Qebaptore were excellent čevapi, but served over a bed of seared eggplant and peppers, with a thick yoghurt sauce and rosemary mixed in with the meat. ...


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Happy Valen-Tek's Day!

What? There's some other celebration today? Not for Girl, who posts a photo of her captain, oh captain (of the Sox, that is):

I am celebrating the workout that is stretching your Man-Thighs!  I am celebrating the cerebral force that you are behind the plate!  I am celebrating your honesty and integrity!  I am celebrating the fact that you have grown back your facial hair!  I am celebrating your seriousness in the clubhouse!  I am celebrating your communication skills!  I am celebrating the fact that you move better now than you did when you were 21!  Limber and flexible!  Big but fast!  Bending and squatting and trotting to the mound! ...


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Who's a flip-flopper?

Steven marvels at the state GOP's decision to use the Rovian "flip-flopper" strategy against Tom Reilly because a) Bush lost Massachusetts, so people might not take kindly to it and b) it could boomerang against their man. As he points out, the Mittster, who now wants to ban stem cell research, said something a wee bit different in 2002:

I am in favor of stem cell research. I will work and fight for stem cell research.


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Near riot at Central today

Charley on the MTA relays a report from Mrs. Charley, who tried to board a Red Line train in Central Square this morning:

[H]uge, angry crowds of people; waits of much longer than an hour; fights nearly breaking out; trains stuffed full, moving slowly; dozens of trains going outbound, while only three or four were going inbound over the course of more than an hour.

This is pathetic. The blizzard was weeks ago, and it's been like this way too much lately. It costs individuals and businesses too much to put up with this. We deserve better. Call your reps: If they can fix potholes, they should weigh in on this.

Bad Transit has more Red Line near-riot reports here, here and here.


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Valentine's Day is so nice. No, it sucks! You decide

LooLoo: Tonight the boy and I are going to have a little valentines dinner of lasagna, Texas toast and cake! Perfect!

Fondofelves: Mwwwwah

Megan says she loved the day even when she was single:

... Now I don't agree that the day is just for couples. Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love. That would be saying that the the only love that exists is between couples. Not true! We love our family, our friends and ourselves. Why not take the day to show those people that you love them? Those are the people forgotten on Valentine's Day because we assume it's a day just for couples. Don't assume, redefine. ...

The Playful Antiquarian dishes on how to make her swoon:

... indulge my bookishness by presenting me with a pamphlet -- set, printed, and bound by hand ... ideally, on sumptious handmade paper ...

Ezra explains why they should rename the holiday National-Remind-The-Single-People-Just-How-Alone-They-Really-Are-Day Brought To You By The Blood Sucking Vultures At Hallmark.:

Here, have some chocolates, I hope you choke on them. You and all the other stupid happy couples dumb enough to fall for a Hallmark "holiday." Go give your money to the worst profiteers since OPEC. ...

Shelley might commiserate: Happy blah blah Valentine's mumble grumble hearts and flowers yadda yadda:

I am dressed entirely in black today. It wasn't intentional but it somehow seems fitting.

Neither probably knows Blogorelli, who wants us all to spread some Valentine lovies - and sends a special kiss to Cupid:

... for sending that particularly delish piece of eye candy into my train car this morning and then facing him in my direction. you are too good to me!

Chris gets all grumpy:

I wish I could be more excited about the holiday, but this year things are different. This year marks the first time in three years that Valentine's Day and President's Day don't fall on the same weekend. So you can see why this year Valentine's Day is somewhat of a letdown. ...

Andrew points to an article listing local bar restrooms good for a little love action:

... And to think, all this time I have been going there only for the shows on stage. Next time maybe I will kick open the door to the handicapped bathroom and try to catch a bonus opening act. ...


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We're feeling very, oh, ist today

Thanks to the seemingly all knowing John Daley, we now know that Bostonist is here.

We welcome our new New Yorkish overlords but humbly remind them that, in Boston, commuter train lines don't have third rails.


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Chris sees and reviews Trumbo at the Huntington Theatre. He generally likes it, except for the morally facile ending, but has words for the audience:

I will say, though, that the audience suffered from what I previously called Cambridge Film Audience Syndrome (CFAS), a tendency to vocalize sighs, laughs and other noise that signal the audience's political and historical superiority to the subject matter. Highly annoying.


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