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By adamg - 3/24/17 - 1:04 pm

Associated Press interviews the Rev. Laura Everett, executive director of the Massachusetts Council of Churches and author of an impending book, Holy Spokes, about the spirituality she's discovered as a daily Boston bicycle rider:

Bicycling through Boston's twisting, traffic-clogged streets may seem more about self-preservation than spiritual enlightenment.

For the Rev. Laura Everett, her daily 6-mile commute is a way of connecting to her adopted city, its residents, and her sense of community and vulnerability.

By adamg - 2/24/17 - 11:21 am
Car in Post Office Square bike lane

Karen Newman spotted this car parked in the bike lane on Congress Street in Post Office Square this morning:

I guess we need sock puppets to explain bike lanes?

By adamg - 1/5/17 - 10:04 am

The State House News Service reports on a bill approved by legislators.

By adamg - 12/10/16 - 6:57 pm
Santas on a tandem bike in Boston's North End

Erica Mattison watched a pair of Santas wheel down the new dedicated bike lane on Commercial Street in the North End this afternoon as part of a Santa ride.

By adamg - 11/21/16 - 12:19 am
White ghost profiles in Boston Common

Greg Cook attended Sunday's World Day of Remembrancemarch from Copley Square through Boston Common and vigil in front of the State House.

Many of the walkers carried white outlines with the names of people who died in crashes. Activists have begun putting these markers at the crash locations. Not everybody is a fan of the idea.

By adamg - 11/18/16 - 7:34 pm
Public Works van in bike lane

This morning, Finn snapped this photo on Congress Street at High: Read more.

By adamg - 10/12/16 - 9:18 am

Wicked Local Cambridge reports on the vigil to commemorate Joe Lavins of Lexington, who died last week.

Cambridge Day looks at ways to reduce bicyclist deaths.

By adamg - 10/5/16 - 9:04 am
Porter Square crash scene

Porter Square crash scene. Photo by Stakx.

Shortly after 8 a.m., Cambridge Police report. Wicked Local Cambridge reports the crash involved a truck.

By adamg - 9/29/16 - 5:29 pm

Cambridge Police have released a photo of a pedestrian they say used his shoulder to push a bicyclist off her bike in Inman Square on Sept. 22.

If he looks familiar, contact police at 617-349-9384.

Read more.

By adamg - 9/28/16 - 5:01 pm

The Dorchester Reporter reports on a presentation by state officials to turn Morrissey Boulevard from a flood-prone speedway into an "urban boulevard."

By adamg - 9/23/16 - 12:29 pm
Car parked in bike lane in downtown Boston

The city has been installing bike lanes downtown that are marked off with bollards to keep cars out. But as P. Cheung discovered on Congress Street this morning, the bollards might be a bit too widely spaced.

By adamg - 9/18/16 - 9:21 am
Bicycles on Storrow Drive in Boston

Storrow Drive was turned over to bicyclists this morning for the annual Hub on Wheels. "The way life should be," Steven D. Schmitt, who watched the procession, enthused.

Read more.

By adamg - 9/16/16 - 5:37 pm
Bicyclist on I-93

And we suspect what was going through the mind of that truck driver on the Expressway southbound by South Bay this afternoon could be abbreviated "WTF?!?"

Jeremy Yan, who photographed the furiously pedaling Hubway rider, couldn't believe it, either (note to curmudgeons: As you'll see in the next photo, Yan was not driving): Read more.

By adamg - 7/24/16 - 11:29 pm
Bicycling down Washington Street

Vasant Marur captured a bicyclist pedaling down Washington Street in Downtown Crossing today.

Copyright Vasant Marur. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 7/15/16 - 5:17 pm
Guy riding a bicycle across the Zakim Bridge

"This can't be legal, right?" Katie Arsenault asks about the unusual sight she saw on the Zakim this afternoon.

By adamg - 6/28/16 - 4:37 pm

A Dorchester man who admitted he was drunk when he took the life of a teenager waiting to cross the street with his bicycle was sentenced today to 12 years in state prison, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports. Read more.

By adamg - 6/27/16 - 12:37 pm

Here's how, although, yes, the author is that guy who brings his bike on the Blue Line at rush hour.

By adamg - 6/23/16 - 9:03 pm

Amanda Phillips, 27, of Cambridge, died today after being struck by a landscaping truck at Hampshire and Cambridge streets in Inman Square, the Middlesex County District Attorney's office and Cambridge Police report.

Phillips was hit around 12:17 p.m. and was taken to Massachusetts General, where she was pronounced dead. Authorities said their investigation into the crash is "open and active."

By adamg - 6/20/16 - 8:01 pm

State transportation officials signed off today on a $20.4-million reconstruction project along a bicycle-unfriendly stretch of Commonwealth Avenue that will include dedicated bicycle lanes on both sides of the road and wider sidewalks on both sides. Read more.

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