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Body pulled out of the Charles River

After a passerby spotted the body around 9:20 this morning by the Teddy Ebersol ballfields, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

Detectives have a tentative ID based on his wallet, but have yet to release his name pending notification of next of kin, the DA's office says, adding, however, that he is from the greater Boston area.

There are no immediate signs of foul play, but the exact cause and time of death remain under investigation.

This is the third man's body removed from the river over the past couple of months. On March 27, a man's body was recovered between the Hatch Shell and the Mass. Ave. bridge; on March 15, police recovered the body of a man who had been spotted jumping off the Mass. Ave. bridge on Jan. 1.

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he was from boston.

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It clearly says he's from the greater Boston area, not Boston proper.

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Teddy Ebersol who was not from Boston.

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Do we have a serial killer loose?

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The guy witnesses saw jumping off the bridge on 1/1. And the second one was ruled not a homicide.

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The only body found recently that was murder was that BAC student chained and thrown off the BU bridge. That news story died out pretty quick for something that messed up. Wonder what's going on with that investigation.

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I haven't heard anything saying that Jonathan Dailey was murdered, in spite of the chain and cinderblock. Given the complete lack of followup, I've tended to agree with those who thought he was practicing a Houdini stunt that went terribly wrong.

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Just a media that better focusing on it. Think of how much crime happens in other areas of the city that we heard about here on UHub, but is passed over by TV news, and even the Globe.

Bodies have been washing down the Charles pretty regularly for decades. Same with jumpers on the Tobin, picked up in the harbor.

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Young adult males, especially if they have been drinking, are a significant risk group.


source: http://www.cdc.gov/features/dsdrowningrisks/

Not like Boston has many people like that, right?

Not like most of these deaths have been young males who had been drinking, right?

If you look at the numbers, we are talking an expected toll of 2-3 drownings a year among males 20-34. Considering that age group is over-represented in the local population (due to college residency) and simple statistical variation, 4 or 5 drowning deaths a year isn't out of the realm of chance (particularly when you consider that suicide and falling into the water as a result of a fight probably do not count as unintentional).

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Having grown up in the Boston area, and being an MIT brat, I am unfortunately familiar with the tendency of young men to vanish during the winter. Seems to happen most around Thanksgiving and Christmas. And equally unfortunate, you can reasonably guarantee that
most of them will be found by rowers mid-spring.

No great conspiracy. No serial-killer. Just the reality of living near a river in a college town.

Thanks for the graph Swirl. What would be really interesting is some historical info. I suspect that the number of bodies turning up now is actually considerably less than a hundred years ago when the number of otherwise unattached immigrants was considerably higher.

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The statistical probability of drowning in freshwater or saltwater in winter and when not engaged in water recreation is virtually nil (obviously). Additionally, most folks drown in domestic pools, and the vast majority of these victims tend to be small children. So clearly that number of bodies in the Charles River in the cold weather season and only a few weeks or months apart are suspicious.

Stats don't lie; people do.

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They include recreational boating and other UNINTENTIONAL drowning. They are not limited to "recreational" drownings. These are non-murder, non-suicide, natural water deaths.

What the hell is in the water these days that leads to so many people who are so urgently creating so many conspiracy theories? This reality allergy is getting very tiresome.

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The internet just gives them a bigger soapbox to shout from, and place to meet up. It's like dinner for shmucks, but stupider.

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A man died earlier this week after being fished out of the Harbor at Columbus Park too.


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If you ask a cop why more men than women seem to fall into waterways and drown, you'll learn that men have a tendency to urinate into water, especially when drunk. Added factors that cause dizziness or disorientation are a drop in blood pressure while urinating, looking up at the sky or at the water while urinating, looking down over the edge of pier/bank/boat.

So stay alive - find a tree.

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and have public restrooms? I know, I know ... the homeless and drug addicts are a problem. Public restrooms were everywhere in the past. Most subway stations at one time, for example, had restrooms open to the public. What's the main issue now? Complaints about 'activity'? Legal liability? It's ridiculous as a society we can't seem to manage to maintain reasonably clean and safe restrooms. They exist in other parts of the world.


Go try asking a hotel [if you're anywhere near a hotel] if you can use their restroom if you aren't 'respectable' looking, i.e. dressed so-called professionally, are tipsy, look [just look] like you stereo-typically could be trouble. I think it's easier for most women than for guys. There are many places in Boston that if you don't look 'professional' [just the look, the clothes] you won't get the time of day, let alone be allowed use of a restroom.

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To be honest, I've never asked to use a hotel restroom. My experience has been that hotel lobby's are so busy, it's pretty easy to just walk into the lobby and meander over to the bathroom and do your business, and then casually walk out. The Park Plaza, the. Long Wharf Marriott, and the Hyatt are particularly good for this.

Given the time of night and the state of intoxication, I don't know if these young men are looking for a restroom or just a place to do their deed quickly.

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