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Woman reaches over to pet her cat, only it's a raccoon


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Glad to hear the cat is okay, at least!

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Misplaced superbowl commercial

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Was thinking of this very ad.

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I don't have a cat door.

(possums, foxes, and other small creatures that can figure things out being other reasons)

I hope she recovers, and rabies is not involved!

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A pet door that only lets your micro-chipped cat in:


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(and more humane as well): Don't let yout cat outside at all.

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While the statistics certainly show that indoor kitties tend to live longer and healthier lives, there are nonetheless some cats who are helped by a pet door. We adopted a pair of cats this past Summer that had been abandoned outdoors by a neighbor who'd lost her home. The cats were only outside for a couple of weeks as we worked to befriend them, but they were already hooked on the great outdoors. These kitties took every opportunity to escape from our home and even began to run from us to avoid recapture. Only after we installed a cat door, and they knew they were free to come and go, did our newly adopted fur-babies willingly begin to spend any significant amount of time with us indoors.

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For anyone now planning to replace their current cat door- SureFlap makes two different models controlled by your pet's microchip. The "cat door" linked to by the above post and available through Amazon is easily defeated by a persistent raccoon (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsKacrF1gIga), but the "pet door" made by the same company has been designed and tested specifically with raccoons in mind. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjeoSqdKLto.

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I wonder if the screams broke the proposed noise ordinance?

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Or is it the people there? Yes, that's it! The people!

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But clever thinking by the 73-year-old woman to capture the raccoon! They do carry rabies, and the fact that it came so close and attacked a human doesn't sound good. Unfortunate for the raccoon, but I hope the testing allows the victim to skip the unpleasant treatment that otherwise would be necessary.

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Not that I'm wishing rabies treatments on anyone, but the method of administration has become a lot less unpleasant in recent years.

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"People need to understand that you can't feed these animals," Badger said. "It turns into a situation for someone else that has no idea."

Gosh, I thought that if you complained about your neighbors feeding wildlife, that made you a whiny loser. I seem to recall reading that somewhere recently.

Also, how awesome is it that the animal control officer is named "Badger"?

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The police chief in a neighboring community was Mickey Roach.

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...instead of walking across the street and leaving a note. Not to mention raccoons have a fairly high incidence of rabies; opossums don't. That said, if you want to go the whole cat-door route you are making it easier for this kind of thing to happen--we used to get stray cats coming in occasionally and making themselves at home. Maybe the town of Hingham should have pre-emptively sent a couple of squad cars out to tell this old lady that her cat door was a potential menace.

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Sure thing, No possible downside to that approach. Because if there's one thing that selfish, clueless people appreciate, it's their neighbors giving them advice on what they're doing wrong.

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Are we really going to rehash this? Someone was feeding feral cats--questionable maybe but hardly selfish--and opossums were joining said cats. We're not talking about space-savers or parking on the sidewalk. I still think it's absurd to be concerned about dangers from possums but again--it's a minor, solvable problem that the "feeder" probably wasn't even aware of. I used to have a bird feeder until I realized that rodents were snacking on the spilled seeds. Would I have rather gotten a neighborly note alerting me or have had Jose from city pest control show up on my doorstep to tell me I was being a nuisance? Definitely the former.

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must be from Weymouth.

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When I was a kid, my parents had a pair of pet doors in series, one into the garage and another between the garage and utility room in the house. We eventually discovered that a VERY large raccoon had been feeding regularly from the cats' bowl of kibble in the kitchen! Needless to say, changes were made. When my DH and I decided recently that we wanted a cat door for our fur-babies, we researched the issue and ultimately purchased a SureFlap microchip-controlled PET door, and are very happy with it. (Note: the SureFlap CAT door is not designed to be raccoon resistant.) These are pricey, but will be worth it to some!

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How awful.

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