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Somebody may be unaware that Dorchester isn't part of Arizona

Anti-gay car in Dorchester

It wasn't the pro-Catholic stickers that startled Matty V. as he walked down Adams Street in Adams Corner today, but the anti-gay T-shirt in the rear window.



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doesn't mean you have to agree with them.

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The photographer was expressing their views by taking the picture and uploading it. He wasn't saying the car should be set on fire or given the standard space saver treatment.

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He should have blurred out the license plate.

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The car owner clearly wants their views to be known -- you can't get any more obvious then that. Privacy laws don't apply when you shout.

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...that people who obviously agree with the idiot who owns this car try to round aboutly defend him with free speach mumbo-jumbo because they don't have the brass to speak their opnions out loud.

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"The right to free speech shall not be abridged, meaning that one must always consider the sensitive fee-fees of conservatives before saying anything."

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...were entitled to their opinion that the Irish were a bunch of worthless, drunken, lazy Papists so why have'em around? What's sad and ironic is that the car owner thought it would be funny to draw a comparison between one outdated form of discrimination that they--presumably--disapprove of and a quite current one that they approve of entirely. What's even sadder is that someone actually sat down and made a f'ing pillow to this point, but hey--you can't play bingo every day, I guess.

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People have their own views, even in countries in which the holder has no legal right to express them. In the US, we have the protected right to express views, opinions, and unprovable beliefs. That does not make them correct or valid or harmless. Nor does it mean that the holder of those expressed views should be protected from the vocal contempt of the public to whom those views are expressed.

In short, if you are going to cover your car with crap like this, expect that people will call your ideas, foolish, and you, a bigot.

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Just...wow. Had no idea Mel Gibson was living here.

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More like Ray Flynn...

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To these old schoolers.
But honestly, don't hate too much. It's really just fear of the unknown and ignorance. I know these old timers. There isn't hatred or true bias in their hearts. Just fear.

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...the Celtic style script. Assuming the owner is of Irish descent, I wonder if this person has any idea of their own ethnic history.

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....I'm sure he/she does. In fact, I'm quite sure they will insist that the Irish are the most persecuted people on earth, as all good Christians always are.

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Were in Boston in the past? Pretty near the top.

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However, when people like this glow in the dark, they're easier to avoid.

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gay umbrella in the back window.

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Maybe they're using it as a sign of distress? Perhaps they accidentally touched a rainbow flag and are concerned they've been infected with gay.

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Represents crisis or is it reversed , either way I would be this person is trying to say America is failing,

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For example, if the car was being hijacked, it could be used as a request for help.

However, doing so as a symbol of disapproval is not proper; it is akin to trampling on the flag or burning it. Of course, it is protected free speech, but it's an unpatriotic and disgraceful sign of disrespect towards our country, the veterans who have sacrificed so much for us, and those who risk their lives every day to protect our safety and freedom.

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This car runs entirely on the owners sense of self righteousness

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It's a Corolla, which doesn't come in hybrid form (I have another photo that shows the back of the car more clearly; didn't think it warranted posting).

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the 5 at St. B's? He was always good with the Latin. Homo non opus habet locum nisi puer sacerdotis infestare.

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Making light of young kids being sexually assaulted, you're fucking hysterical!

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"No homos need apply" about 2 feet away from that bedazzled had.

Can't fool me...

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Yes, that is clearly the car of a happy individual.

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The car of somebody who isn't very fond of what the Pope has to say about hating people you don't like.

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Not even the Pope believes that happiness is being a Catholic. That's like seeing Hallmark put out a "Happy Yom Kippur" card.

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So they took a phrase that symbolizes decades of Irish oppression in America and are using it to…insult another group. That is a remarkable lack of self-awareness.

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I'm sure somewhere in the Bible Jesus said 'No homos need apply.'

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When Jesus finished the Sermon on the Mount and the assembled throng started chanting "USA! USA! USA!"

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they could get some people to create a whole PARADE based on that!

Oh wait.

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Can "heteros" apply?

And what would they be applying for?

(That's not a sign. It's a T shirt on the head rest.)

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That is what Aramaic speaking Jesus said. I guess some people are still using Sir Egbert Cleary's 1918 Aramaic to English / English to Aramaic dictionary which has been proved to been wrong with a few words, idioms, and phrases.

By the way, nice umbrella. If this is a guy's car he may need to have a talk with his local haberdasher about the NO HOMO image projection being made here.

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Good point, Dave! Maybe the owner means, "No homos can apply an iron to my t shirt," or "No homos can apply to wear my tacky tshirt."

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Such as "No Sapiens Need Apply".

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But what about Habilis? Or ... dare we suggest ... Erectus?

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Of course.

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Waiting on the RMV to approve my pro-choice atheist plate.

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"My other car is the HMS Beagle"?

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Anything more divisive than a sports logo has no place on a government-issued license plate. They're for identifying cars, not a driver's soapbox.

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"Choose life" plate too

Did you expect a "choose homo" plate?

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"My Other Car is the Boston Herald Comments Section"

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This car sits near a certain corner on this street almost every day and is driven by the most obnoxious, self-righteous old bag I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. She gives *lovely* (note sarcasm) unsolicited parenting advice too.

This t-shirt is in reference to the St. Paddy's Day parade in Southie I think.

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If anyone ever deserved the C U Next Tuesday spray paint treatment....

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I have seen that car parked in Greenhills and have always wondered to whom it belonged. I may have to do a stake out. I imagine it is someone 60-70 y/o and has not even accepted Vatican II yet.

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To bad this "Happy Catholic" doesn't listen to the Pope.

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A person go to buy a "No homos need apply" pillow in Celtic script? I shudder to think.

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Some enterprising lad probably made a few bucks on those tees at the parade. Have to give true points for a well designed ironic new take on an old issue.

But don't get me wrong. I'm just talking design.
No points for discrimination or hatred.

One love people.

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Probably outside Fenway near the Jeter Swallows guy.

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"Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven."

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And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

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"Homos stay out. Holy rollers stay in!"

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Be careful not to practice your righteousness

I think she's got that part all sewn up.

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I hope he forgets and parks that hate mobile intown on gay pride day. I'm sure they will put their own stickers on it. Park that junk box in the driveway. No one wants to see it.

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Gov. Jan Brewer is taking her time deciding whether to sign AZ's new "Jim Crow for gays" law. Meanwhile, a poll of AZ GOP voters shows that they favor vetoing the bill by a 2:1 margin: http://azcapitoltimes.com/news/2014/02/25/poll-gop-voters-want-brewer-to...

Hard to imagine she would enshrine hatred in a state where even the Republicans she represents aren't in favor of that level of bigotry, but you never know with today's GOP: thanks to the tiny but loud and comfortably corporately financed Bagger contingent, crazy seems to be their default mode.

It will be a good day in America when frightened old bigots like the owners of this car finally age out of the population.

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The business community has been putting an enormous amount of pressure on Brewer to veto it. I wonder why that wasn't an issue in Kansas? I guess nobody goes to Kansas on business.

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I was thinking the same thing. Kansas just slipped under the radar on that one.

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On the other hand, Arizona has been on my organization's shit list for conferences and big meetings ever since they decided that they needed to be in the immigration enforcement business.

The last thing we want is for our staff, researchers, and other affiliates to be harassed by the goon squads when we have work to do.

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I spent six months in Kansas City last year and that's a popular pick for many conferences because it's a quick flight for most of the country and it's cheap. And now Missouri apparently has a bill similar to the Kansas and Arizona ones under consideration. Bleh, red states. I can't fathom how the small minority this panders to in any way mitigates the backlash they're going to get.

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... are not "a small minority" in most of the states passing this sort of legislative rubbish, alas.

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AZ has been on my list since '91.


Props to your group and you though.

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AZ has notoriously been in the hate biz since they decided to be the only hate I mean State to not celebrate the MLK federal holiday, and I believe they lost something in the neighborhood of $500 billion due to boycotts.

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The NFL has put Brewer on notice that they're watching what she does here. They already pulled one Super Bowl when AZ decided to abandon MLK Day as a holiday.

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The guy with the "No homos need apply" sign in the rear window of his car is inviting a possible car trashing, if one gets the drift.

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This car obviously belongs to the person who is the real life equivalent to Billy West's "Marge Schott" impression that was actually based off of Louise Day Hicks.

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Are you guys kidding me? Leave this woman/man alone! I understand you are from the liberal bubble of Massachusetts but don't tarnish the state of Arizona or this citizen because you don't agree with their beliefs. Citizens Connect is used for municipal requests, not for you to put this persons license plate, vehicle description and location on the web for ANYONE to see. You all have risked this person's well being because you don't believe in his/her beliefs. This is such hypocrisy, it's truly disgusting

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... that the state of Arizona doesn't need our help tarnishing their reputation. they seem to have handled that just fine on their own.

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Can you elaborate on each of the statements you've made? I'm not entirely sure I agree with all or some of them, but respect your right to say whatever.

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The use of Citizens Connect was plain silly, unless the car was parked illegally. Misuse of big-government resources. Someone gave away this persons license plate and car location for what purpose? Vigilantly justice? I am not saying I agree with his/her beliefs but did anyone consider that this person is from a time and place where the LGBT community was still being ostracized.

As for Arizona, again you are all making assumptions about a conservative state. How has Arizona tarnished its own reputation? This country is bigger than Massachusetts and believe it or not, people all over the country, not just Arizona, would agree with the "No Homos Need Apply". While not a commonplace here, it still exists as the photo shows us. My only problem with this whole thing is the license plate number and car location being reported. You "snitched" on one of your own neighbors only because you don't agree with their T-shirt. No laws broken or provocation against the reporter. And that for me is not neighborly, if not reckless and dangerous

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This was put on Citizens Connect, unreal! When I first saw this car, I found appalling and to be frank, ballsy! But, what will citizen's Connect do? I know a couple who lived on Ashmont St., had a large rainbow flag hanging from the 2nd story porch. At least 5x, someone came by and took it (from the 2nd story, they had to have climbed up), it was disgraceful. People need something better to do w/ their time. If you don't like/ agree with homosexuality, it is your problem, get over it or don't say anything at all.

I saw a truck flying the stars and bars earlier, should I post a pic on citizens connect?

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I agree that the note to Citizen's Connect is idiotic but otherwise, you're totally off-base. This nasty-minded old bag seems to have no issue making her opinions known--if she doesn't think sticking an anti-gay slur in the back window of her car may be provoking the folks around her, then maybe someone better give her a heads up.

As for Arizona...yeah, I think they've embarrassed themselves enough already. Though I really would have been curious to see how the sinner-test would have played out. No waffles for you, homos! None for you, adulterers...or fornicators, or those who don't observe the Sabbath or...hey--where'd everybody go?

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defending bigotry with some thin argument that a photo of their aggressive public display is somehow a violation of their privacy. Nobody is saying they don't have to the right to express their homophobic beliefs. That's protected by the First Amendment. What we're doing here is expressing our equally-protected First Amendment rights to say, "These people are hateful, backward a-holes."

I believe there are good people in Arizona, but the state is rapidly becoming a national joke as a magnet for racists, xenophobes, and now homophobes. If you don't like it, make sure your legislators know your views, and elect politicians that who recognize that enshrining bigotry is ugly, un-American, and bad for business.

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If it is a male, I would like to see where their eyes drift to in a public restroom.

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Homophobia is alive and well, particularly in the Catholic Church! Amen... PS -- Anyone who would put that T shirt in their window is simply a big-ole CLOSET CASE. p

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