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Another woman mugged near Roslindale Village train stop; neighbors hear screams, chase suspect

Happened around 9:20 p.m. on Tuesday on Conway Street. One Conway Street resident reports:

I heard a woman screaming, and yelling to call police, so I called 911. I didn't see it happen, but I did look out my window to see the mugger running up Conway Street, around the corner, towards Fairview. Police showed up pretty quickly, and did a thorough search of the whole area and talked to some folks who were out on the street.

Another resident reports:

People have chase. Whole neighborhood was out. Police ended up grabbing someone later. Hope it was the guy.

Last Thursday, another woman was robbed at knifepoint in the Citizens Bank parking lot on the other side of the commuter-rail station.

UPDATE: Boston Police report arresting a 14-year-old from Dorchester.

The victim stated that the suspect grabbed her from behind and demanded the victim give him her belongings all while brandishing a knife. A brief struggle ensued in which the suspect swung the orange handled knife at the victim and successfully stole the victim’s black Prada briefcase. The suspect then fled the scene in the direction of Fairview St. A short time later, officers observed an individual matching the description of the suspect in the area of Birch Street and Belgrade Avenue. The suspect was positively identified and officers were able to recover a knife from the suspect. Upon further investigation, one of the officers was able to recover the victim’s missing credit cards found in the space between the suspect’s cell phone and cell phone case.

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Have police provided any description of the guy? Considering that stuff like this never happens around here and there have been two muggings near the train station in the past month, it has to be the same guy. Time to catch him!

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he's lucky the neighbors didn't catch him. A bunch of people were out and chasing the guy - walking the neighborhood etc.

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Women need to be aware when walking anywhere in the city at night. Take out the headphones and be alert at all times. Rozzie is generally a very safe neighborhood but it only takes one punk to cause alarm. Maybe Tim McCarthy should organize a meeting for neighbors in the square? Increased police presence etc. We need more info - did they catch the guy or what? two violent armed robberies in the span of a week (in the same area) demands some action.

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women need to be aware

Men need to NOT ATTACK WOMEN!!! Blame the victim much??? You're a disgrace!

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Recommending caution is not blaming the victim!

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Maybe it's time to re-fill that prescription.

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Anon, first of all - settle down. I am simply stating that walking alone anywhere at night with headphones in your ears is not good street smarts - period.
Would you not agree that women need to be aware of their surroundings when walking alone at night - in fact everyone should? This perp is obviously a scumbag and I agree that he needs to be locked up for a long time. I think we are on the same side here pal.

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They are stating ot exercise caution not that it was her fault. I am a woman and feel that yes we should be able to walk around at anytime buck nekkid w/ ear buds in w/out worry of being attacked but that is just not the way the world works. We need to be aware of our surroundings and be smart and vigilant at all times. Does it suck? Yes. But it is a repsonsibility we have to adhere to..

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I was the woman who was attacked last night. I have lived in Rozzie for over 2 years and have never felt unsafe. I freely admit, I have made bad decisions and had headphones on and been walking out much much later at night in the past. But on this night, it was only about 9:30, I had no headphones on and thougth I was very aware of my surroundings. This kid came up out of thin air. Despite this terrible thing that happened, I have never been more proud to live in Roslindale/Boston than I did last night. After the man came after me with the knife and I started screaming, perfect strangers came running out of their houses to chase the guy. Two wonderful guys named Tim and Ricky chased him for 2 blocks and stayed out with me for hours with the police. Ricky did not have a coat on nor did he shoes on! He stood with me barefooot until the cops came, at least 20 minutes. The police were wonderful. Kind, compashionate and thorough. The did find the person and he is in custody.
I do not feel blamed from the prior comment. I was doing everything right last night, but there are plenty of nights I made dumb moves, because I felt I lived in a very safe part of town. We must all always be on the look out and be careful. And we should all strive to be as wonderful as my neighbors that came out to help me. Look out for each other. If something seems off, make it your business to make sure it is ok. And again to the wonderful Boston police department, thank you a thousand times over for looking out and protecting us every day.

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Sorry this happened to you, but glad your neighbors came out to help!

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Glad to hear you're alright - kudos to those guys.

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Shouldnt you tumblrinas be busy blogging for fat acceptance on craigslist?

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Perfecting your diy techniques somewhere else?

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Shouldn't you be busy playing in traffic?

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Usually when evening trains pulls in, there is a police car in the parking lot.

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he's been parking there for over a decade, however he's gone by 6:30 -7:00.

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Come for the litter, stay for the muggings!

It does sound like one person is likely responsible, hopefully they get the guy soon.

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Only an issue on Washington from Healy Field to the Hills, in other word by the projects. Which is typical around ALL projects in Boston.

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The BoA parking lot is a mess. I pick up discarded scratch tickets and empty liquor bottles of my driveway and sidewalk regularly.

Of course the biggest culprit is the Globe Direct. Someone should rent a truck to park at the farmers market where people can drop off their Globe Directs. Then the truck can be driven over to the Globe and the unwanted papers can be returned to their front yard.

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You mean the personal parking lot for "Tito's Landscaping".

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Currently live 'up the hill' near Poplar & Beech streets. There is a nice house for sale at the corner of washington & metropolitan. Never had an issue on washington or in the village but starting to think that I'm under-appreciating the quiet and little-foot-traffic street we have right now. I'd love to be closer to the village and bus/train but maybe I'm not factoring in everything that would be involved with a spot directly on washington street a few blocks from the village foot traffic. Thoughts? Advice?

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I've lived off the square for 10 years and we've never had any issues with crime. Noise has never been much of an issue either. We're closer to 'downtown' than where you're describing though. Not having to drive to get stuff is great. As noted in other posts, we have more issues with minor quality of life stuff.

Some people were arrested for dealing drugs at that intersection a few years back, but I don't think that's an ongoing thing.

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We moved from the top of the hill to a block from the square 12 years ago, and it is basically the difference between suburban and city life. I mean that in all respects, so it's noisier, a bit grittier, but also incredibly convenient. As for issues like crime, I believe that it is less likely where it might be witnessed. there are a lot of people out and about once you are within a few blocks of Adams Park, and I always feel safe. Having 10 bus lines instead of one is also a real plus.

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> Having 10 bus lines instead of one is also a real plus.

... and make us 50-riders cry. ;~}

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Thanks folks, have to admit one huge advantage is a bus other than the #50 which is great but infrequent!

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Rented for a few years up by Knoll/Walter and relocated closer to the square Roslindale Ave area
Being that much closer to the square made it a lot more walkable.
I love being only a few minutes from the library and Fornax and the rest of the stuff in the square.
The area has only gotten better over the past few years

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14 year old from Dorchester robbing women in Roslindale. Well done BPD.


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