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Dedham cop may have helped out in kidnapping of man now believed dead

The Globe reports the cop is charged with lending his badge and handcuffs to one of three men charged with kidnapping an Avon resident on Jan. 1.

The man to whom Dedham Officer Michael Schoener allegedly lent his equipment, James Feeney of Dedham, already had a long criminal record.



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How many more Officer Schoeners are there across the state, and the nation?

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i was in a dunkin donuts near my office in stoneham and a stoneham cop walked in, mentioned how his back hurt/had back problems, then removed his gun/utility belt and handed it to a patron saying 'feel how heavy this thing is'

obviously not in the same vein at all as what happened here but it was still kind of a wtf moment

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This is most likely the same cop that will improperly store his firearm at home too. Probably won't even lock it up.

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Im sure conspiracy charges are pending...... just kidding, two weeks paid vacation?

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In other news, the mass legislature just voted to exempt the privately owned firearms of off-duty and retired police officers from the state Assault Weapons Ban.

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One could argue that police officers constitute a "well regulated militia", given the militarization of civilian police in this country.

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As full time employees of the state they aren't militia. Constables yes.

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..was said to be fairly loose.

Militia attendance was like jury duty except everyone got drunk and pretended to drill.

They voted for their officers and just as readily fired them. Lincoln was voted in as a militia commander in Illinois but when his charges disagreed they gave him a wooden sword and laughed at him.

It was as if well regulated was more of an aspiration.

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"everyone got drunk and pretended to drill"

anyone in the National Guard pre-9/11?

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Back then "well regulated" meant "practiced" or "drilled". The framers wanted to make clear that everyday citizens would have the ability to train as a group to function effectively as a fighting force. Allowing citizens to be armed, but not train to together, let alone at all, wouldn't make for a very effective militia.

After a decade or so this degenerated into the men in town getting together for drill consisting of drinking heavily, foolish physical stunts disguised as drills, and feats of strength/marksmanship rewarded with frivolous ranks. This is why the army always performed miserably at the outset of wars. The training and drilling by the state militias and individuals was so lax that when the need arose for real fighting -no real "minutemen" were ready for prime time.

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I made an interesting discovery on a photo walk through Magazine Beach in Cambridge last year.

The gunpowder magazine dates back to the Jefferson administration and was a physical expression of well regulated militia. https://flic.kr/p/oAiNkh

While people were allowed to own firearms with minimal fuss, gunpowder distribution was more carefully controlled.

I'm guessing that it was a safety hazard if citizens were allowed large quantities in their homes in a time when open flame was the main source for lighting and cooking.

So if you needed gunpowder, you went down to the magazine to draw your ration to keep in a powder horn for when you wanted to go hunting.

Somerville has one too in Powderhouse Park.

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True, true. Since we are living the 18th century and all.

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