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Trumpland, MA: Teens arrested on hate-crime charges after allegedly beating a woman with an accent on the Red Line

Three 15-year-olds told a woman on the Red Line to go back to her own country before one of them began beating her with her fists and a phone as the train traveled between Savin Hill and Andrew the day before the election last week, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

Two of the teens were arraigned last week on charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and civil rights violation causing injury. The third was arraigned on the same charges on Monday, the DA's office reports, adding the woman was treated at the scene for facial swelling, but declined a trip to the hospital.

Two are from Dorchester; one from Mattapan, the DA's office says, adding a break in the case came after Transit Police detectives showed a photo a witness had taken to Boston Public Schools officials - all are BPS high-school students.

According to the DA's office:

The 49-year-old victim boarded a Red Line train at Savin Hill Station at approximately 7:40 a.m. on Nov. 7. The defendants were also on board the train and began to verbally harass her, mocking the woman’s accent and English proficiency, and telling her to “go back to [her] own country,” prosecutors said. When the woman attempted to leave her seat, the group allegedly blocked her to prevent her from moving. One of them, prosecutors said, repeatedly punched and struck her in the face with a cell phone.

A witness pressed the train’s emergency call button to report the assault at Andrew Station. MBTA Transit Police responded to the scene and spoke to witnesses who corroborated the distraught victim’s account. One witness described the group as “celebrating” once they left the train.

All three were released to their parents on condition they stay away from each other, the victim and witnesses, the DA's office says.



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Did they have trump hats on or something?

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This is the first such incident I've reported on since the election that really didn't have any direct, immediate connection to Trump - there are no allegations in the press release I got from the DA's office that they were yelling "Make America Great Again!" or waving a Trump banner or anything like that.

I decided to use the Trumpland tag because of the timing and nature of the act. Obviously, I have no clue what was going through their heads, but given that it happened at the end of an incredibly contentious election and given that the winning candidate from the outset was an anti-foreign racist, I thought it made sense.

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The day before the election we were still living in Clintonland, remember?

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But whatever it was, we were living in it in August, 2015, too, and yet that didn't stop those two brothers from South Boston.

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But you can at least link the brother's attack to Trump because they used that as a feeble defense when caught. There's NOTHING linking this to ANYTHING other than these 3 girls being assholes. It didn't happen because of Trump rhetoric, or people thinking it's now ok to assault others (especially since, you know, he hadn't actually been elected when it happened). It's a weak attempt on your part.

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You assume facts not In evidence -- similar to stereotyping. Presumably, that's due to your political preference.
An equally valid assumption is that these were delinquents who picked on easy target.
You made a bad call on this one.

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I love how the Trump apologists pretend there is no connection between these racist attacks and Trump's rhetoric which has been going on throughout the presidential race.

These attacks are not happening in a vacum.

And they are not "planted" by people paid by Soros.

We live in a country that has an ugly underbelly of hate and racism and it's all bubbling up now.

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Adam? love you and UHUB but this is REALLY a stretch.

Do we have any indication of the race of the offenders? Do we have any indication of their allegiance to TRUMP (last I checked, Dorchester and Mattapan were not Trump/Republican strong-holds. Not sure why Trump needs to be jammed into this story.

Not denying that racism exists, or that both sides are freely expressing plenty to each other right now. But I think this is WAY off the mark - and further falling the flames.

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See my answer above, and MC Slim JB's comment below: We're now living in a different environment than two years ago, where racist misogynists get elected president and appoint same to key positions. It's a really freeing experience for people who used to fear the consequences for being racists, not so good for the rest of us.

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have been getting elected president in this country for a long time???

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I think you need to dial this one back. I'm very wary of too much crying-wolf on this Trump stuff, whether it's false accusations, inventing events that didn't happen or here, equating what's most likely three black girls attacking an immigrant on the train with Trump-endorsed white-power crap. I'm not saying it's not shitty, but this kind of bullying has been happening since time immemorial in Boston and elsewhere. We're going to have enough stuff to file under Trumpland--I'd go slow before tossing every interracial incident into that box.

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Like the busing crisis or Jim Crow South. Or McCarthyism. Not all acts committed during these periods were directly related to the immediate laws or people being referenced. More of the political atmosphere and culture.

It's certainly plausible to me, as a student of history, that black girls could be feeling more anti-immigrant due to the rhetoric Trump has embraced and used. And maybe more racist as well?

Not too crazy for them to perhaps wonder how bad can being racist be if it can help get you elected president.
And I have a feeling if I were black and seeing a bunch of white nationalist bullshit being tolerated I'd probably be feeling a little black power. Just saying

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          United we stand — Divided we'll fall

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I have a hard time imagining a trio of black girls from Dorchester and Mattapan feeling empowered by Trump. But I've lived here my whole life and trust me--group X beating up on Group Y is nothing new. Racism is nothing new. Black kids and white kids in Dorchester beating up on Asians is nothing new. It all sucks but again--I find the Trump connection very tenuous.

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Including recently and also attended public schools in the 70's and 80's. I know Boston and Dot racism quite well.

The girls might have felt disempowered not empowered. Threatened people can lash out. It's human nature to be clannish and tribal.

The girls could be oblivious to all of this rhetoric or they could be quite tuned in via social media.

Doesn't matter to me. Call it Bannonland if you like. I see an America with Trump, Pence, Sessions and their beliefs ascendant as a less civil and tolerant country. And more anti-immigrant and violently discriminatory.

We all live in Trumpland now.

Anyways, I wish the woman well and hope the kids can be taught the error of their ways.

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His fists?

The three 15 year-olds were female.

No word if they were for or against Trump but it is VERY clear this happened the day before the election (cue ominous music).

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Thanks for pointing out the mistake. As for why I used a Trumpland tag, see my answer above.

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With education comes dignity. Too bad these losers don't have either of those.

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How long are you going to keep tying every incident like this to Trump, regardless of any evidence?

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Thanks for reminding me: I set up a Trumpland, MA page to collect all the reports of criminal acts and other nonsense related to the Nov. 8 election - going back to those two brothers who said Mr. Trump inspired them to beat up that sleeping guy outside JFK/UMass (you do remember those charming fellows, no?).

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How is this one "related to the Nov. 8 election"?

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See my answer above.

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eighteen months whipping up anti-immigrant bigotry?

Truly, it is hard to imagine how anyone would connect such an attack to Trump.

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anti ILLEGAL immigration, the two are very different.

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We're talking about a man who wanted to ban all Muslims, legally allowed in the country or not, and who expressed an interest in making them all do the 21st century equivalent of sewing yellow stars to their clothes.

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Adam...I'm starting to worry about you.

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If only it weren't a crock.

But ya know what? I don't care. I stopped caring what anonymous people think about me a long time ago.

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...Muslims would like sewing yellow stars on their burkhas...

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Trump is only against illegal immigration for brown people. He is married to an immigrant who worked in America illegally, after all.

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And pictures to prove it!

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Waiting for paperwork. An excuse? No, but let's look at the whole picture. She should have waited, then you wouldn't have a thing to say about it.

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Lol, just kidding. I might have been born at night but it wasn't last night.

And for the record, she seems like the only decent person in the whole pack of pissers surrounding this scumbag.

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And ordered to stay away from each other. Wow. Harsh.

But seriously, 15 year olds who (allegedly) commit assaults and hate crimes, then celebrate, shouldn't be given a time-out. How about jail till bail?

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As these 3 are juveniles there history is sealed. So if they have never been arrested before then they might not have set a bail. Studies show that they have a better chance of never doing something like this again if they kept out of detention.

Obviously this is horrific and it would feel better if we knew they would be punished. But the best result for the safety of the public is to make sure these girls graduate from high school.

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Yet, at 7:40 am on a Monday, I know there'd be many other people on the train. We don't often make a lot of eye contact with strangers on a subway car, but when a passenger (or passengers) start behaving in a menacing way, I try to look around the car and make eye contact with other people.

You can tell a lot about how people feel in such situations, just by looking at their faces. It's possible to make a silent connection, knowing other people are alerting to what's going on — reflecting back at you in agreement, they don't like what's going on either.

I feel lucky that it's never escalated so far, where I'd need to make a decision to intervene. But I sense that if I did, I'd have support from at least some of my fellow passengers. I know I wouldn't be able to stand by and watch something like this unfold.

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I used to work downtown and would take the Red Line. The ride to work was an eye opener.

I remember 4 middle aged women beating the crap out of each other at about 7:30am on the train. Imagine the crew from House wives of South Boston and you get the picture.

Everyone else just looked at each other like "same shit different day".

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          ( I hope 3 teenagers assaulting an older woman never is! )

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Neither is normal where I come from.

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That could cause permanent disability, before police can arrive.

And at any moment, one of the teens could finish it by pulling a knife and stabbing several times, before anyone could react.

If bystanders intervene at the point of someone getting a beatdown by a group of teens, at risk to their own personal safety, using only minimal necessary bare-handed force, will the bystanders still be risking A&B charges here?

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Is that why no one intervened?

1. I have grown to hate comments that imply criticism of hypothetical events. Let's discuss stuff that actually happened.

2. Years ago I was jumped on the T. The person created an illusion that we were arguing and attacked when I turned my head. I think this is why no one helped right away.

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I saw this story and was wondering what I can do if I see something like that happen.

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If you don't think that you can stop it, record it. It makes justice ultimately more likely.

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The trick with a 3 on one situation is to cripple one before anything really gets going. If you can't, there's no shame in running rather than sticking around to take a beating.

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Trump won. Time to let it go Adam.

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I've set my watch to November, 2020. That work for you? Good.

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The new president hasn't actually been elected yet — that will take place on December 19th

Considering the way the election was sullied at the last minute by the Giuliani entangled FBI, the Electoral College would have justification to invoke their Constitutional option to vote for a different candidate. This provision was included for situations when a popularly elected person would be catastrophic for the nation. Like it or not, that's part of the system too.

A president should surround themselves with the best and the brightest — so far, the president-elect is choosing people who are the worst and the least informed. It will indeed be a catastrophe if these people are put in positions of great power.

There's a Change.org petition. Of course, it has no actual effect, but it shows the idea has the support of many people.

No one can deny this has been an extremely unusual presidential election — don't count out anything happening! It's not time to lose all hope quite yet.

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Hate to break it to ya champ, but there's a hard zero percent chance of your dreams coming true. Despite your opinions about a sullied election he won fair n square; albeit by saying some pretty foul things to get votes from people who I personally think should be wiped off the face of the earth, but fair nonetheless considering their votes count just as much as ours. These not-so-isolated incidents (predominantly) post-election represent the sad irrationality of a minuscule portion of Trump voters. Big business elected Trump, women elected Trump, average Joe's elected Trump. In addition, his ability to be a much more proficient liar than Hillary (which is saying ALOT) was crucial, but quite frankly if by now we aren't used to politicians lying, over-exaggerating, or downplaying during an election to get votes, then let's join together as one and set a world record for the largest group *face palm* ever. If the electoral college were to change the results of the election this country would be brought to the brink of civil war. There's been enough hate cast forth by both sides already, lets chill the fuck out and move on with our lives. You have 2 choices: give him a chance or run for office and do everything you can to prevent his policies from impacting you and those you care about. Stop protesting democracy like a bunch of dimwitted hypocrites and focus on issues that we can impact locally with or without the help of some miserable shitgibbon in the Whitehouse.

Rant complete, cheers.

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"This provision was included for situations when a popularly elected person would be catastrophic for the nation"
Not quite sure that's strictly true...

Anyway, in 2004 the Yankees scored 45 home runs in the series versus Boston's 41.
Yet, the Sox won the Stanley Cup because it won more games. See? That's called 'the rules'.
Trump won. Period. Any shenanigans with the Electoral College would be counter-productive.
Don't think they ain't trying. These poor electors are getting the shit doxxed out of them, some getting 200 calls a day and all cell phone numbers given out, family members, too.
Yup. There's no asshole like a pissed off leftie asshole.

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Or did you really just say the Sox won the Stanley Cup? Wat?

To the both of you, sure, he won the competition fair and square based on the way our elections work now. However, it's not to say that the methodology we use in the US is the best for picking a candidate. For example, many people are advocating for instant run-off voting as a better means. I'm not personally versed on it to be for it or against it, but let's not try to pretend that the rules of our elections are forever set in stone. That would be stupid and antithetical to what our government and even constitution were* meant to be.

*Edited for typo.

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The Constitution allows the Electoral College to vote for a different candidate than they were originally designated to. That's the law — it's part of the system whether you like it or not.

The fact Rudy Giuliani is about to be put in one of the most powerful positions of government, when there is a serious cloud of suspicion his fingers were manipulating the FBI to affect the election is beyond troubling!

James Comey's statements in the last days before the election, very likely pushed voters over the edge against Mrs. Clinton. It's reasonable to assume Giuliani's connections within the agency were actively working against her for much longer than that.

Giuliani lies, twists, and distorts the truth to his advantage. If you don't want to take my word for it, perhaps this is a news source you trust:
   ( he only admitted he was wrong after confronted with pictorial evidence )

Here's more of Giuliani's views on America— in his own words— over the past several years:

One of the most frightening is this, from nine years ago when he was trying to run for president directly:

So if this war-mongering maniac trampled on our democracy to gain control of it himself, does that not rise to the level of treason? If ever there was a reason for the Electoral College to invoke their Constitutional power, is it not something like this?

Don't forget, Mr. Trump won't be running the country, it will be all the evil people like Rudy Giuliani he's putting in power!

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Let's not forget the John Bolton possibility:

This kook is calling for regime change in Iran as the only solution. WTF?!?

Because that has worked so well in the ME in the past...

It doesn't seem real.

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1) Why does anyone think we have a choice but to "give him a chance"? I keep hearing this, often as a way of placating or benignly dismissing expressions of dissent. In some cases (note: not in the post above) it comes off as a dismissive pat on the head, a la run along now, little Suzie..... The R party & country did give him a chance - through what we call an election. He won*. No matter how individual opinions of the outcome vary, he's the pres-elect now. So of course he has a chance, except that it's called a "term" & it will last 4 years. Possibly even more years, pending whether he makes it that long, & beyond that, whether he earns another "chance".

*(Yes, I know about the EC option to vote otherwise, but I don't see that happening. And I admit I somewhat fear what may happen if that were to occur. Am I paranoid, or a realist? Doesn't really matter...)

2) Protesting = exercising rights to free speech & assembly. Since when does the act of protesting suggest that those protesting are "not accepting" the results? They know the results.... that's what so many people are protesting.

I just don't see the purpose of mis-characterizing protests on either side of the apparent divide as acts of ignorance or delusion, excepting of course those assemblies which encourage violence or hatred, turn to rioting, etc. (A riot is not a protest, any more than incitement is a given aspect of protest.)

This insistence that protestors "won't accept" the results seems like either ignorance or a scary non-acceptance of some of our most fundamental rights. The poster above recommends "stop protesting democracy" - but really they're just exercising rights to protest results. Seriously asking here: what's wrong with that? You may not do it, I haven't done it, but if people do it, why does it get under so many people's skin? I love that some of us still do that - it's scary to think what it would mean if protesting went away...

Last, 3) I think "Not my president!" as a slogan has run its course. I get that you didn't vote for him - neither did I - but he's the pres-elect now. So that particular point may be too finely honed to be useful - especially given that for now it's at best misleading & ripe for ridicule. As of 1/20/17, it will be just plain wrong.

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The president-elect is already making some of the worst choices possible for his cabinet and circle of advisors.

Even Victoria Jackson questioned whether it was a good idea to let the cat drive.

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Because you might be looking at November 2024!

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my new preferred superpower

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Trump won, so it's OK to beat people up because of their accents? Think about how that's going to work out for Bostonians visiting the South.

The thing is, if one group loses their civil rights, any other group can lose them also, including Trump fans.

Bigotry is stupid. Please try to not act stupid.

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This happened before Trump won.

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The day before. Following a year-long campaign by an anti-immigrant racist.

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Let go of the fact that Russian operatives had influence on our election and Trump made sure to call Putin after he won? Let go of the fact that Trump's top advisor is a known anti-semite and homophobe? Let go of the fact that Trump is banning the press from covering his movements? Let go of the fact that Trump's people want to start registering legal residents of the US using the Japanese internment camps as precedent? I hope those of you who think this man is our future are ready to let go of freedoms you take for granted when they start getting taken away from you.

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Near as I can tell, you're the only voice in our little blue oasis who is actually cataloguing the inevitable outcome of electing Orange Julius Caesar. SPLC is cataloguing things nationally, but it's important for pwople to realize that anywhere there is Trump-ism, no one is safe. A week ago, every one of these posts was met with the usual suspects insisting it's a false flag operation, or whatever bullshit du jour they're slinging. Now it's quickly becoming apparent just what we've elected and what it means, even here.

You've also reminded me that I'm past due for the annual UHub voluntary subscription fee. You're doing great work.

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Not every idiot's crime or inconsiderate statement is Trump's fault. Documenting them is fine and good but let's not pretend their occurrences are tied to his election. They happened before, will happen now, and will happen after his Presidency.

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We had hate crimes long before Nov. 8, and we'll unfortunately have them long after. But see my answer above as to why I included this incident.

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I think i wont be reading this site as frequently, its rather sad Adam that this is what you have resorted to.

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The Web is an amazing place. I'm sure you'll find a site better suited to your tastes.

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I am not a very active poster on this site so no one will ever note my absence. I would often suggest this site to my neighbors in JP or to my friends elsewhere who really want to know what is happening in Boston. I would include in my recommendation that while I often hold different opinions from the guy who runs the site, he is a real journalist. I am sure I will check back in when I see helicopters flying about but at least for now I will take UH off my toolbar, out of my morning routine etc. Thank you for all the excellent work you have done, in covering local news, government and providing an interesting place to visit.

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Nobody seems to be disputing that Adam's the best source for local news, and he's pulled out all the stops reporting the hate crimes that have just-so-coincidentally spiked in the nine days since we elected Cheeto Benito, but you object so strongly to his attempting to categorize them under a common name so that people can find them when they search that you're going to rage-quit reading the site?

I am beginning to understand how Trump won.

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Amen brother . already done!

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Buh bye.

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Could a Trump administration kill the Green Line extension?


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You know despite their bluster, the anon trolls will come right back. They can't help themselves. Meanwhile those of us who value your work will keep coming back too, so we can keep them in check. From some of your comebacks today, I can tell you've adopted the same post election attitude as me: I'm done with playing nice.

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i find myself in agreement with you, despite not voting for trump nor being remotely interested in calling him the leader of my country.

nobody here will miss my bullshit, and thats fine, but that doesnt change the fact that on my end im seeing what i saw as a valuable resource get tarnished.

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how? by more news being reported? i'm confused..

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when one of the alleged perps is a 15 year old girl from mattapan

that isnt news, or a fact. for a factlover.

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You crap all over this site on a regular basis, and you call it "tarnished" by the reporting of hate crimes?

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i explained exactly why i feel it is tarnished.

feel free to read it, or don't, and continue to post willfully ignorant of the truth of what i say, as you're wont to do.

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It is seemingly as subjective as what you said weren't "facts", above.

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i wasnt very clear with what i meant about things not being facts, ill grant that. what i should have said is that theres nothing to substantiate the 'trumpland' remark based on what we know.

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Perhaps we're not looking at causation here but to me it doesn't pass the smell test to at least not be correlated. You might say the popular vote won that it's correlated while the electoral college decided it was neither.

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That one of them was from Mattapan, I'd say there's about a 95% chance that those aren't the droids, errr, I mean hate crime, you're looking for.

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People, um, of a darker complexion don't like Trump, or so we are told (and polling supports this.) These school kids who most likely are of a darker complexion beat up an immigrant, and PRESTO, they are inspired by Trump.

I'll give it this, Trump's rhetoric definitely has stirred up some hateful feelings in people, and all of this is wrong, but saying that these kid are from "Trumpland" is a bit of a stretch.

Oh, and it is a hate crime regardless of their allegiance to any Presidential candidate. They gave her a beating based on her national origin. That shit's just wrong.

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"X" who most likely are "Y"

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They are juveniles, so rightly their names, addresses, and photographs will not be made public. That leads us to make assumptions, and yes, I know what happens if one assumes. They were school girls from Mattapan and Dorchester. Were the trio from West Roxbury, a different set of assumptions would be made, but the narrative of angry white folk probably doesn't apply in this case.

And to be abundantly clear, regardless of race, this is a horrible story.

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They don't have to be Trump supporters to participate in the toxic behavior he worked so hard to encourage. Trumpland is a nasty place, where rude, hostile, and violent activities are explicitly endorsed.

Also, just because he's going to be President doesn't mean we all have to quietly submit to the barbarism he has called forth.

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This happened in Obamaland.

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I have reservations about him (to the point that I found myself praying for him as I went to bed last night), but seeing the left completely lose their shit over this election almost makes me wish I had voted for him.

You guys went from dire warnings of doom and gloom and an army of Trumpkins mounting an armed insurrection over a Hillary win to making some headway in preparing for your own rebellion ("not my president," "abolish the electoral college," "fuck Trump") so fast I tend to think your inner ears haven't equilibrated yet, and of course, every nasty thing that anyone anywhere says or does is now Trump's fault.

If that's how you act when you've lost, it makes me that much more glad your candidate didn't win. Even the tea party at the height of the Obamacare push did not flip out with anywhere near the venom I'm seeing here.

The irony would be delicious, but we all still have to live with each other.

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If the reality of repeated attacks on people because they are different bothers you.

Actually it should - you are in complete denial if you think you are not and will not be a target of this.

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People have been telling me to go back where I came from since I was that kid in your class with an accent. They've also been telling me to go fuck myself, come out of the closet and stop hiding my white hood, come out of the closet and admit I'm a little gay, and whether or not I've stopped beating my wife yet.

Many times on this forum. Many of them in your posts, as a matter of fact.

But you know what? I'm a fucking adult with perspective and the ability to prevent bad words from giving me bad dreams. Crypto nativists like you that dress their disdain for anyone not of their blood with faux concern for the well being of the poor, downtrodden and helpless minority don't really make me scared for my personal safety any more than the average man on the street does.

Good day and go hump a rusty length of pipe.

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Yah. Right. Something tells me that you never had to shove newspaper in a wall to keep the drafts out ... or go fishing for your dinner. (and I mean ACTUALLY go fishing to get dinner). My concern for others comes from an UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT IT IS LIKE TO GROW UP POOR. To see my mother's teeth rot out. To see my father go without health care, and for both to die too young because of it.

I've earned my fucking privilege, dear. Nobody ever gave my family housing and jobs or any of the sort of help that yours got. Unlike these idiots who think refugees and immigrants make great scapegoats, however, I got an education and I worked for it and I know the larger picture that led to that largess that made it possible for you to be the retrograde all-American asshole that you are today.

Should one of these trumptwits decide that you aren't a "real American", however, your steaming pile of arrogance and entitlement will be your undoing. Let's hope someone films your whining.

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I'm not educated enough to count how many times you've declared me not a legitimate American (for not being socialist enough, no less!), but I am pretty sure that I'm still here.

Thank you for your service and go fuck yourself.

Edit: And while we're crying out our suffering to each other. Did you ever have to help your old man dig an outhouse when you were a kid? Did you ever have to carry water back two miles from the only well in town that wasn't contaminated? Did your family ever have to scale back their expectations about where they could live, where they could send their kids to school, what kind of jobs they could hold just because of their last names?

Go take your first world problems and screw 'em on the end of that rusty pipe.

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We no longer let in certain types of refugees from certain countries like you suggest.

And throw back the ungrateful ones.

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Now, I might not get the nuances of liberal ways of thinking, but I believe the idea de jour is that you were born privileged in the trailer park because you were white, and any success you've had in life is derived not from hard work but on the oppression of nonwhite people in this nation. Just like all those people in Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania who voted for Trump did so due to their racism, not because they look around and see a nation that has forgotten them.

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Pennsylvania who voted for Trump did so due to their racism, not because they look around and see a nation that has forgotten them.

Yes, they belive the goverment had forgotten them in a quest to help immigrants, minorities, and the urban poor. Many of Trumps supporters were simply anti-Clinton for reasonable and unreasonable reasons but you are fooling yourself if you think the subtext of Trump's win wasn't a repudiation of the support many see for those different from themselves.

It's the classic, "If I'm unhappy, you should be unhappy too" mentality.

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And a validation of my sarcasm about "white privilege." While yes, it is true that most white people do very well and yes, there is a level of societal racism that really screws minorities, the idea that someone born dirt poor in a trailer park in Oregon or that was raised in the Rust Belt, where the good paying jobs for average folk have been exported, is somehow "privileged" due to the color of their skin is laughable.

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what is even going on here guys

pls, wait for me before we start settin the whole place on fire, sheesh

sometimes a rusty pipe is just a cigar. wait, i did that wrong. ah well.

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There were some racist undertones in there... err, wait... I meant sexist... no wait, you're a demagogue and a xenophobe and a misogynist and an Islamaphobe...... no wait, you're (insert your favorite liberal buzzword(s) I may have missed)......yeah, all of the above...

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Xenophobia, misogyny, et al are just buzzwords? They're not real things? Are you trying to say a blanket ban on Muslims immigrating to the US is not textbook xenophobia and it's all just liberal crybabies? Sounds like you're clutching your pearls, to be honest. Sorry about your feels, I thought you just wanted people to tell it like it is.

If anything else, it's just a weak deflection.

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Of course they're real things when used accurately. They become buzzwords when the left continuously takes out their paintbrush and blindly brushes people with these terms for reasons I'm unable to comprehend.

If you did not vote D, you're all of those words. If you don't comprehend the liberal ideology, you're some if not all of those words. It's like the boy who cried wolf, I'm embarrassed for them. I lost count how many times I've seen these situations over the years.

Thanks for apologizing for my "feels"by the way. That was touching.

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But listen, if you don't want "liberals" to paint republicans or right-wingers or Trump voters with a broad brush, maybe you should practice what you preach, else you reap what you sew.

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I'm not looking to stop people from having fun.... go ahead and paint away if it improves your "feels." I was only making a few observations on the subject.

Happy painting all!

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If you can name three faults of three prominent members of the Democratic party that don't amount to "they're not left enough" then you won't get painted with the "all the dems are pinko-commie-SJW-nuts" brush by me. Otherwise, comrade pot is calling comrade kettle bla--err not red enough.

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Since the election have there been any reports of pro-left wing violence against the stereotypical "trump land" voters?? This is a serious question as everyone benefits when both sides to any given story are reported by the unbiased press...

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And I mean in the Boston area, which is what I cover (note to my devoted fans on the right: You can angrily pound out all the urgent links you want about the Chicago thing, I'm not going to post a single one; ditto for links to other things that didn't happen in the Boston area).

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incidents that have absolutely nothing to do with anything Trump-related.

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For why I used the Trumpland tag on this.

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Adam--do you know the races of the victim and the harassers?

I despise Trump.

But the sad part is I have see black teenagers taunt Asian people on that stretch of the Red Line several times over the last few years. Certainly, not as bad as this more recent incident, but I've seen them thrown food at Asian kids and paper at a middle-aged Asian man (the latter was bad enough that other passengers reported it and tried to make the teenagers stop). I also have seen white kids taunt Asian people in South Boston with very nasty racial epithets. These incidents happened (circa 2010-2014) long before Trump got popular or was much in the news. So I'm not sure if the title is fair--it insinuates these things happened because of Trump and before Trump's run, bad things didn't really happened. Not true in my experience...

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Based on where the teens are from, I can certainly guess. But just because somebody is not white doesn't mean they're immune to the general anti-immigrant hatred that our president elect spent more than a year stirring up.

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Years ago I saw a bunch of white kids at Andrew Station armed with 2x4s with nails in them beat the crap out of a black kid, who they singled out for reading a book.
1 year ago I saw some black kids in my Dorchester neighborhood taunting an Asian kid and his mother with racist slurs.
Maybe these kids in this latest incident were black, maybe they were not. I don't know. It doesn't matter
The point is that for the first time in my life we have a major presidential candidate, now president elect who enables this kind of behavior. Trump and his allies have enabled, promoted, and encouraged racist and sexist violence. The incidents are increasing, and have been increasing during and after the election. Unfortunately I believe things will get much worse.
i think it is fair to include this incident under the umbrella of Trumpland.

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This has nothing to do with Trump. Misleading headline, making things worse.

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Three black girls use their obamaphone to beat up a United States citizen who immigrated from China and this gets blamed on Trump.

I bet there is a Chinese proverb for this sort of thing... or maybe a relevant quote that the kids of today can relate to. Do they still allow LBJ quotes to be used without fear of arrest?

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There is no such thing as an Obamaphone, never was.The program you haved named Obamaphone was started during the first Bush administration. Facts continue to have a liberal bias, now more than ever,

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At least that site is honest enough (pesky FTC rules!) to post this disclaimer at the bottom:

ObamaPhone.com is not affiliated with any department of the US government, the FCC, or the Lifeline phone program

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I was careful to never state it was affiliated with any department of the US government, the FCC or the Lifeline phone program.

The obamaphone you refer to is the same obamaphone I am referring to. It exists per the website you referred to:

From the obamaphone website FAQ:

Who Started the Obama Phone?
It’s an undisputed fact that Safelink Wireless offered the first free government cell phone in Tennessee in 2008, but don’t let the year confuse you. Barack Obama was not elected President until November of that year, but that first free government cell phone was given out three months earlier during the Bush administration.

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You're dancing around a term that has no connection to the actual story being reported, and then being coy when asked what you're talking about. Grownups are trying to have a conversation here. Either explain why you characterized these three as having "obamaphones," (which is a marketing ploy from a discount wireless service, that you're sort-of-but-not-really-trying to use as a dogwhistle for them receiving public assistance) and why that has anything to do with them assaulting someone for being an immigrant, or leave the conversation.

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The Trumpland thugs used an obamaphone to assault the US citizen who immigrated from China.

Mentioning the obamaphone was not a characterization. Saying the thugs are Trumpland thugs is a characterization.

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Satire, it's tough to do via text.

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How else would you know the victim's background? Except usually people in law enforcement, at least in Boston, have a better grip on the facts and don't make up stuff like "obamaphones." Tsk.

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How else would you know the victim's background?

A short list of those who probably know the victim's background:

Court clerk
DA office employee
Legal secretary
Sooper internets slooth with mad leet googles and hackerz skillz

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Which one are you, coddah? Or are you just making it up as you go?

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Tiresome? What are you... some sort of Disney villain?

I would be on the long list. I cannot risk my livelihood over this sort of thing. Geez.

Happy the people whose annals are tiresome - Charles de Secondat

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Or is your boss happy with you posting comments during working hours? If he's not, you might already be risking your livelihood over this sort of thing.

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I said livelihood, not job.

Pay attention.

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I said livelihood, not job, too!

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This horrendous crime happened over a week ago why wasn't the riding public notified?
The story has died a quick demise why? Not one city leader or state leader has expressed their outrage of this brutal attack on a female immigrant. No condemnation from local religious leaders and community activists. There has to be more to this story.

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This is not the first incident on the T.

I reported here on UHUB what I witnessed on a Green Line train back on Nov 10 when riding from Kenmore to Park. Two young white men, possibly slightly inebriated - maybe not - singled out a couple of people on the car who were brown-skinned and asked if they were Mexican.

They then exclaimed that in a couple of months they were being shipped back. Taunting continued on and off over several stops.

I was just behind the train operator and he was talking to another passenger who was feeding him info on what his mirror could not see. He was about to stop the train and kick these yahoos off when they got off on their own.

To their credit, the passengers being confronted did not react.

We have been seeing on TV about the incidents in Natick, and even in some schools.

Regardless of any direct association with the President-Elect, the atmosphere is empowering these people to act out. His appointments of known white supremacist-connected people has aided this.

Whether these kids were thinking they were having some fun by capitalizing on current events, or if they were mimicking what they heard at home is of concern.

We should all be concerned regardless of what side of the fence we may be on here. This could lead to a nationwide problem... a serious one.

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So let me get this straight...
3 female teens from Massachusetts...
1. Hillary easily won Massachusetts.
2. It's a fairly safe bet that these are not trump supporters, nor will they vote for him in 2020.
3. Boston was the site of one of our most recent acts of terrorism, with the marathon bombings. A wound that has been reopened recently with the new move Patriots Day.

If you're going to blame anyone, blame the tsaranev brothers for this attack

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Which makes the various incidents we've had - starting last August with the Leader brothers at JFK/UMass - all the more disappointing. Most of us are better than that; unfortunately, we're now in an environment where some people think it's OK to let loose with their inner hatreds.

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bigoted, ignorant, stupidly finger-pointing state of mind -- not a physical place. As someone else pointed out, Trump got a few votes here, but even if he hadn't, his hate-and-rage-shower has been pissing down our airwaves steadily for 18 months. More than a few locals have clearly soaked some of it up.

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We need to bring the super-predators to heel. - Donald Trump Hillary Clinton

I see that the attackers were from the Trump strongholds of Mattapan and Dorchester. Trumpland indeed. What are their race(s)? Keep it up Adam. I'm convinced that President-elect Trump's win had as much to do with the distrust of the media and their 91% negative coverage of Trump as it did with Hillary's corruption and Trump's platform. The media have become a not so hidden jewel for conservatives. I for one, appreciate the lopsided, comedic coverage that drives voters our way. Thanks.

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I bet they're some of those human beings. If I'm right, they are capable of any kind of despicable behavior.

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