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New start times for Boston schools are out

BPS has posted the list of when schools with start and end starting next fall.

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Is that public anywhere?

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The past few years I've tried to play around with their pages where you can see info on the school near you. It's been 2 years of failure. It's like they don't want people to use their schools.

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Even when I masked myself/browser quite thoroughly. Not sure why'd you'd be having issues.

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They fixed it in the two hours between my comment and yours.

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at essentially the same time as you first posted - cf the time stamp on my comment below 5:05pm

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I tried a few times, but it kept asking for a username and password. Later, a better link was posted.

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BLS changed by a whopping 15 minutes. Are other high schools changing much...or at all? I don't think a quarter hour is going to have much of a measurable effect.

It looks like most of the big changes are with elementary schools getting started at substantially different times - which is not what the research would suggest is the most effective thing to do, if we primarily care about student achievement.

I'm probably paranoid, but could this just be a back-handed way of delegitimzing the whole effort?

Oh well, it's not like it's going to have any affect on our family - yes, we've lobbied for more intelligent school start times for over a decade, but our kid is a senior this year, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

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"Why are my property taxes going to into this financial blackhole of a school system?"


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That's kind of already true, sometimes! I imagine that like most Bostonians, I have a love/hate relationship with the BPS. But it's generally not the contribution of my taxes that I object to - it's when I feel we're not getting our money's worth.

(longer rant reluctantly but sensibly omitted)

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and I agree.

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should be fighting for an elected school committee.

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A bunch of elementary schools will now be starting at 7:15, and running until 1:45. If parents work and have to use after school care, they could be in school from 7:15 - 5:30/6. I completely understand wanting to start high schools later, but having little kids leave the house at 6:30am and not get home until 6:30pm seems a little excessive.

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Over 30 Elementary schools will be starting at 7:15 as opposed to 8:15 or later. Which means kids as young as 4 will be in-school for over 9.25 hours a day. (9.25 comes from normal school hours + after-school hours because I don't many full time jobs that get out in time for a 1:45PM pick up.) Is it fair to expect a 7 year old to be able to do that?

Most of this stems from the needs for buses. Schools with higher bus populations are starting either very, very early or very late. But is the cost savings on buses worth it if people pull their kids from our schools? Isn't it worth having all students start school times that are beneficial for all instead of a certain segment?

Let's not forget about the thousands of high school kids that will be added to the early rush hour times on a crumbling MBTA. You think trains are crowded now because of delays? Just wait. No really, you will have to wait.

I honestly have a pit in my stomach as this could be another generational flight of parents and kids from the city. Just as graduation rates are climbing and the achievement gap is closing there has been a decision made that may have negative long term ripple effects. What is the value in adjusting high school start times if there aren't any kids to attend the schools?

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BLA starts and lets out an our later: from 7:20 --> 1:40 to 8:30 --> 2:50 (student hours - teachers add 10minutes earlier and 10 minutes later)

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They are changing my Kids school start time from 8:15 to 7:15......seems foolish

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2 things-

1. It still looks like some elementary schools are starting late and that some high schools are starting early, but then again I cannot remember the painful time Brighton once began.

2. Who is the wiseguy who made the end of day at the Boston Arts Academy (and a few others) 4:20?

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4:20 became slang for weed because that was when stoners would meet up after school.

What goes around blows around?

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