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Man stabbed, beaten with high chair in early-morning melee at Chinatown restaurant

A Dorchester man was arraigned today on charges he repeatedly smashed a man with a high chair at Moon Villa Restaurant on Edinboro as another man was busy stabbing him, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

Harvey Henry, 25, was charged with armed assault with intent to murder and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. A Boston Municipal Court judge set bail at $30,000. The stabber is still at large. The victim was rushed to a local hospital with injuries so severe the Boston Police homicide unit was summoned.

According to the DA's office, Henry, the stabber and two friends were leaving the restaurant around 2:40 a.m. when one of them got into an argument with another group of men:

Restaurant staff attempted to escort the unruly man, Henry, and their two associates out of the restaurant. Instead, the men rushed past the staff and the verbal altercation escalated to a physical one.

At that point, Henry allegedly picked up a wooden children's high chair and began using it to beat the victim in the head and body. At the same time, another man produced a sharp metal object and stabs the victim in the abdomen. The attack continued even after the victim fell to the floor.

Henry wielded the high chair so fiercely he cut his hand on it when it broke during the attack, the DA's office says, adding Henry showed up awhile later at Boston Medical Center, allegedly claiming he'd cut his hand falling down some stairs. "Medical staff were of the opinion that the wound was not consistent with those circumstances" and summoned police.

In addition to bail, Henry, a Jamaican native, was ordered to give up his passport.

Innocent, etc.

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