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By adamg - 11/15/06 - 10:08 am

Anybody who's followed my writing (yeah, both of you) knows I don't much care for Jon Keller. But give the man his due: He has Boston roots. On his daily gaseous exhalation on WBZ radio this morning, he twice referred to a certain murder trial as being "down the Cape." Something to talk about around the bubbla.

By adamg - 11/14/06 - 4:40 pm

No, me neither. But apparently, Channel 38 thinks somebody has, because Lobel and weatherdude Ken Barlow are swapping jobs for the next couple of nights on the 9:30 p.m. news, Jesse Noyes reports.

By adamg - 11/10/06 - 9:14 am

There's a new Professional Media Critic in town. Adam Reilly's cut over to the media beat at the Phoenix and he's fired up the dormant Media Log (for you aggregator geeks: RSS).

By adamg - 11/9/06 - 1:45 pm

Will sue WRKO if he doesn't get his job back, but in exchange for his job, willing to undergo sensitivity training and give Grace Ross an hour a week on the air.

Seems the woman who fired DePetro for calling Ross a "fat lesbian" had argued a couple years ago that it was perfectly acceptable to call Hillary Clinton a "fat bitch".

The Herald's Greg Gatlin reports the radio station says nuh-uh:

By adamg - 11/4/06 - 5:34 pm

Lis Riba wonders why the last two editions of "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me!" have been screwed up:

... [J]ust now (at about a quarter past), there was a moment of silence and then it suddenly reverted to a program from two weeks ago. ...

By adamg - 11/4/06 - 4:51 pm

Carpundit has had enough of the Herald's endless series on the guy with the stapled stomach:

Enough with the stupid fat guy ... Shut up and go away already.

By adamg - 11/3/06 - 1:23 pm

'Derogatory' quip gets talk jock DePetro fired.

Hub Politics doesn't get what the fuss is about, because what's wrong with calling a fat lesbian a fat lesbian?

Yeah, no worse than calling the Margolis brothers a couple of short Jews. It's true, right?

Dan Kennedy wonders why DePetro was axed when Howie Carr's been snickering about gays and overweight people for years:

By adamg - 11/3/06 - 1:15 pm

If nothing else, Michael Gee has a way with the insults:

Brian McGrory remains an arrogant, patronizing jackass whose political knowledge could fit in a thimble with room left over for a double Scotch. ...

He bases this renewed opinion on this column in which our boy expresses sadness that Kerry Healey didn't take his advice about chugging down more Coke while mussing her hair.

By adamg - 11/3/06 - 12:58 pm

Bruce critiques several of the people on the Globe's list of people who allegedly dress better than you:

Architect Stephen Chung conforms to the "architects wear black" code.

Yeah, real cutting edge there, pal. Most of us call that the "everyone in Allston was wearing that same dumpy-looking crap back in 1986" code. I guess, maybe, it becomes stylish twenty years later if you dress like that and stand on the table like a third-grader making some kind of anti-broccoli protest statement. ...

By adamg - 11/2/06 - 10:33 pm

It's not just that the Globe dedicated FIFTEEN reporters, photographers and editors to its list of the 25 most allegedly stylish people in Boston. Or that it was spread over six pages (with four pages of non-stylish reviews weirdly stuck in the middle). Or that they somehow decided that city Councilor Michael Ross is more dapper than city Councilor John Tobin. No, what really got me about the whole thing was the intro (print only):

By adamg - 11/2/06 - 8:06 pm

The Phoenix is moving political writer Adam Reilly to the media beat. He'll be taking over the old "Don't Quote Me" column.

Via Dan Kennedy, who left the column last year to become a Northeastern journalism professor.

By adamg - 11/1/06 - 3:22 pm

Charles Foster Kane would have thought the last people to attack somebody over a botched joke would be Dennis and Callahan:

... You'll recall they are the geniuses behind the racist comments about Metco gorillas waiting for buses, but of course they say they were misintrepreted. So, since they're unwilling to believe Kerry was making a joke I don't buy their excuses either. Both of them are lying, racist, scumbags if one is to apply the same standard to them that they are now applying to John Kerry.

By adamg - 10/31/06 - 9:48 pm

On Irregahdless, Andrew Teman ranks local anchorwomen on their hotness (which, of course, leaves open the question of who will be the first to rank the anchormen, which leads to the question of who remembers the ill-fated pairing of the Anchorhunk and the Anchorette as an attempt to combat the Anchorcouple way back when).

By adamg - 10/31/06 - 8:02 pm

Did Jack Welch and Jack Connors' bid for the Globe just coincidentally coincide with that letter from Ted Kennedy supporting Globe union workers? John Ellis writes in the Wall Street Journal there may be a link - Harry at Squaring the Boston Globe summarizes for those of us who don't have WSJ subscriptions.

By adamg - 10/31/06 - 9:14 am

The Globe's circulation continues to plummet, but John Daley wonders if the Globe has identified a new flock of readers to go after: The under-served ornithologist demographic.

By adamg - 10/30/06 - 1:12 pm

Bruce Allen interviews sportswriter and editor Griffith a year after he took a Globe buyout.

By adamg - 10/29/06 - 5:23 pm

Mats Tolander finds the Globe articles on Boston's population shrinking/growing raise as many questions as they answer. Also, could the Globe tell us if Tom Menino said Census Bureau numbers showing an increase are a "psychic boost" (Friday) or a "psychological boost" (Saturday)? Is the Globe covering for Hizzonah or did the reporters just misquote him?

By adamg - 10/27/06 - 6:33 pm

Cranky says that despite some tough competition, Channel 38's 9:30 newscast is the Hoover of local reportage:

... Looks like they just went to Home Depot and loaded up on stuff out of the clearance bin. I think those are metal wall studs sticking out of the anchors heads. Even the widescreen TV that the weather is presented on looks like the weekly loss-leader special at Best Buy.

By adamg - 10/26/06 - 9:59 pm

Gienna readily admits she voted "yes" in our Just what the Globe needs: The return of Mike Barnicle poll. No, she writes, it's not because she doesn't remember all the stuff that got the Old Plagiarizer (and Patricia Smith) fired. It's just that she longs for the day when the Globe had columnists whom she actually looked forward to reading:

... But seriously, when was the last time you read a Globe column that was so good you cut it out of the paper and posted it on the fridge? ...

By adamg - 10/26/06 - 1:43 pm


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