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If you hop on the 66 from there, you can get to a decent shabu place in Allston on Brighton Ave near Harvard Ave. It's a few doors towards Packard's Corner on the opposite side of Brighton from Sunset.

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Where the Brazilian meat place used to be?

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It is

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There is a shabu-shabu place (a branch of Chinatown's Shabu Zen) where the Braziliam meat place (aka Greenfields) was, on Brighton up past the Hess station. But I believe that Kaz was actually referring to Shabu Shabu Toki, which is on Brighton closer to Harvard and in fact nearly across from Sunset.

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Yep, Allstonian got it exactly right.

I actually forgot that Shabu Zen moved in at Greenfields. I was thinking of Toki.


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If you go to Coolidge Corner and have some money to burn, FuGaKyu on Beacon St one block down the hill from Finale has decent sushi and also does shabu shabu.

I wouldn't recommend it if you're looking to hold onto your budget however...and I'm not totally certain it's worth the cost either.

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