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Pronouncing 'Matsuzaka'

We have it on good report that Japanese TV news crews have descended en masse on our fair Hub and they are, even as I type, Borat-ing innocent tourists from Iowa at Quincy Market demanding to know what they think about Daisuke Matsuzaka. Given that most tourists from Iowa have no idea what they're talking about, the crews are extremely grateful when somebody like Jose Melendez, being half-Japanese himself, wanders by:

... "Do yoo seenk, oder peoper in Boston, will know how to say hees name?"

"Probably not," Jose answered. "Not yet, but by the time the season starts everyone will be able to say it perfectly. After all, we all managed to say Yastrzemski for 23 years." ...



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As an Iowan, I take offense. You might wish to substitute "tourists from Nebraska".

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And as a Nebraskan, I take offense to you passing this on to tourists from Nebraska! ;)

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