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Keeping stupid people away from Starbucks

If that Dunkin' Donuts Fritalian ad keeps stupid people away from Starbucks, that's just fine with John:

Because your doing so means people like Gary and I can get in and out that much faster with our Triple Venti Soy Mocha Peppermint No Whip Lattes in tow.

Meanwhile, the folks at Ace of Spades have compiled a list of the choices on the menu boards in that commercial:

Maccinno au Mue
Crema Due
Tre Trois
Mas Ceresso
Isto Cinno
Limon au Deau
Himan Plu Cento
Half Caf Cap
Cafe du Fonce
Espresso Ca Tino

And here are some more I found, because, you know, I care 'n' stuff:

Latte Presso
Valenci Spresso

Only in Boston says a pox on both their houses:

... One 20oz bottle of refreshing Mountain Dew, please.

How do you say "latte" in Fritalian?



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wouldn't the inability to discern the fact that ordering your lattes in English is part of the joke, also qualify a person as stupid?

Triple Venti Soy Mocha Peppermint No Whip Lattes

Could a drink be gayer? (nttawwt)

If I'm going to be ingesting tortured milk, it's going to be on my pizza or melting on my potato.

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I'm glad for two things:

1. The French and Italian that I studied in college is put to 'good' use at Starbucks.

2. I can afford Starbucks since I attended U.Mass. many years ago when it was still economical and therefore I do not have college loans hanging over my head.

...drink of choice is grande single shot non-fat caramel macchiato. tasty!!!

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What I find hilarious is that DD is getting all high and mighty about Starbucks when they both are pushing mass-produced beverages with foreign names (a latte is just milk, afterall) -- with a little bit of coffee flavoring on the side. It's like watching two fat women duke it out in a mud pit to prove their worthiness for Miss Teen USA.

Anybody who truly likes the taste of coffee -- and understands how it can be best enjoyed -- knows the best use for a 44-oz, Super Big Gulp-sized, "to-go" paper cup of that stuff. It certainly isn't for drinking ... it's for scalding psycho bike messengers who run over pedestrians at intersections.

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