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Anti-gay photo snappers don't like having their photos taken

Trevor Wright goes to a meeting of the state Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth. He spots gay-hater Amy Contrada, taking pictures of all the people there. He whips out his camera and starts taking pictures of her:

... She put her note pad over her face and told me that I could not take her picture. I pointed out that it was a 'public' meeting and I can and will! She went out into the hallway and cried to the State Police officers. The officers are out there to protect the commissioners from people like her and the repressed homosexual Brian Comenker. They backed me up and told her that I had every right to. ...

Via MassResistance Watch.



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These types of people who go to great lengths to force their morality on others are always into the whole "I can but you can't" garbage.

Like Limbaugh talking about putting all the drug addicts in jail for life - except him. Or Gringrich lecturing about moral high ground after serving his wife divorce papers in the hospital and cheating on his second wife with a staffer. How about Ted Haggard? Jimmy Swaggart? Foley?

Yep, it's all about controlling what WE do while doing what they please and crying foul. I guess it's because they all think they have some special rights and cannot stand the idea that they aren't special and privileged. Just any citizen can have this privilege? All citizens have equal rights? No fair! (stomps foot)

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See, if gay people get treated like everyone else, with the marriage and the fair employment and the not-being-killed, those are SPECIAL rights, not equal rights. Equal rights only apply to people who already have them.

If the amendment ending same-sex marriage does ever make it to the vote, people are gonna have some serious 'splainin' to do concerning how it's hurting society, because you know what? I don't see it.

Um, I'm rambling, but MassResistance makes me want to shake people.

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