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Men are scum

T ride from hell for one woman, from Government Center to North Station.

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I don't get it... why didn't this woman yell back very loudly at the creep? She posts this on the "Holla Back" website, but obviously she said not a peep. If someone said that crap to me, I'd repeat very loudly what he said, and everyone around me would know I was being harrassed by a scumbag. Make some noise, for heaven's sakes!

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Not long ago, when I was on my way back to my car after a special event, a rather scrawny, somewhat unkempt-looking young man wearing a dark-colored sweatshirt and a black baseball hat, began following me. To test whether or not he was really following me, tested that by crossing to the other side of the street. When I turned around again, I saw him following me on the far sidewalk. I yelled at him "You got a f**king problem?" I did not see the young guy following me after that.

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In this society, many women have to learn how to holla back. Most of these jerks are cowards getting their jollies - call them out or act aggressive and they disappear.

It is also difficult to accomplish what independentminded did in a very tight crowd. On the other hand, pushing the asshole down the stairs is an option because retaliation is less likely with other people around.

Personally, I would likely do what I did the last time something like this happened to me (twenty two years ago): kick his ass down the stairs. No kidding - I turned to confront my groper on the stairs from the esplanade to the BU bridge and realized I could swing my leg around and clear his legs out from under him (I was holding the rail and swearing a blue streak at full volume all the while). When he stopped tumbling to the next landing, he got up and ran away the best he still could, like he fully expected me to give chase.

Again, not for everybody and not always possible.

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Thanks for stopping by, spreading the word, and taking street harassment seriously, Adam. We appreciate the link love.

In solidarity,
Team HollaBackBoston.com

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