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Welcome to Universal Hub, Boston's first news and information resource built by the people who read it!

Every day, we scan hundreds of Boston-area Weblogs to serve up the most interesting, newsworthy or just plain funny accounts and photos (all categorized by neighborhood). Don't have a blog? Get a free account here so you can post your own news. Want to get even more involved and jump headfirst into "community journalism?" Drop us a line!

Boston Feeds, our exclusive blog aggregator, lets you delve even deeper, serving up links to ALL the postings from more than 200 Boston-area blogs.

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I have decided to open up my blog for anyone interested in posting boston realted topics to it. All you have to do to my blog is email your comment to mbtamap.post(at)blogger.com. The title of your email will be the title for the post and the body of your email will the body of your post. It will take about 30 minutes for your post to go live(I don't have to approve it) for everyone to see. I look forward to reading what everyone has to say.

Um, how come the "welcome" blurb allows comments? That's kinda messed up.

"Vote on Comments" but when you push it it doesn`t do anything?

I think it actually does do something - but not something that makes much sense or is visible.

I also don't like how the software forces a subject line by jacking the first few characters of your post!

Don`t forget to check out my blog. It`s mostly pictures I`ve taken recently that I like.

Isn`t there a list of all the blogs on this site somewhere?

But darned if I can find it - or how to enable it.

For now, this will bring you to a page of all blog postings, from which you can then get to an individual's blog. Not ideal; but until I figure out how to just build a blog list ...

Oh, also, if you want your blog to have a more memorable URL than, oh, www.universalhub.com/blog/1, let me know. I think I could change it to, say, www.universalhub.com/scott or whatever.

Yeah! That would be cool!

Is there a way that we could choose a handle in addition to our personal name? So like the blog name could be "goofypicturetakindude" and then the entries would be by "Scott"?

The software was really designed for group stuff, so individuality isn't its strong suit. I could tweak it, I think, but that would require me up and learning more PHP (maybe doing some PHP would help, too) ...

The welcome blurb has you inviting people to "drop a line" and now you're doing PHP? I dunno Adam...might be time to check you into rehab!

I think Scott's blog should be titled "itdoesntworkwithoutthetripodanyway"


Is THAT what the kids are callin it these days?


This page lists the RSS feeds for all the blogs. If you click on one, you'll get RSS gibberish; take out the /feed part of the URL and you'll get the actual blog. Yeah, it's stupid.

... also doesn't seem to have much purpose.

....welcome to the other side of the WGC..... few WGC'ers will survive this facade, but those who prevail will find a new, refreshing horizon!

I've already got a troll in my Universal Hub blog. Someone posting as "anonymous" just made a racist remark in response to a post.

Where is this? eeka has a blog?

I have a few of them. I was referring to the one here though. Click on "eeka" and it will take you to my posts. The one about finding an iMac in the trash has a bunch of comments from "anonymous," who appears to be tryin to put the smack down on me, yo.

The font size tag does not seem to work. [size=24]This should be in 24-point font[/size] but it isn't.

When you reply to this message, look below the text input box and you should see a list of available tags (if not, let me know), of which font is not one of them. I could add <font> easily enough if you want it, though.

I'm using the BBCode tags which you advertise right below the posting box. One of them is [font]. It generates this HTML:

<span style="font-size:24">This should be in 24-point font</span>

but that doesn't make the font that size, at least not in Safari.

By the way, the [code] tag also doesn't seem to work. It should suppress interpretation of HTML tags, but it doesn't.

I tried to enter exactly the [code] example given on the BBCode tags help page, and got:

Terminated request because of suspicious input data.

I forgot all about that, sorry. I'll look into it. I know styles are turned off here; in which case I should do something about the BBCode stuff.

Styles don't seen to be turned off, but the font style isn't generating the correct HTML. It should be


but not


Adam. what exactly is a "trackback" and how do you create one? Or do they somehow automagically come into existence?

Most blogging software now has it: When you post a message, the software looks for any embedded URLs and then checks to see if the hosts of those URLs have a trackback module. If so, it sends a trackback ping, to let the other site know you're thinking, um, writing about them. So, yeah, it's automatic, at least here.


I like this way of saying ping just fine. PING! PING!


I like this way of saying it just fine. PING! PINGPING!

It keeps eating my post.


Why are my posts disappearing? I've replied to you and Ron like 29834792347839 times.

It seems like any post in which I write PING! PINGPINGPING! disappears. Why is this?


Here's the deal:

Some dickwad spammer posted a gazillion spammy messages that consisted mainly of an excerpt from some classic work of literature or some feminist book. I marked them as spam. And now the spam filter, which "learns" from such things, has been thinking pretty much everything is spam. It's slowly getting right in the head again, i.e., your posts are starting to show up again, but my apologies in the meantime.

Could you make it provide some feedback to the user if it's going to reject a comment?

I mean, I figured it was probably the spam filter, since it was not rejecting my prosaic posts but was rejecting my, uh, repetitive ones. But it didn't TELL me this.


I like this way of saying ping: PING! PINGPING!


Hey Adam, is there any way for you to flag on the main page that a thread has new replies? Like, make it red or something? So I don't have to actually READ below each one to see if it has anything new?


Does it include blogs that are on this site? I used the word "Pope" in my blog and didn't appear in the compilation of pope comments...

But through the miracle of RSS, I "subscribed" the aggregator to your blog and now it is on the pope page (you have to scroll down a bit, but it's now there).




keeps popping up with a blank window when I click around this site. It does it on both of my puters. WTF?

Sounds sorta like a popup ad, except I didn't think I had any enabled. What pages have you gotten it on?

I'm running Firefox in "popup notification" mode--it puts up a little yellow box telling you there's a popup, then you decide whether to allow it or not. Firefox hasn't given me any such notifications for Universal Hub pages.

What are you running?

When I clicked to Ron's comment about the Herald.

Home: Safari 1.2, Panther OS
Work: IE 6.0, XP

Sometimes I see "3 new comments", other times "3 new replies". What is the difference?

... Me going lazy in the middle of setting up the site and not finishing changing "comment" to "reply" in the text-string module.

Adam, I think you forgot a certain city in your list of neighborhoods...

No matter which option I choose for viewing comments, they show up with just the subject (I have to click to get in) and only one at a time. WTF?

They still are giving me the one where you only see subject and poster and not the whole post, no matter which option I choose. GRRRRRRRR.

Majorly screwed up, yes. I seem to have made it way worse; will try to fix with a clearer head in the morning.

Switch "All comments" to "Good Comments." Make sense? No, of course not, but it worked for me.