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By adamg - 12/23/20 - 9:31 pm

LadyLazerJ asks about this bird that showed up on her Somerville porch tonight: Read more.

By adamg - 12/19/20 - 4:29 pm
Kid in snow in December, 2020

Jessica Burko captures the scene.

Tim Devin captured a more optimistic kid in an igloo in Lincoln Park in Somerville: Read more.

By FrankSolensky - 12/19/20 - 2:49 am
By adamg - 12/15/20 - 10:15 pm

Sarah Gottlieb asks:

What Somerville/Boston area local creamery makes the best peppermint stick ice cream? It’s urgent

By adamg - 12/11/20 - 1:54 pm
Unusual bird in Somerville

Tim Devin spotted this bird on Spring Hill in Somerville today, has a question:

OK, Internet, what the hell is this?

By adamg - 11/19/20 - 9:51 pm
Angry turkey and cop in Somerville

Somerville turkey likes donuts, takes no guff from cops. Photo by Greg Cook.

After a turkey family visited his family backyard, Greg Cook began to wonder what the deal is with all these turkeys in the Boston area. He wound up interviewing Jim Cardoza of MassWildlife, who led the effort to restore wild turkeys to Massachusetts in the 1970s, a century after they'd been hunted to extinction here.

By adamg - 11/18/20 - 9:33 pm

MassDOT announced today it's re-opening the HOV lane on I-93 southbound to help deal with the congestion that's been returning to local highways since the spring - after the Conservation Law foundation threatened a lawsuit. Read more.

By adamg - 11/15/20 - 8:30 pm

The Tufts Daily reports the university today told students attending classes in person that they can only leave their dorms - or off-campus apartments - to "attend class, seek medical care, go to or from their jobs, pick up food, get a COVID-19 test or exercise outdoors." Read more.

By bostonpads - 11/9/20 - 1:30 pm

The challenges faced by the Boston housing market have been well documented in 2020. The pandemic has caused massive shifts in urban population distribution in metropolitan areas all across the country, and Boston is no exception. It effectively took one of the nation’s hottest real estate markets and caused it to come to a grinding halt as apartment vacancies soar all over the city.

By adamg - 11/7/20 - 11:54 am
People celebrating Biden win at Boylston and Charles street

Celebration at Boylston and Charles continued for hours. Photo by Edward Orde.

John Hayden reports from Jamaica Plain this morning: Read more.

By adamg - 9/18/20 - 10:52 am
Giant reset button in Somerville

Msmariamad found just the reset button we need, in Somerville. Of course, with the way things are going, you'd go right up, hit that sucker hard and fall into the sewer main it's covering up.

Copyright Msmariamad. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 8/31/20 - 4:26 pm

Boston Restaurant Talk reports Bull McCabe's in Union Square has been knocked out of commission.

By adamg - 8/21/20 - 10:47 pm
Multi-colored turkey

Brad Kelly stopped to admire this turkey in Somerville the other day.

Copyright Brad Kelly. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flicker.

By adamg - 8/4/20 - 4:35 pm

Somerville city and school officials told parents today that schools just won't be ready to instruct students safely come September and so the new school year will start entirely with remote instruction. Read more.

By adamg - 7/31/20 - 2:29 pm

Transit Police report an outbound commuter-rail train hit and killed a man on the Fitchburg Line tracks near Beacon Street, around 1 p.m.

Police say the man was "intentionally on the right of way" and that foul play is not suspected.

By adamg - 7/17/20 - 11:28 am

Somerville announced today there'll be no health-club or theater openings there until at least Aug. 3, due to what Mayor Joe Curtatone says is a "modest" rise in new Covid-19 cases in the Boston area and because of problems with the state's contact-tracing system, which is supposed to help tamp down new cases by getting contacts of people who test positive to stay at home. Read more.

By adamg - 7/13/20 - 3:14 pm
Rayla Campbell in West Roxbury

Rayla Campbell in West Roxbury last month.

The Supreme Judicial Court ruled today that the state does not have to print Rayla Campbell's name on the Republican ballot for the 7th District congressional seat, because she failed to collect even the reduced number of signatures the court had earlier allowed due to Covid-19 issues. Read more.

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