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Boston University

By adamg - 1/18/21 - 9:35 am

Boston University holds its annual commemoration of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., who earned his doctorate at BU, at noon.

The Museum of Fine Arts hosts "Voices on King" at 5 p.m.

By adamg - 11/13/20 - 2:31 pm

BU Today reports the director of BU's Student Health Services sees "Covid fatigue" kicking in and people letting down their guard and getting infected outside the "BU bubble" - with a recent increase in positive test numbers due mainly to students living off campus in Boston. Read more.

By adamg - 11/4/20 - 10:19 pm

A federal judge today gave several Boston University students, all trying to lead a class action against BU over the way it moved classes online this spring due to Covid-19, two weeks to show that they personally were harmed by the change in class assignments or have their cases tossed for good. Read more.

By adamg - 10/22/20 - 11:44 am

BU Today reports 12 students were suspended for the rest of the fall semester and five were given lesser punishments because of their attendance at one of three parties that featured close-contact bare facedness as well as the more traditional "underage drinking, physical assault, and disturbing the peace." Read more.

By adamg - 10/20/20 - 12:23 pm

Boston University's Covid-19 numbers have shown a slight rise in recent days, certainly nothing BC-ish or even comparable to the rate across Boston, but enough to get officials to remind students and employees to remain vigilant and practice steps to reduce their risks - like stop going to parties and gatherings. Read more.

By adamg - 10/7/20 - 11:17 am

The Daily Free Press reports Boston University put Phi Chi Theta, a "professional business and economics fraternity" on notice after the video was posted on Instagram. The fraternity in turn says it's put the members in the video - taken at an event sponsored by one of its alumni - on its own notice.

By adamg - 9/4/20 - 12:46 pm

A number of local colleges and universities are posting daily or weekly Covid-19 testing results; to date, the numbers show much lower infection rates among students who have come to Boston even if that means taking classes in their dorm rooms and prohibitions against parties. Read more.

By adamg - 9/1/20 - 9:55 pm

City Realty, which used to specialize in small apartment buildings, says it will soon file plans for a 16-story, 262-unit residential building on Ashford Street, next to the West Station commuter rail station that state officials once pushed but which more recently have said they would put off until 2040 or so. Read more.

By adamg - 8/28/20 - 2:58 pm

Boston University says lawsuits by several students seeking tuition reimbursements because of the shift to online learning in March should be dismissed because they violate Massachusetts law against suits over "educational malpractice." Read more.

By adamg - 8/8/20 - 10:49 pm

The Daily Free Press reports the station, WTBU, canceled an online benefit, scheduled for this past Friday, after learning the fund paid to bail a man charged with rape who is now charged with another rape following his release.

By adamg - 8/5/20 - 10:42 am

Boston University advised faculty and staff today it's taking a number of steps to reduce the odds of any airborne Covid-19 infecting people who have to spend time in its buildings - including dorms - as the school re-opens. Read more.

By adamg - 8/4/20 - 2:12 pm

City Councilor Kenzie Bok, who represents the normally student-heavy Fenway and Mission Hill, is urging the city's two largest universities to reverse course and not let any students come to Boston for at least the fall semester - saying the greatest potential risk to Boston is "the sheer influx" of people from out of state, many from places with far higher Covid-19 rates. Read more.

By adamg - 7/29/20 - 9:53 am

Several Boston colleges have filed plans with the city to take over all or parts of local hotels and apartment buildings to house students this fall. Read more.

By adamg - 7/13/20 - 11:09 am
Listing of Covid-19-related jobs at Boston University

Some of the Covid-19 job postings at BU today.

Both Boston University and Northeastern are looking to hire nurses, lab technicians, medical assistants and contact tracers as part of their ambitious plans to test thousands of students, professors and staff every day come this fall. Read more.

By adamg - 7/1/20 - 11:33 am

Carol Burnett Show parody of "Gone with the Wind". "Went with the Wind".

BU President Robert Brown is starting a committee to look at renaming Rhett the BU Terrier, because his name comes from Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind." Read more.

By adamg - 6/18/20 - 12:30 pm

Boston University President Robert Brown yesterday detailed more of the steps the school will be taking to tamp down any potential Covid-19 infections as school re-opens this fall. Among the steps: Required weekly Covid-19 tests for students who live on campus, their professors and any other BU employees who have regular contact with students - as well as for any students and employees who take public transit to and from the school. Read more.

By adamg - 6/9/20 - 9:02 pm

The Daily Free Press reports Boston University is looking at a fall re-opening plan that could mean putting healthy students in hotel rooms as the school sets aside hundreds of dorm rooms for use by Covid-19-positive students.

By adamg - 5/19/20 - 5:54 pm

Boston University President Robert Brown today told professors and staffers that uncertainties and new expenses caused by Covid-19 are forcing the school to stop contributions towards their retirement - in addition to instituting a previously announced salary freeze. Read more.

By adamg - 5/14/20 - 11:34 am

A Boston University sophomore and her father have sued Boston University to demand they be reimbursed a chunk of her tuition because she's been forced to endure a "second-rate online substitute" since the school shut its campus in March due to Covid-19. Read more.

By adamg - 4/3/20 - 9:11 am

The Atlantic takes a look on the coronavirus pandemic on air and noise pollution, and talks to a public-health researcher at Boston University, who now gets her exercise while carrying a decibel meter:

Before the coronavirus pandemic, the acoustic environment in Kenmore Square, a busy intersection near campus, is usually about 90 decibels during rush hour. Yesterday, Walker’s rush-hour readings were just under 68 decibels.

H/t Brad N.

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