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The T

By adamg - 11/21/11 - 7:27 am

The Herald interviews an Arlington man who fought the $100 fine sought by prosecutors, and won.

The MBTA Transit Police report on the Oct. 26 arrest at Alewife paints a slightly different picture than the simple civil-liberties patina painted by the Herald:

By adamg - 11/18/11 - 10:37 am

Like, for example, Boston Nightlife Express, which is now providing bus service between the BU campus and various downtown points, 10 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. You reserve a ride online - mostly $6 a pop - you can buy snacks on board and you get a cookie at your destination.

By adamg - 11/17/11 - 6:38 am

The Salem News has the details in the latest indictments centered on an employee of a company that prints CharlieTickets, who allegedly sold bogus passes over the Internet.

By adamg - 11/16/11 - 2:18 pm

Walked into South Station around 1 p.m. and it was like walking into a wall of buttered-popcorn smell. Beats the alternative, I guess, but still kind of odd, especially since the station's sponsor this month is some scotch rather than some popcorn brand.

By adamg - 11/13/11 - 1:01 pm

New MBTA stop

The Somerveille Transportation Equity Partnership has posted some renderings of the proposed new Orange Line stop at Assembly Square.

By adamg - 11/12/11 - 7:51 pm

Girl on the T

Photographynatalia captured a moment at Boylston on the Green Line yesterday.

By adamg - 11/12/11 - 5:42 pm

Steven Zimmerman makes the argument that maybe one of the reasons riding the T is such a dispiriting experience is because of its choice of fonts for signs:

Is it possible that in choosing a typeface which is devoid of personality and character, (at least in how it is used in public transit) and has on overly stogy appearance has rubbed off on the people that use this systems everyday ... or better yet, the entire brand of mass transit systems?

By roadman - 11/10/11 - 3:04 pm

Latest T Alert:

Green Line E service will be diverted to substitute shuttle buses between North Station and Lechmere due to an automobile blocking the track area. 11/10/2011 2:07 PM

Since when did they put in grade crossings on the Lechmere Viaduct?

By adamg - 11/10/11 - 12:19 pm

An irate citizen alerts the city about "hordes of poorly behaved school children" clogging up the Savin Hill platform and causing all sorts of grief for the tax-paying citizens of Savin Hill.

By adamg - 11/10/11 - 6:41 am

CommonWealth reports the MBTA settled a lawsuit against the company that made defective ties on South Shore commuter-rail tracks for just $6 million, which means the T will have to eat roughly $85 million in replacement costs.

By adamg - 11/8/11 - 8:23 am

Bostonography visualizes whirled peas 24 hours of bus-speed data, which, if you're really into SimCity, will remind you of a big city's traffic-congestion map, and which, if you're not, can just be appreciated as a really cool piece of art.

By adamg - 11/7/11 - 10:37 pm

Tarik Muhammad didn't want any company on his trip out of Ruggles on Aug. 31, 2010, so when a man sat next to him, he told him to move - and when the man refused, they got into an argument that ended when Muhammad began beating and stabbing him, prosecutors say. Channel 4 has the surveillance video shown in court today.

By adamg - 11/7/11 - 4:03 pm

Daisy Razor reports on some attempted flirting on the Riverside Line today.

By adamg - 11/4/11 - 1:45 pm

Video of confrontation between the driver of a 101 bus out of Sullivan and the preacher who refused to shut up.

By adamg - 11/4/11 - 10:31 am

Channel 5 reports MBTA Transit Police will start collecting saliva spit at T workers to analyze the DNA as an aid to convicting the spitters. The T says 20 workers got spit at last year.

By adamg - 11/4/11 - 6:24 am

Snow delays nothing new in Boston: Stuck trolley in Uphams Corner, 1930.Snow delays nothing new in Boston: Stuck trolley in Uphams Corner, 1930.

The Globe reports the T will run fewer trains on snow days this winter, in an effort to give crews a better chance at dealing with snow and ice when the weather outside is frightful. They even have a new Web page to let you know about winter cancellations - which will be on both subway and commuter-rail lines.

Snowy wreck in Readville, 1931.Snowy wreck in Readville, 1931.

Photos of trolley and train from the BPL Leslie Jones collection. Posted under this Creative Commons license.

By adamg - 11/3/11 - 7:52 pm

Well, bushy tailed, at any rate:

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