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By adamg - 12/26/14 - 8:34 pm

Boston Police report a man told to leave the Codman Square McDonald's Christmas morning because he was rolling a blunt on a table came back awhile later and began loudly cursing out customers and employees.

In addition to the stream of profanities, the suspect dropped his pants in the middle of the store and began exposing himself to all inside.

By adamg - 12/25/14 - 8:34 pm

At least three people were shot around 8:25 p.m. in the area of Bowdoin and Norton streets.

Boston EMS Incidents reports one victim was shot several times in the chest, another in the stomach and legs and the third in the arm. The homicide unit was called in due to the severity of the first victim's injuries.

By adamg - 12/23/14 - 6:12 pm

City health officials and police are trying to figure out what's causing a sharp increase in drug overdoses in Boston this year.

The Boston Public Health Commission said today the city had 32 suspected overdoses this past weekend - concentrated downtown and in East Boston and Dorchester. The same period last year saw just 8 overdoses.

In a statement, the commission said samples from street purchases by Boston Police "have not indicated more potency or drugs laced with particular potentially-fatal substances."

By adamg - 12/23/14 - 8:17 am

MassLive.com reports on Nicole Bollerman, a teacher at UP Academy.

By adamg - 12/22/14 - 6:05 pm
Yes, Virginia sign on Morrissey Boulevard in Dorchester

Yesterday, Deirdre showed us the electronic signboard on the southbound side of Morrissey Boulevard. As you can see above, the signage on the northbound side of the road is a bit different, even if part of the same general theme.

So beware of Morrissey Boulevard between now and the 26th.

By adamg - 12/22/14 - 3:48 pm
Storm seen from across Dorchester Bay

The view across Dorchester Bay towards Squantum around 2:20 p.m.

By adamg - 12/22/14 - 12:50 pm

Aerial View of Amazing Christmas Lights in Boston

Every year, Hoa Nguyen ups the ante a bit on the decorations at his Adams Street home. Nick Cosky sent a drone up to show the full impact of their lights.

The Dorchester Reporter interviewed Nguyen.

Via Boston Reddit.

By adamg - 12/21/14 - 11:28 pm

UPDATE: The Herald reports the suspect pointed a gun at the officer, but did not fire.

Police are looking for a man they say pointed a gun at an officer around 11 p.m. outside the Lee K-8 School on Talbot Avenue in Dorchester. The officer fired at the man, then chased him to a fence at the cemetery behind the school, which the man jumped and escaped.

Police recovered a black jacket and a silver handgun on the school's basketball court.

By deirdreellen.2 - 12/21/14 - 6:43 pm
Morrissey Boulevard flood warning sign

Morrissey sign programmers should find something good in their stockings.

By adamg - 12/21/14 - 4:02 pm

Flip phones are hot in 2014!

A Fields Corner resident forwards this video from her surveillance camera this morning: It shows a guy peering inside cars on Ditson Street (0:15), trying the door of a car that has something that piqued his interest, all casual like (0:30) and then, when it turns out the car is locked, he goes and finds a rock (1:10), which he uses to smash in the car's window (1:59) - a task that takes him several tries. He reaches in, grabs and pockets something, saunters away - and then returns (3:50) to open the car and spend some quality time inside the car rummaging around.

After all that effort, all he got was a flip phone.

By adamg - 12/20/14 - 11:01 pm

Around 10:40 p.m. on Nelson Street, off Norfolk. Possibly as many as eight shots fired.

By adamg - 12/19/14 - 1:41 pm

A Suffolk Superior Court jury today conviced Keron Pierre on three counts of first-degree murder for gunning down three people outside a Mt. Ida Road house party in 2009, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports.

The verdicts mean life without possibility of parole for Pierre, who fled to Trinidad after the murders - and where he fought an unsuccessful battle against extradition to face arraignment for the murders of Shacora Gaines, Chantal Palmer, and Anthony Peoples.

By adamg - 12/18/14 - 5:18 pm

A Belfort Street citizen complains:

Caller states this is the 3rd occasion where he has been issued a parking ticket but never got the physical ticket placed on his car. He only knows about the ticket when he receives the late notices in the mail with the additional fees. This ticket was issued on November 5, and he is just receiving the letter in the mail today. He states he has seen the BTD van drive around but never saw anyone get out of the car. He states the same thing has happened to neighbors as well.

By adamg - 12/17/14 - 8:23 pm

The Dorchester Reporter interviews Danielle Legros Georges, Boston's new poet laureate.

By adamg - 12/17/14 - 1:57 pm

UPDATE: Victim identified as William Davis, 20.

David Finnerty reports a man was shot around 1:35 p.m. at West Cottage and Dudley streets. Boston Police report the man, in his 20s, was taken to Boston Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

In September, a man died after being shot in the face at that intersection.

By adamg - 12/17/14 - 8:24 am
National Guard on the march in Dorchester

Bill Ilott reports looking out his window around 8 a.m. to see a National Guard troop marching down the street:

They marched down Adams and took a left on Bowdoin. A kind of unusual sight for any time of the day...

UPDATE: They were marching from the Dorchester armory to Children's Hospital with toys.

By adamg - 12/17/14 - 8:19 am
Savin Hill on the Red Line at sunrise

Frankie P. says "good morning" from the Savin Hill T stop.

By adamg - 12/16/14 - 9:45 am
Kids from the Joseph Lee School hold protest on Blue Hill Avenue

Students in the upper grades at the Joseph Lee K-8 School in Dorchester held a two-hour Black Lives Matter protest this morning.

Kids who'd brought in permission slips walked from the school to the intersection of Blue Hill and Talbot avenues, where they chanted slogans such as "Hands up! Don't Shoot!" and "What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now!"

Several teachers stood with them; three BPD cruisers and officers were parked on Blue Hill Avenue. Many passing motorists honked in support.

Here's a memo that was sent to students:

By adamg - 12/16/14 - 6:37 am

Boston Police report they are investigating two incidents involving rideshare drivers indecently assaulting female passengers early Sunday - and a third incident involving a woman picked up by somebody she thought was a rideshare driver but who turned out not to be one.

By adamg - 12/15/14 - 2:56 pm

Eight people in the Boston area are charged with an identity-theft scheme that prosecutors say let them steal $700,000 from five victim's home-equity lines.

Members of the fraud ring managed to get the victims' phone lines redirected to their own, which they then used to obtain advances on the victims' home-equity lines and have them transferred to their own bank accounts between November 2012 and Feburary, 2013, according to the Suffolk County District Attorney's office.

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