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By adamg - 4/23/22 - 8:42 pm
Lots of turtles at Jamaica Pond

The turtles were out in force at Jamaica Pond today. In addition to the premium location on the branches near the northern end of the pond, like the guys above, there were turtles along the parkway and even on a bunch of downed branches along Parkman Drive that geese had made their own - until today, at least.

By adamg - 4/22/22 - 9:21 am
Turkey on Beacon Hill

Dr. Jessica Dello Russo reports that, at first, she thought this bird on Ridgeway Lane on Beacon Hill might be a decoy to scare off the pigeons, a modern update on those fake owls that never really work:

Really clever, as it even has camouflage effect with brown shading blending in with brick. Then it MOVED!

By adamg - 4/18/22 - 4:09 pm
Blue-gray gnatcatcher

Mary Ellen spotted this blue-gray gnatcatcher at Millennium Park in West Roxbury this morning (OK, maybe it was just a shadow that made it look like it was ready to take on some round green pigs).

She also spotted this seemingly happier vesper sparrow: Read more.

By adamg - 4/11/22 - 1:50 pm
Blue grosbeak

Mary Ellen spotted this male blue grosbeak, before it turns more fully blue, at Millennium Park in West Roxbury today. Along the East Coast, they normally don't come north of central New Jersey.

By adamg - 4/8/22 - 3:50 pm

Chestnut Hill woman relives the trauma of finding a live turkey in her family room.

By adamg - 4/8/22 - 10:00 am
Yellow warbler

Mary Ellen hied over to Franklin Park yesterday in time to spot this yellow-throated warbler, which are pretty uncommon north of Maryland (and should not be confused with the far more mundane yellow warbler).

By adamg - 4/2/22 - 1:07 pm
Bluebird looking for a good nesting site at Millennium Park

Mary Ellen spotted a male bluebird checking out a possible nesting site in Millennium Park this morning.

By adamg - 3/26/22 - 11:44 am

Cambridge Day recounts the marvels of the opposum, North America's only marsupial, which may not really be the tick-fighting machines we've been told, but which do tend to suppress rat populations (also, they have unusual genitalia).

By adamg - 3/25/22 - 12:06 pm
Two eagles in West Roxbury

On a walk around Millennium Park in West Roxbury this morning, Mary Ellen spotted two eagles perched on the transmission tower at the National Grid facility down below on Rivermoor Street.

By adamg - 3/20/22 - 11:23 pm
A lot of birds in Everett

Roving UHub photographer Jed Hresko noticed all these birds flocking down to the Costco lot at Gateway Center, no doubt because of the breadcrumbs somebody dumped there (lower left).

By adamg - 3/15/22 - 11:58 am
Coyote at H Street

Owens408 spotted this coyote on the beach at H Street this morning - possibly the one that had been hanging out at Moakley Park.

By adamg - 3/9/22 - 2:19 pm
Threespine stickleback

Artist's rendering of a Jamaica Plain stickleback.

Jovielle Gers's mural on a traffic-signal box at 3201 Washington St. in Jamaica Plain has depictions of four rare species in Massachusetts: A piping plover, a red-bellied cooter turtle, gerardia flowering plants and a tiny fish, known as the threespine stickleback, which has its only Massachusetts freshwater population in a small pond that feeds into the Muddy River in Jamaica Plain. Read more.

By adamg - 3/6/22 - 2:25 pm
Ruffled feathers on an eagle bird

Mary Ellen spotted this wind-tossed eagle at Millennium Park in West Roxbury today. She says she spotted three in total: Two adults and one young'un, still mostly brown, and carrying a stick in his or her beak down by the boat launch.

By adamg - 3/3/22 - 3:41 pm
Common eider duck at Castle Island

A bunch of common eiders, including this guy, were bobbing around on the Sugar Bowl side of Castle Island this afternoon (thanks to Boston duck Twitter for the ID).

By adamg - 2/24/22 - 9:50 am

Greg Hunt lives in one of the more urbanized parts of Brookline, up near Packards Corner, and so was a bit surprised to look out his rear window this morning to see a coyote:

Bolted across our yard, got stuck at the far fence and quickly left the way it came (hopping a 3’ fence).

By adamg - 2/21/22 - 9:05 pm
Swan in Chelsea Creek at Sunset

Esperanza watched captured one of two swans heading off from East Boston into Chelsea Creek at sunset today.

Before the swan glided off, she reports, it and its partner shooed away some mallards for sole possession of the less than bucolic creek shoreline: Read more.

By adamg - 2/20/22 - 2:12 pm
Pair of hooded mergansers in Sawmill Brook in West Roxbury

Mary Ellen spotted a pair of hooded mergansers in one of the unfrozen parts of Sawmill Brook at Millennium Park in West Roxbury today. Mr. Hoodie did get up on the ice for a bit: Read more.

By adamg - 2/12/22 - 8:18 pm
Heron eating a frog at Millennium Park

People weren't the only ones taking advantage of today's nice weather. Mary Ellen watched a great blue heron gulp down some frog legs - and the rest of the frog - at Millennium Park in West Roxbury.

Bottom's up: Read more.

By adamg - 2/5/22 - 12:44 pm
Rabbit at Logan Airport
Bun closeup

Epic Stratton couldn't help but notice the rabbit hopping around Baggage Claim 2 at Logan's Terminal C this morning. Wild bun taking refuge from the storm (and the owls) or an escaped pet? Or was he hoping to hop onto a plane to somewhere warmer and just got lost?

By adamg - 2/3/22 - 8:58 am
Falcon at Jackson Square

Photo by Francis Delaney.

Yesterday afternoon, Francis Delaney noticed a raptor inside the Jackson Square Orange Line station. He reports he called animal control last night and will call the Animal Rescue League this morning.

Hawk takes up perch in Green Street Orange Line station.

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