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By adamg - 7/29/23 - 10:03 am
Turkey and firetruck on Brighton Avenue in Allston

Teddy Kokoros watched this turkey who had obviously gotten up early to get some boba on Brighton Avenue near Harvard Avenue in Allston this morning. Read more.

By adamg - 7/28/23 - 11:36 am

A frantic citizen files a 311 complaint about the unstoppable rats swarming Commonwealth and Chestnut Hill avenues: Read more.

By adamg - 7/27/23 - 12:29 pm
Young seagull with a red cup in the Seaport

Steve Klise spotted this young seagull at a Northern Avenue parking garage about to take a snort in disgust at the attempt to ban him from Castle Island.

By adamg - 7/26/23 - 7:59 am

NBC Boston reports Castle Island gulls are flying amok this summer:

Like a scene right out of "The Birds," customers are dropping their boxes of food and running from the scene screaming.

By adamg - 7/23/23 - 1:37 pm
Berries on the shore of the Charles River

There are plenty of big things to see on a walk on the path along the Charles River at Millennium Park in West Roxbury: Big trees, big sky and a wide river (now that rainfall is back to normal). But look carefully and there are all sorts of interesting little things to see as well. Read more.

By adamg - 7/18/23 - 8:59 pm
Night heron at Lovejoy Wharf

Rachel Dolores was along the locks near Lovejoy Wharf Sunday night when she suddenly had to do a double take: Read more.

By adamg - 7/6/23 - 9:56 am
Catbird with a berry

Mary Ellen's been watching the birds chow down on berries along the Charles River in West Roxbury the past couple of days, such as this catbird.

A cedar waxwing also eats up: Read more.

By adamg - 6/30/23 - 10:22 pm

A fed-up citizen files a 311 complaint about unleashed curs in the Public Garden: Read more.

By adamg - 6/27/23 - 8:11 am

WBZ reports the woman felt compelled to resort to her purse after the birds took up position on either side of her and then started following her.

By adamg - 6/25/23 - 11:46 am
American bullfrog at Millennium Park

Mary Ellen spotted an American bullfrog at Millennium Park in West Roxbury today - from the eyes up, at any rate.

By adamg - 6/25/23 - 11:41 am
Baby wood ducks growing up fast

This time of year, the mallards are usually the main duck species at Jamaica Pond, but this June the wood ducks are giving them a run for their money - instead of the normal one mother wood duck and her brood, there are two, maybe three other families paddling around the pond.

By adamg - 6/23/23 - 2:05 pm

Bounding buck

Mary Ellen watched a buck bounding at Millennium Park in West Roxbury this morning. She apologizes for the non-deer jumpiness of the video, says it was tough to hold both the camera and the leash for Dolly the wonder dog.

By adamg - 6/21/23 - 11:10 am
Muskrat grabbing some lunch along the Charles River

Mary Ellen captured this muskrat (or some other rodenty critter) chowing down along the Charles River in West Roxbury the other day.

By adamg - 6/20/23 - 4:44 pm

A South Boston citizen files a 311 complaint about furry things scurrying about the area of L and East 6th streets that are the size of bunnies but aren't bunnies: Read more.

By adamg - 6/19/23 - 2:27 pm
Bear rambling through Cohasset

Cohasset Police posted a photo of the bear for which an officer blocked off North Main Street this afternoon to protect both it and drivers. Police add: "He's heading toward Hingham now."

By adamg - 6/13/23 - 9:41 am
A horned owl

Mathteacherjedi spotted a great horned owl in flight at the Arnold Arboretum yesterday morning.

By adamg - 6/12/23 - 9:27 am

Arlington Police report schools have delayed openings this morning because a bear is roaming around town. The bear was last spotted in the area of Paul Revere Road and Park Street. Police have stationed officers near all schools to keep the ursus situation from getting worsus.

A bear was also reported ambling around Newton yesterday

By adamg - 6/10/23 - 11:35 am
Turtle atop grate covering the Muddy River supply pipe in Jamaica Pond

The other day a turtle lazed atop the grate that covers the start of the Muddy River: The siphon pipe at the northern end of Jamaica Pond that sends water under Perkins Street to Wards Pond.

By adamg - 6/3/23 - 10:10 pm
Great Blue Heron with just one wing extended

This great blue heron in Jamaica Pond was just hanging out, looking for fish to spear, when it suddenly unfurled one of its wings (and then promptly furled it again).

By adamg - 6/2/23 - 3:18 pm
Deer along the Charles River

Mary Ellen crossed the Charles and spotted this deer in Cutler Park on the Needham/Dedham line, across from Millennium Park.

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