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By adamg - 10/19/06 - 11:35 pm

Who won the debate?

Outraged Liberal: Patrick.
Mass. GOP News: Healey (Mass. GOP News earns bonus points for watching post-debate analysis and concluding that Mike Barnicle must have suffered a head injury shortly before going on air).

Jon Keller: Healey and Patrick both win. Joe Dwinell agrees.

By adamg - 10/19/06 - 7:37 pm

Joe Dwinell is posting away.

By adamg - 10/19/06 - 6:06 pm

Mihos comes out against the tollbacks on the turnpike as a cheap political trick.

Elias calls it electoral blackmail. Berto thinks eliminating the tolls is a great idea, but predicts the plan will die when Patrick wins.

By adamg - 10/18/06 - 10:19 pm

Mass. GOP News puts together a Deval Patrick word-search game that wittily ties Patrick to alleged perv David Scondras.

By adamg - 10/18/06 - 12:11 am

So Romney tells Wolf Blitzer Massachusetts is going blue in the governor's race.

Debate on Thursday starting at 7 p.m. on, well, pretty much every channel. All four candidates will be there.

Gun-owner group supports Healey, and for all you cops crying about how this undercuts urban crime fighting, Hub Politics says: yeah, that Boston gun buyback really worked to curb violent crime, huh?

By adamg - 10/16/06 - 10:49 pm

Blue Mass. Group blogs Bill Clinton's pro-Patrick appearance in Boston tonight. Also notes some Herald body blows on Healey.

Hub Politics notes: The Healey campaign doesn't see Clinton's visit as particularly helpful for Patrick because, after all, only loonie leftists care what he has to say.

By adamg - 10/14/06 - 11:17 pm

Jon Keller wonders how Patrick turned into a loser and wonders why Patrick can't seem to stop Healey from setting the agenda (Keller is, of course, completely silent on the role of the media in all this).

Blue Mass. Group wishes the media would get it right: Patrick didn't actually accuse Kerry Healey's campaign of calling up the Herald - only that whoever did do it was practicing the politics of Kerry Healey. So there.

By adamg - 10/14/06 - 12:44 pm

Dan Kennedy tells us what we know at the moment on the Patrick brother-in-law story: The Herald claims the state started looking into it after the Globe called, but then the Globe didn't think there was a story, so somebody dropped a dime to the Herald, which, of course, felt it was vital for voters to know about something that Patrick had nothing to do with.

The Healey campaign, of course, is just shocked that anybody would think it had anything to do with the affair.

By adamg - 10/13/06 - 2:49 pm

Blue Mass. Group posts Patrick's statement on the drop-a-dime Herald story about his brother-in-law's criminal record.

By adamg - 10/12/06 - 11:22 pm

Jay Fitzgerald on the latest poll numbers: Sure, the attack ads hurt, but Patrick still has a double digit lead:

... What candidate for any office wouldn't love an 18 percent lead at this point in a campaign? Healey will have to do much, much more than hammer away at a somewhat manufactured coddling-criminals topic that few thought was a major issue just a couple weeks ago. ...

True, Jay, but who is controlling the agenda for the election? Not Patrick.

By adamg - 10/11/06 - 9:28 am

Charles Foster Kane gets a Healey push poll that brings up everything from LaGuer to Ameriquest:

... Why on earth would I vote from anyone who would authorize such a poll or associate with people who would authorize such a poll? We already knew Kerry Healey is pathetic and desperate. Now we know she's a fraud as well.

Oh, but of course there's more in this very special, all new episode:

By adamg - 10/10/06 - 9:52 am

Sure, you could swivel your head between Blue Mass. Group and Hub Politics ("Your candidate sucks!" "Well, yours sucks more!" "Oh yeah?!?" "Yeah!!!"). Or you could check out Top 10 Sources on the Governor's Race, where Joel Brown is linking to online reports and videos fast and furiously.

By adamg - 10/9/06 - 6:40 pm

You go away (mentally, at any rate) for a couple of days and you come back and people are still going on about the LaGuer case. Here goes:

Blue Mass. Group: Healey is soft on crime prevention. Also: Some people need to remember a little thing called the Constitution. What would John Adams have said?

By adamg - 10/6/06 - 8:54 am

First, some fun: Are Democrats cutting and pasting from the Healey campaign Web site? Via Scott Allen Miller, who also takes the time to try to stomp out Democratic zombies, or something.

OK, but what about those hordes of cop-killing rapists doing everything they can to elect Patrick?

Unlike Kerry Healey, Mike Mennonno actually lives in a neighborhood where violent crime occurs (Dorchester). He is not amused by what he says is her fearmongering:

By adamg - 10/5/06 - 9:14 am

Watch the original Horton ad. Then the 21st-century version.

Charley on the MTA to Healey: Bring it on, beeyotch. He notes a Phoenix article that shows violent-crime rates have soared under Romney/Healey:

By adamg - 10/4/06 - 7:56 pm

Which is worse? Deval Patrick supporting a rapist or Kerry Healey taking money from the people who gave us the Big Dig?<--break-->

Globe: Patrick tried twice to aid parole bid
Herald: Healey Cashes in on Big Dig: Big Dig Firms Put Money into Healey's Ads.

Adam Reilly at the Phoenix thinks the Globe story is bad news for Patrick:

By adamg - 10/4/06 - 3:09 pm

From televised debates, that is. Greater Boston's Emily Rooney is among the media honchos who've put together gubernatorial debates this year and she says enough is enough: The fringe candidates have had their say, now it's time for Healey and Patrick to go at it mano a mano:

... After four attempts to "do the right thing", the media consortium needs to "do the gutsy thing" and pull the plug on Mihos and Ross for the November 1st debate so voters can hear what the two real contenders, Deval Patrick and Kerry Healey, have to say, unencumbered by a sideshow.

By adamg - 10/4/06 - 10:19 am

Missed the debate? Listen to it.

Miss Kelly sums it up. Patrick:

... Sure talks a lot about sound bites for someone who doesn't like sound bites.

On Blue Mass. Group, Charley on the MTA summarizes the debate and invites Grace Ross to become a Democrat.

By adamg - 10/3/06 - 1:28 pm

The Herald's Kimberly Atkins breaks the news that one of the Healey Three, Sen. Steven Baddour of Methuen, made secret committments to the Healey campaign to help her out should his man, Tom Reilly, lose the primary. Atkins reports on her blog that she came to work this morning to find three more voicemails confirming her account.

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