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By adamg - 3/11/14 - 4:32 pm
White geese in Cambridge

Jaeseung Hahn captured the scene in Cambridgeport yesterday morning, when the white geese of the Charles River went for a stroll.

By adamg - 9/25/13 - 10:21 am
No parking

Truck Stop Tea Party spotted this sign in Cambridgeport.

Copyright Truck Stop Tea Party. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 2/9/13 - 7:53 pm

Cambridgeport, before

Rebecca Volynsky photographed her Cambridgeport street before and after the blizzard.

By adamg - 5/12/12 - 11:37 am

Geese on train tracks.

Some geese were just hanging out this morning on the train track on the Cambridge side of the BU Bridge.

By adamg - 5/23/11 - 3:08 pm

The parents of a girl bitten by a brown Chihuahua in Cambridgeport last week are hoping the owner will come forward and let them know if she has to complete her painful rabies injections, Wicked Local Cambridge reports.

By adamg - 10/7/10 - 3:13 pm

Marcus Colono, 32, was arrested today on charges he broke into a Cambridgeport home on Aug. 26 and savagely attacked a father and his son. Fingerprint evidence also ties him to a double rape in an apartment on Commonwealth Avenue two years earlier, district attorneys in Middlesex and Suffolk counties said today.

Fingerprints left behind at both scenes matched those taken from Colono in 1998 after an arrest for marijuana possession, the Suffolk County DA's office says. Colono was formally charged today for the Cambridge home invasion; he is expected to be formally charged for the Aug. 21, 2008 rapes at a later date.

By adamg - 11/14/09 - 5:04 pm

BellyGlad reports on a talk about raising urban chickens, says there are lots of live chickens living in Cambridgeport, while Somerville bans chicken raising. Also:

Shredded junk mail makes great chicken litter.

By adamg - 5/17/08 - 11:24 pm

Chemi Che-Mponda reports on a fire on River Street today.

By adamg - 3/13/08 - 11:58 am

Cambridge Police report that Cambridge Hospital officials called them when a pregnant woman tried using a stolen ID around 5:30 a.m. on Tuesday (no word if she was in labor). When police arrived, they found the car her male acquaintance had used to drive her there had been stolen - and was loaded with "ten stolen pocketbooks and several personal identifications from victims of car breaks from Danvers to Weymouth." Both will now face charges.

By adamg - 3/22/06 - 5:17 pm

On Democracy for America - Cambridge, Ssachs signals support for a Silver Line-like bus line from Allston to Central Square via Cambridgeport:

... Any transportation system worth its salt will have heavier reliance on buses than subways, since bus routes are more flexible and cheaper to run (and are consequently more affordable for commuters). ...

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