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By adamg - 3/5/21 - 11:21 pm
Green-winged teal

Mary Ellen spotted this green-winged teal on the Charles River in Watertown today, not far from where she spotted a male wood duck: Read more.

By adamg - 2/10/21 - 11:48 pm
Black duck on Jamaica Pond

Almost all of Jamaica Pond was covered with ice and snow today. Only a small area near where a tunnel empties into the northern end of the pond remained open. Read more.

By adamg - 1/13/21 - 9:35 am
Hooded mergansers on Jamaica Pond

Mary Ellen spotted this pair of hooded mergansers (the male is the one using the bold splash of white) on Jamaica Pond yesterday.

By adamg - 10/3/20 - 6:18 pm
White duck and goose on the Esplanade

Liz the roving UHub photographer came upon a white duck having a grand old time hanging with a gaggle of geese on the Esplanade this afternoon.

By adamg - 8/23/20 - 1:32 pm
Scraping the bottom of the Public Garden Lagoon

Damaskin watched workers remove the gunk at the bottom of the drained Public Garden Lagoon today. When done, they'll refill the small pond with clean water that will hopefully end the threat of mass duck die-offs caused by botulism toxin in the water that had been caused, indirectly, by Covid-19 - by forcing the cancellation of the Swan Boats and their paddles, which normally would oxygenate the water, which inhibits the bacteria.

By adamg - 8/18/20 - 10:19 pm

The Boston Parks and Recreation Department reports it started draining the Public Garden Lagoon today to try to rid it of toxic grossness that has spawned several 311 complaints about dead ducks. Read more.

By adamg - 1/29/20 - 6:03 pm
Black duck at Jamaica Pond

Say, we don't get many black ducks at Jamaica Pond (and at these prices, we can see why, woo hoo!).

By adamg - 8/3/19 - 3:40 pm
Turtles and ducks on rocks at Jamaica Pond

Some ducks shared their rocky resting spot with a pair of turtles in Jamaica Pond yesterday.

By adamg - 6/10/19 - 5:31 pm
Wood ducks in Jamaica Pond

For at least the third year in a row, a wood duck is raising a flotilla of wood ducklings at Jamaica Pond.

Last year:
Getting her ducks in a row.

By damaskin - 6/8/19 - 2:36 pm
Ducks in the Back Bay

Ducks in the Back Bay.

By adamg - 5/23/19 - 4:34 pm
Duckling being scooped out of storm drain and the rest of her family

Duckling coming up; officers Dany Matos and Isaac Jackson rounding up Mrs. Mallard and her babies.

Two Officer Mikes who helped bystanders stop traffic on Tremont Street near BPD headquarters so that Mrs. Mallard and her brood of 11 could safely cross the busy street at lunchtime today suddenly found themselves with a major problem: One of the ducklings they were making way for fell into a storm drain. Police report what happened next: Read more.

By adamg - 2/22/19 - 9:25 am
Two ducks on Boston Harbor

Adam Balsam watched a couple of ducks in the water of Boston Harbor yesterday.

Posted under this Creative Commons license and in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 1/12/19 - 11:48 am

Hunters looking to bag some ducks may be breaking state law by having people drive boats at the large number of ducks congregating in Boston Harbor, making them fly away in a panic - and become easier targets. Read more.

By adamg - 9/17/18 - 8:51 pm
American wigeon

This female American wigeon decided to hang with all the mallards on the north side of Jamaica Pond this afternoon, but acting a bit more skittish than her larger ducky friends. At one point, a bunch of them took off all of a sudden and she departed with them - before they all splashed down again about halfway down the pond.

By adamg - 7/22/18 - 6:40 pm
Wood ducks in a row at Jamaica Pond

A mama wood duck watched over her brood as they turned in for the night on a log at the north end of Jamaica Pond late this afternoon. Read more.

By adamg - 4/10/18 - 12:26 am
Duck on a rock

At Jamaica Pond.

By adamg - 1/9/18 - 12:57 pm
Pintail duck in the Emerald Necklace

Mary Ellen spotted this northern pintail at Leverett Pond in the Emerald Necklace near Rte. 9 and Huntington Avenue yesterday.

By adamg - 12/28/17 - 11:45 am
Ducks, geese and coots in water at otherwise frozen Jamaica Pond

Geese, ducks and coots congregated in what appeared to be the last remaining bit of open water on Jamaica Pond, at the north end, this morning. Some birds remained aloof: Two swans seemed to prefer their space out on the ice rather than sharing it with their cousins, as did a flock of seagulls. Read more.

By adamg - 11/26/17 - 9:18 am
Ring-necked duck in Fresh Pond

Stevil took a walk around Fresh Pond yesterday and spotted this ring-necked duck in the water.

Copyright Stevil. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 7/27/17 - 7:05 pm
Ruddy duck in Jamaica Pond

He bobbed along with some mallards along the north side of the pond for awhile this afternoon, before paddling off into deeper water.

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