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Tokyo has its pushers and the Orange Line has the angry screaming driver

Got on the Orange Line to Forest Hills at Downtown Crossing at rush hour today and Angry Screaming Driver was in fine form, yelling at some woman who apparently didn't like the car she was in and ran to another. Then, at Chinatown, ASD kept it up:


By the time we got to Tufts Medical Center, the black-dress lady had apparently learned her lesson, but the driver was still so mad she screamed out "TUFTS MEDICAL CENTER!" like an insult.

The disgruntled operator on the Orange Line.



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What's the daily commute on the MBTA without a dose of "RAGE!11"?

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I'm seriously going to be very sad if/when they ever put in automated announcements.

The T needs more people that enforce order.

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She only screams at the people who everybody else would love to scream at ... the ones who richly deserve it for their (at best) clueless and (most likely) selfish behavior.

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She, and the guy who likes to say "Haymarket" like he's announcing a monster truck rally, are two of the redeeming features of the Orange Line. Downtown Crossing at 5:30 can take 5 minutes to empty out the car, have 300 people stampede in, and then have a neverending stream of people connecting from the Red Line keep catching the doors of the last car. When she's driving, we're out of there in 90 seconds flat. Don't ever change, Angry Screaming Orange Line Driver.

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I always wonder why, when I go to other cities and ride their subways, the announcements are normal sounding, the bells don't deafen you with repeated useless ringing, and people don't hurl trash in every direction.

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Yes. Also Montreal, Tokyo, DC, Philly, Chicago, SF, Vancouver, Atlanta, LA, Toronto, Shanghai, Hong Kong, London, Paris, Berlin, Beijing, Taipei, Khaosiung, Pittsburgh, Munich, and Oslo, and I have never heard anything like the announcements and warning bells on the Orange Line, or the trash I see everywhere on the T. Not that the T doesn't have its endearing qualities, and the announcements are sometimes part of that fun. The bells too, but only when they totally lose their pitch and make that di-oooooop-ing di-oooooop-ing noise.

The only subway that I can think of that gets as trashy as Boston is Philadelphia. I've never seen New York come close. Sorry!

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I suppose I'll always think of NYC subway circa mid-90s. The urine stank never quite comes out, and I've watched people throw stuff on the ground/tracks. Even seen rats running about.

But they have made vast improvements that I notice whenever I visit now.

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In Boston we have that unique species of tiny black mice that seem to exist nowhere else in the universe except Park Street under. Anyone who waits for a train there will know the mice I mean. What are those things? They've been there forever.

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Charlie Mouse.

Just sit back and wait for the Disney lawsuit.

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I have opportunity to get into NYC 3 or 4 times a year, and I always use the subway for transportation during those visits. I've found the NYC system to be tremendously efficient, cleaner than Boston, and staffed by much friendlier employees.

[Disclaimer: I rarely use that system during rush hours, so my view may be skewed because of that.]


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Our family's experience on the NYC subways over the past 10+ years has been similar (though we also tend to avoid using this at the peak of rush hour). Cleaner, more civilized behavior by riders, more frequent, more reliable (but not as good as Paris). ;~}

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Ditto again. My only problem with the NYC subway is my complete lack of any sense of direction, I was trying to get to Brooklyn from Penn Station and wound up at the Natural History Museum stop before I figured out I was going the wrong way. I fail at map reading apparently.

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subway designations (Uptown is going north, Downtown is going south, Crosstown is going east or west) to be more useful to orient unfamilar people to travel direction than Boston's "inbound" and "outbound" designations are.

Especially as, in Boston, "inbound" and "outbound" change mid-route.

An exampe "Orange Line experiencing 10 to 15 minute outbound delays due to (insert you favorite stock excuse here)." Which leaves the question - Which outbound?

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"Oak Grove trains are experiencing 15 minute delays...," although, I admit to not paying close attention. I like the Parisian system, that labels trains by destination rather than direction. Usually I give people similar directions if they are inexperienced with the MBTA: "go to Back Bay station and take a Forest Hills train to Green Street," for example. In fact, I've never even thought about the trains in NYC being labeled as uptown and downtown, but rather that they are going to the Bronx or Brooklyn, etc. Even when I notice a designation such as uptown, I'm thinking of it more as a geographic location than as a direction. It's easy to see how difficult this can be for transit agencies, when there are so many different ways to understand the same information.

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My fave was London, but I haven't been on it for over 30 years. I expect it may have changed, whether for the better or not, during that time :-)


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Recently, many Green Line operators and platform inspectors have gotten very obnoxious with people about enforcing the "white line" rule, to the point of actually kicking passengers off of trains.

I guess it's too much to ask that they actually get up out of their seat to look at the door mirror. As the saying goes "for the safety and convenience of our employees".

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