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This is what happens when you leave your laptop unattended at South Station

South Station Bus Terminal

Transit Police report they are looking for the guy captured on video swiping an unattended bag - with a laptop inside - from near the McDonald's in the South Station bus terminal around 5:20 p.m. on Dec. 2.

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Transit Police could have blown it up instead.

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Wow, try and be a little more suspicious next time, guy.

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Of course, the fact that no one said anything about this guy, nor about the victim who left his bag unattended in the first place, shows the folly of a decade of being repeatedly told to See Something, Say Something™ (and yes, the MTA in NY really has the trademark).

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where was the owner of these unattended baggages??????? come on now!

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Sob Story Guy finally got around to buying a train ticket to Worcester and this other guy goes and steals from his luggage.

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It's a drag to say this, but anybody who leaves his/her laptop computer or any other such valuable piece(s) of equipment lying around in a public place unattended is just begging to get it ripped off, imho!

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that allowed him to go shopping on Newbury St.

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One would think that such an obviously unattended bunch of stuff would be either a sting operation in progress, an actual bomb, or somebody's sociology experiment to see how people would react.

Then again, opportunists aren't necessarily good at longer-range thinking.

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Police that there are 1,000's of unattended trashcans on city property, with unknown contents.

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If you assume that the bag is more likely to be a bomb rather than just unattended you may have some paranoia problems.

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...that our government is constantly encouraging, maybe.

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Hard to image but I see folks leave their bags unattended in South Station from time to time.
Luckily, it is not more often - for the thieves that is.

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Or it could be Larry David was asked to watch it, but had to leave, and asked someone else to watch it for him.

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Granted - could have paid cash - but might want to cross check recent cc/debit charges at the Puma store (333 Newbury?) to see if anything suspicious turns up. Might turn out like that lady that found her stolen car in Eastie.

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Thieves commonly carry a jacket to put over a bag being stolen or have a large bag to put stolen bags/items in. This looked more like a crime of opportunity, however....or a free bomb removal service.

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Can follow him on camera to whatever train/subway he was catching presumably. Then you follow to see where he got off - that narrows it down a lot. Also - is your T pass identifiable? You may get some info from that if you have turnstile data.

Guy's pretty stupid - he'll get caught - just maybe not for this offense.

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Good points, all, if the theft occurred in the train station, but it happened in the bus terminal and he was reportedly seen exiting onto Atlantic Avenue.


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It's SOUTH STATION! Who does this?

ETA: I don't know the security camera layout at South Station, but does anyone find it suspicious that this crime happened like, dead-on in front of a camera?

I'm not sure, however, what was gained by doing this and who could have benefited.

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is where everyone from the cuddly, friendly parts of Northern New England connect to buses and trains to the rest of the East Coast. I've seen a good bit of street-unsmart behavior in the South Station Bus Terminal because passers-through assume it's just as safe as the small terminal they came from in Maine or New Hampshire.

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That's a pretty...strange assumption for those people to make. Have you ever been to some of those terminals in Northern New England? Super sketchy.

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Was silent Bob the lookout?

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I am AMAZED that people think they can just leave expensive items like this unattended. You don't not in a small town, genius. If you leave your laptop out for someone to take, don't be surprised if it's gone when you come back. Yes, I am totally victim-blaming because in this case they are just asking to get robbed.

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I thought victim blaming was forbidden here on U Hub? I guess that only applies to other people...

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...that guy was in Downtown Crossing minutes later trying to unload it. Hopefully whatever clueless schmuck who left their bag there gets it back somehow, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

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