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Nothing unsavory about bill to designate official seasoning of the Commonwealth

Bell's Seasoning

The House of Representatives is nearing a vote on a proposal to declare Bell's Seasoning our official state seasoning.

If the House has a taste for the sage proposal, by seasoned state Rep. James Murphy (D-Weymouth), it would go to the Senate, where it could then shake out as a bill for the governor to take the measure of.

Murphy's bill reads in its entirety:

"Bell's Seasoning," created by William G. Bell, a Boston inventor in 1867 and manufactured in East Weymouth Massachusetts, shall be the official seasoning of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

According to its manufacturer, the product best known for its uses around Thanksgiving is:

A unique combination of rosemary, oregano, sage, ginger, and marjoram - today's blend is unchanged from the original recipe.

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... from the Turkey Liberation Front ...

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Just give them some thyme.

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Sage advice, that.

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Parsley-moniousness is a traditional New England virtue, too.

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Unless they tread gingerly on this toothsome topic, some reps who chive in with opposing views on Bell's will risk being peppered with vherbal assalts and accusations of being dill-etants who simply can't pass mustard as real politicians, or perhaps as people who are cumin across as too clove-minded. Parsley populated regions of MA somethymes produce such reps who in this liberally sprinkled Cuminwealth hold themselves to be, in the words of fellow conservative Ron O. Regano, turmericans. The Dem who cannot keep this opposition at bay leaves much to be desired, or at yeast anise of mine thinks so.

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So this was the kind of bill that was being worked on instead of the multiple "upskirting" bills filed the past few years. Good times.

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Oregano one will oppose this bill.

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It is bad enough that the filthy human's avian apartheid state usurped our ancestral homeland and dedicated a holiday to the conquest, slaughter, and consumption of our brethren. To take the trespass further and declare an official seasoning for the genocidal gastronomic campaign against our rafter is unconscionable. Not only is the state sanctioning a campaign of carnage and oppression against our indigenous population it is suggesting recipes which blasphemously and insultingly feature our likeness.



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It tolls for thee.

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Do I have to plead to the House of Representatives for them to pass a bill that benefits the general public? What in the hell does this have to do with their jobs? (rhetorical question)
I know the general public has a nearly non-existent attention span, but this is mildly embarrassing to me. I'm not paying for these doofuses in suits to pass bills like this, I want a good, juicy, controversial, liberal bill to go through and shake things up, not some stupid seasoning I've seen shaken on dinner since I was born.

Maybe the HoR is going to adopt some more surrealist behavior, considering where this is going. I'd like them to adjourn their sessions starting with an egg-eating contest so they'll have egg on their face and spit on their chin. Like going to a petting zoo! I'd pay for that before paying them to do what they're doing now.

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and it's not like it's a partisan issue or there are time-consuming debates. But, I do agree with you. Perhaps we can finally get down to seeing the Legislature pass an adequate funding bill for the MBTA and the rest of our crumbling infrastructure. That would require legislators to actually roll up their sleeves and get to work, but as we saw with the "upskirting" bill, if there's enough uproar they can be motivated. Please make sure to let your representatives know what they should be concentrating their efforts on.

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an executive order transferring any and all decisions about any "official State item, song, service, etc. etc" from the Legislature and place said authority in the hands of the State Office of Tourism, which is where any and all decisions about such c*** rightfully belong. And followed up with an initiative petition, to be placed on the November ballot, directing the Legislature to pass an amendment to the state constitution forever banning the Legislature from writing and passing such "necessary" laws ever again.

Sadly though, as Roadman commented in a recent post concerning expanding late night hours for Boston establishments:

And while I'm dreaming, I'd also like a pony - Susie Derkins

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Many times these sorts of bills are submitted by school kids, which gives them a somewhat sanitized view of the legislative process.

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No, kids, don't try to get some cutesy bill passed into law, because you will be attached by anonymous trolls on the internet (not you johnmcboston, the other guy.)

Okay, the General Court could be doing a better job. Sure, they are working harder than Congress, but then again most unemployed people are, too. Yes, there are things that need fixing, but when people start harping on these little, simple bills written by school kids, it is just wrong. These haters would much rather see a generation of people unconnected to the government than civic engagement, apparently.

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It's not that bad. They talked about this a couple weeks ago during the whole state song debate.

They're rarely bills done in the traditional sense. A lot of times they're sponsored / written by schools for the students to get to watch how government works and feel cool and part it of it all.

They're getting a little concerned though. they're becoming a little more out there (re: seasoning), and they don't want to start debating the existing ones (re: song), so it may be reigned in.

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FIled By Request.

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... it's always been a staple in my kitchen. Besides being a requisite for turkey stuffing, it's excellent on any kind of roast chicken or pork. Adding but a soupçon can be the perfect "secret ingredient" to many other dishes too. I especially like the fact that after all these years it's still exactly the same, right down to the adorable little cardboard box it comes in.

Even my cat, Henry, loves a tiny bit of Bell's Seasoning once in a while; almost as much as he does catnip!
- IMAGE(http://elmercatdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6605.jpg) - IMAGE(http://elmercatdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6606.jpg) - IMAGE(http://elmercatdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6600.jpg) -

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Elmer, just adorable!

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Tried it once and wasn't impressed. Perhaps Bells enjoys Turkey more than it did my chicken...

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Even if cat does taste just like chicken. Weird, right?

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I wouldn't put it past them to "stuff" a pay raise for themselves into this bill. just to pour more salt (and pepper) into the wounds of the voters.

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Old Bay is my go to spice mix. It is the masala of my larda; the curry that keeps me furry; the chilli for my.... But I didn't know about Bell's. Thanks for mentioning it. Always like trying new spice mixes.

Has anyone used Bell's in spicing up bread?

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The two seasonings are very different. I like Old Bay on seafood, but not on poultry.

It's important to know that unlike Old Bay, Bell's Seasoning doesn't contain any salt, and it doesn't usually stand on its own. Marinate and/or season some chicken pieces with olive oil, lime juice, salt, fresh garlic, and Bell's Seasoning. Roast on (or between) a preheated cast iron skillet(s) in a fast oven.

Henry doesn't care for Old Bay at all:
IMAGE(http://elmercatdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6628.jpg) IMAGE(http://elmercatdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6629.jpg) IMAGE(http://elmercatdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/img_6630.jpg)

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it would never rate as the Official Spice Blend of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It's a Maryland product.

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So people are upset the the HoR has a bill regarding Bell Seasoning as the official seasoning. Just an FYI - this bill was filed "By Request" and in case you haven't ever read our Constitution, we are a Commonwealth of Free Petition. This means that every elected offical in the Legislative body in bound by duty to file a bill or petition that his/her constituent "REQUESTS" and that petition has to be given the same consideration as every other bill or petition.
Just sayin!

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