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Cambridge shovels out sidewalks for the elderly, disabled and poor

But it seems not enough people know about the program in which city DPW workers will shovel out sidewalks for people in one of those groups.

Via Cambridge Day, which also notes a Feb. 10 meeting to consider, among other things, whether DPW workers should be directed to remove parking space savers.


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Gulp: A Framingham story that's tough to swallow

The MetroWest Daily News reports the Happy Swallow on Rte. 135 is getting turned into a family restaurant. Presumably that means the chairs will no longer be bolted to the floor to keep patrons from using them during bar brawls.


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Boston wants to increase fines on red-light-running bicyclists; bicyclists outraged

The Metro reports on a request from Mayor Menino to the state legislature to increase fines for red-running bicyclists from $20 to $150.

Boston Biker says fine, but only if the city does the same for pedestrians:

If you passed a law giving police the ability to write $150 j-walking tickets, you could go downtown on any given weekday and solve the state budget problem. Not only would this make pedestrians more likely to follow the law, but it would make everyone safer (not the least of which the pedestrians themselves). I can't count the number of times I have almost been knocked off my bike by a pedestrians walking out from between parked cars.

Meanwhile, the Boston Cyclists Union is urging Menino to file another home-rule petition, to cut the speed limit on all local roads to 20 or 25 m.p.h., in the wake of Monday's fatal crash involving a bicyclist. Union Director Pete Stidman says:

Though we have no access to the details on this crash while police are investigating its cause, one sure way to reduce fatalities for both cyclists and pedestrians would be to reduce speed limits in Boston to 20 or 25 mph and enforce them well in areas with high foot traffic. We know that the 30 mph speed limits in the city of Boston are set higher than most major cities in the U.S. And American cities on average have higher speed limits than the most bike-friendly cities in Europe, which often limit speeds to around 20 mph. According to the UK Dept of Transportation, at 30 mph a pedestrian or cyclist strike has a 45 percent chance of causing a fatality, whereas at 20 mph there is only a 5 percent chance of a fatality.


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Simple Turkish fare done right

Adam Bezigian will go back to Istanbul'lu:

This is no hole-in-the-wall falafel "palace" or generic Mediterranean restaurant. This sort of food is what I tend to cook when I'm thinking only of feeding myself, and that jived with me. Istanbul'lu is beautiful Middle Eastern home cooking with its feet firmly planted on the ground.


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Watertownie expresses displeasure at Newton swells in his town - with a knife

Wicked Local Newton reports a Watertown teen allegedly objected to the "Newton" sweatshirts three other guys were wearing at the Arsenal Mall and pulled a knife on them before fleeing.


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Turner gets three years

TurnerThe Dorchester Reporter reports on Turner's sentence for accepting a bribe and then lying about it to the FBI.

That's only six months less than Dianne Wilkerson got for accepting more money after a career filled with criminal and disciplinary issues, but unlike Wilkerson, Turner didn't plead guilty and never expressed remorse.

He's scheduled to turn himself in March 25; his lawyers promised an appeal.

If it stands, the sentence will render Turner's suit to get his council job back moot, since state law calls for booting elected officials sentenced to prison.

City Councilor Mike Ross, who presided over Turner's expulsion hearing in December said in a statement:

This is a sad day for all of us. Chuck was a colleague of mine for a decade. My thoughts are with Chuck and his family as they process the sentence handed down this afternoon.


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'The only reason the bus that I was able to fit on stopped is because we went in the street to get her to stop and let us on'

Unhappy campers at G Street and East BroadwayUnhappy campers at G Street and East Broadway

Ed. note: Amy Ewing e-mailed this photo and the following complaint:

I am a reasonable person. I understand that there is snow, and issues that come up during snow and cold weather. But am I wrong to think that THIS IS NEW ENGLAND?!?! It does this every &$*(& year. Why is it that the MBTA cannot manage to get it together so that they don't leave tons of people on the frigid, un-shoveled, icy sidewalks of Boston in temperatures that could actually cause people hypothermia or worse?

This morning what I experienced was 1) inexcusable and 2) unacceptable. I am seriously considering paying the $400 per month to park, which means I will be driving my car the 3 miles to work because the bus cannot get me to work on time. I cannot rely on the public transportation system.

I took this picture this morning at 8:21am. It was 14 degrees at the time, and I had been waiting since 7:46am. This is at a time when the #9 (according to the schedule on line) should be running every 5 to 7 mins.

Oh and I should mention that 3 buses did pass by during this 45-minute time span, they were all completely full. The only reason the bus that I was able to fit on stopped is because we went in the street to get her to stop and let us on. At which point I was then smushed up against the glass and becoming very familiar with a guy who smelled like meat. Awesome.

P.S. This isn't even all of the people waiting at the time. I couldn't fit them all in the picture.


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Court throws out trash company's attempt to curb employee carelessness through wage deductions

The Supreme Judicial Court ruled today that a trash company that docked employees after they damaged trucks or other people's property was violating state wage laws.

ABC Disposal Service, Inc. of New Bedford had set up a policy for dealing with damages by giving employees found at fault for accidents a choice: They could face disciplinary action or they could have the cost of repairing the damage deducted from their wages. Many chose garnishment and ABC says the policy worked spectacularly: The total costs of accidents decreased 78% between 2003 and 2006.

But the state Attorney General's office fined the company $9,400 - and ordered it to repay workers the total $21,000 they'd had deducted - because the state Wage Act bars such withholding, even with employee consent, and especially since the workers had no right of appeal once a company executive declared them at fault:

An arrangement whereby ABC serves as the sole arbiter, making a unilateral assessment of liability as well as amount of damages with no role for an independent decision maker, much less a court, and, apparently, not even an opportunity for an employee to challenge the result within the company, does not amount to "a clear and established debt owed to the employer by the employee."


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Snakes, fire, ice and now a truck

The Orange Line was briefly knocked out of commission this morning when a truck ran into a bridge over Medford Street. An inspection around 10:30 found no major structural issues and service was to resume.


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A serious five-course craft-beer tasting in Hyde Park

Yes, Hyde Park. HydeParkMass reports on the event the other night at the Hyde.

I ordered the filet, and it came beautifully seared, not overseasoned and cooked inside to tender pink perfection. But I really went for the winter vegetable mashed potatoes, smooth and earthy with great flavor of potato, parsnip and rutabaga. As for the beer, I’m not known for being a stout guy, but I thought this one [Black Hops] was delicious.


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