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Canoeing down the Neponset


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Globe running out of ideas on how to beat the heat?

As the Outraged Liberal notes, one of the Globe's suggestions for beating the heat today is to go to Wulf's Seafood in Brookline and stand there watching the owner chop up fish.


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Dorchester man discovers that, yes, police do come faster if you tell 911 an armed man is breaking down your door

John M. Sullivan, 42, of 11 Victory Rd., then also learned that if there is no armed man breaking down your door, you could get yourself arrested, police say.

Police say Sullivan called 911 around 12:05 a.m. today:

Officers, based on the nature, responded to the call with lights and sirens and immediately made their way to the caller's apartment. At the apartment door, officers, with their weapons drawn, were met by the caller and who exclaimed, "There is no gun, I just wanted you guys here quicker!"

A drunken Sullivan, police say, really wanted police to deal with a neighbor who allegedly "bangs on his door and thinks that he owns the building!" Sullivan, police say, began to scream racial epithets about the neighbor, drawing neighbors out of their apartments, which cops really hate. When Sullivan refused to go quietly back into his apartment, and instead continued to rant, he was arrested on a charge of disturbing the peace.

Innocent, etc.


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The Tea Party has a candidate for attorney general

He's Guy Carbone, former commissioner of the MDC (remember that?), big fan of Arizona and a gun-owning opponent of national health care. He's also apparently been running since May - as a sticker candidate - to get on the Republican ballot, which is currently vacant, since nobody bothered to collect enough signatures or get the state convention to endorse them.

Carbone ran for attorney general in 1990, as well.

Barbara Anderson, no fan of the current AG, is no fan of this sticker campaign, either:

... Instead of working to elect Congressional, governor, Senate and House candidates who actually had the foresight to get on the ballot, let's run around in circles getting 200,000 people to put stickers on ballots. You can even raise money to mail stickers to all state Republicans instead of contributing that amount to a viable existing campaign! (Then most of them will forget to take the stickers with them on primary day, if they vote at all). ...

Let's not forget the other Republican sticker candidate for the job: Jim McKenna.


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RMV apparently slips one past us unsuspecting car owners

Got my car inspected earlier today. As it is model year 1999, I was only expecting the safety check. Therefore, in reading the inspection report, I was suprised to learn they had also done an emissions check as well (BTW, the car passed both safety and emissions fine)

Just checked out the MassRMV "Vehicle Check" inspections page and come to find out that, sure enough, the old "safety every year, emissions every other year" inspection system has been eliminated. So both safety and emissions checks are now required at every inspection cycle.

Now, did I somehow miss prior announcements about this change, or is this indeeed something the RMV had slipped under the radar when nobody was watching?


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Hey, kids: Get up close and personal with seafood this summer

Living seafood"I pinch."

Save the Harbor/Save the Bay recently sent out a fundraising e-mail message for its Power of Water summer youth programs. Apparently, the only photo they had left to illustrate how fun and stimulating the activities are was this one. Won't you think of the children?


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Local BlackBerry owners try to trade up

No, not to iPhones or Droids or something. But to motorcycles and sea kayaks.

It also works in reverse: One guy who owns a BMX bike wants to trade for a BlackBerry - seems an unfortunate accident has made him too scared to ever get back on it. Another guy would trade eight BMW tires for one.

Thanks to Matthew for the tip.


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Man charged with sexually assaulting six-year-old in restroom of Roslindale drugstore

Channel 4 reports the man, in his 60s, was arrested following the incident this evening at the Walgreens at 972 American Legion Highway.

Fri, 07/23/2010 - 18:30


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Just not Boston's year: Even New York's bank robbers are better

OK, so, yeah, our Suffolk County District Attorney got to announce the arrest of the Back Street Bandit, a guy who allegedly dressed up as a member of the Jonas Brothers of the '90s to rob banks north of Boston. And, OK, so they also nabbed Rolando Gala for alleged possession with intent to distribute of heroin and Clonazepam - and a judge revoked his bail on earlier charges involving an armed home invasion.

But the other Suffolk County, the one in New York, got to announce a bank robbery by Darth Vader. True, he used a gun instead of a light saber, and people in the bank apparently didn't even believe he was for real until he threatened to use a little force on them. But he wore a cape. Given that many of our bank robbers are either too stupid to cover their faces or limit themselves to Red Sox caps, you have to give this one to New York.

Vader photos.

Innocent, etc.


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Crime-fighting Hoodsie Cups to roll out on the streets of Boston

Fighting crime through ice creamIce cream transport wagon.

Boston Police today started a program to deliver free cups of ice cream to kids around the city as a way to "create new channels for communication between the police and youth in each of Boston's neighborhoods."

BPD officers will drive a specially outfitted Hood ice cream truck to specific locations (to be announced on bpdnews.com) to hand out the cups (and presumably those little flat wooden spoons) and then engage youth in discussion.

Local ad exec Mike Sheehan, who helped come up with the idea, said it's the natural addition to the city's Crime Stoppers Text-a-Tip program:

This is an opportunity for street-level engagement, which augments the use of mobile technology. The combination is a powerful one.


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