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If you need to know right this second what Republicans are up to in Worcester

Conor Yunits is liveblogging the Republican state convention. So is Red Mass. Group, natch. David Bernstein is twittering up a storm. There's more on Twitter at #magopcon.


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Only the Bay Area is more Apple-crazed than us


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National media annoints Charlie Baker the next Scott Brown

The Outraged Liberal analyzes some parachute journalism by David Broder on Baker; finds it wanting.


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How Fringe got the T all wrong

Truthspew runs down every single MBTA-related error on the most recent episode.


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Group to push for BPS lottery changes

BPS Lottery Reform wants so-far-unspecified changes to the lottery system that determines which, if any, public pre-school, or which kindergarten a Boston student gets into. Basic argument: If you lose the lottery, your kid is consigned to the scholastic equivalent of a cardboard box under the highway ramp for all of elementary school, so let's end busing and use the money to fix up all the bad schools.

Via Geeky Mama.

Ed. conflicted note: We "won" the lottery for kindergarten (didn't try for K-1, kidlet went to pre-school at a community center) and she takes the bus to school in another neighborhood, so obviously we benefit from the current system.


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Howie Carr finally gets his wish: He's off WRKO - for a week, anyway

The loudmouth finally mouthed off once too often to his bosses at the station he's forced to toil at for only $1 million a year (contracts are so distasteful) and the station suspended him for a week, the Globe reports.


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T worker won't press charges against racist lunkhead who smashed him in the head

UPDATE: Police now want to find the guy.

The Herald reports on an April 1 incident at Copley station on the Green Line (video possibly NSFW due to language):


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Three-alarm fire near Mattapan commuter-rail stop

The Boston Fire Department reports a stove fire in a triple decker at 911 Morton St. shortly before 6 p.m. sent two firefighters to the hospital and did an estimated $250,000 damage.

The two firefighters were brought to Carney Hospital, one with a cut hand, one with exhaustion. The fire melted the siding on a neighboring building.


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Boston state reps file legislation to give BPL $3 million - but only if it keeps all its branches open

The Dorchester Reporter reports that 12 of the state reps whose districts cover Boston have filed an amendment to the state budget to revive four Boston Public Library branches now faced with death.

None of the five reps who didn't sign the measure - Marty Walsh (D-Savin Hill), Marie St. Fleur (D-Uphams Corner), Angelo Scaccia (D-Readville), Michael Rush (D-West Roxbury) and Eugene O'Flaherty (D-Chelsea) have BPL branches faced with closing in their districts.

Library trustees voted last week to shut the Faneuil branch in Oak Square, Orient Heights in East Boston, Lower Mills in Dorchester and Washington Village in South Boston. At least two library trustees, including Chairman Jeffrey Rudman, have said they would not necessarily vote to keep the branches open even with new money, because BPL President Amy Ryan's "transformation" plan calls for increased Internet use and large Mattapan-like branches, not small ones like the four planned for dismantling.


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Fens fire probably caused by butthole flicking a lit butt, not arson

That's what BFD has concluded about the April 5 brush fire:

This area is heavily traveled daily by pedestrians along the walkways. Also, despite record rains recently, the reeds above ground were extremely dry. There was no indication that this was a set fire.


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