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Everybody loves learning about history in Boston

Rick Gates, the Trumpie who pleaded guilty today to conspiracy and lying to the FBI, is seeking a judge's permission to bring his kids to the Hub over spring break to learn about American history and stuff.

The purpose of this trip is for Mr. Gates to show his children around the Boston area to learn about American history in general, and the Revolutionary War in particular. This proposed trip of course cannot take place in Richmond, as it is intended to expose Mr. Gates's children to historical sites that can only be visited in Boston.

PDF icon Complete Gates travel request117.79 KB


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"This is the place the liberty and freedoms that the traitor I'm doing time for pisses on every day was born!!"

I'm sure Gates will not be eating at Legal's while he's here. Maybe Wahlburger's?

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You don't need to visit Boston to learn anything about the history.

Does he just want to have a family vacation?

Is it for a PR stunt?

Will he be meeting someone?

Flight to a country that won't extradite?

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Setting aside his role in colluding against the interests of the United States and other Western democracies, he does have young kids and Boston is a place a parent might want to bring his kids to on school break.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least if this is something they'd been planning to do for awhile, and I can hardly begrudge him something like that - especially because, and here we get back to the guilty plea, this might be the last time he gets to spend an extended amount of time with them before he goes, um, on leave for awhile.

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I suppose tax fraud, conspiracy to commit and perjury could be considered "colluding against the interests of the United States", but I fail to see the connection with "other Western democracies".

"As part of Gates’s plea, he admitted conspiring to defraud the United States regarding the millions of dollars he and Manafort earned while working for a political party in Ukraine. He also pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI earlier this month during an interview in which he was trying to secure a plea deal."


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He should head south to Plymouth. I've heard the area was once full of immigrants. The history might be illuminating to his former bosses.

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Alas, most Plymouth museums are closed for the season! :(

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you never know where members of the Silent Majority are right here in Boston. Trump can do great things for our city if you just open your hearts and minds.

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to the Silent Majority are back! Hooray! Nixon Time has come again! Articles of Impeachment and resignation are just around the corner!

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That's a solid +8 on the creepy scale.

I've been told similar things about Jesus.

Messianic appeal to fascism much?

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Shame on him for bringing his children to Boston to see historical sights and learn about history?

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He should be ashamed for having kids?

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Do you think that his kids should not experience Boston's history?

The Tea Party? The Boston Massacre? Battles of Lexington and Concord? Battle of Bunker Hill? The Siege of Boston and the evacuation of British troops? Okay, they won't cover the last one, but they should. And we didn't even get to the abolitionist movement or America's first subway.

Gates has been getting permissions to leave his house. Why not Boston?

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All the sites you mention are important in America's birth of democracy. He's been changed as part of a conspiracy to violate the principles of which the county was founded.

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Due process.

Has he been sentenced?

Or do concepts like due process only apply to people we like?

And besides, since some think he needs to learn, perhaps Boston would be a good place. There are some cool murals in the State House by the Senate and Governor’s office. You should check them out yourself. Find out what John Adams did in the early 1770s.

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How'd you miss the news that he PLEADED GUILTY to two charges?

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Noticed he/she didn't respond to your excellent point :). Unless pleading guilty is "fake news" :)

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I think I missed the part where the judge sentenced him. How long did he get and when did he begin his sentence?

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Keep digging.

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Somewhere else in these comments, the creator of this website kind of argues my point.

The guy wants to visit Boston before he is sentenced. He’s supposed to request any travel, which he did. Again, why is him taking his kids on the Freedom Trail a bad thing?

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Where everyone awaiting sentencing gets to pick one last family vacation before the judge's ruling. I really need to sit down and read the Constitution some time, if I've been missing stuff like this.

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In the book “the Assist,” which follows members of Charlestown High School’s basketball team, on of the players is convicted of an assault charge. He did not begin his sentence right after conviction, and there was the hope he could serve it during the summer. In short, even poor black males have time between conviction and the beginning of their sentence. And again, it would be tough for Gates to start his prison sentence since the sentence has not been handed down.

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When he's completed his sentence and any parole.

Being out on bail comes with conditions imposed by the judge.

That's due process.

Don't want to face bail conditions?

Don't commit acts that lead to being charged with conspiracy against your country.

This is pretty straightforward stuff.

Fuck him and his vacation.

IIRC correctly he was just charged with lying to investigators while already out on bail. He can't be trusted as far as he can be thrown.

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Is anyone else struck by the fact that we're discussing whether or not the children of an indicted criminal should be allowed one last vacation with dad, even as the man Rick Gates helped elevate to power is now ripping parents away from children as they drop them off at school?

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i've added it as an attachment to the original post.

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"Yes, and, someday, kids, your dad will be mentioned as an interesting footnote in American History."

"Honey, can you take my picture here as I stand here on top of Paul Revere's grave? Oh, wait, let me do a little jig...That should be a good picture. LOL."

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No problem with the kids visiting Boston. Why does he have to come? His spouse or another adult could bring the kids.

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If he wants to visit Boston and bring his kids? Think he'll hook up with a Russian spy? I don't like Trump [or HRC], but think this Russian influence stuff is BS. Many foreign governments take great interest in US politics and they will attempt to influence; we have close allies who are notorious for spying on the US and spending large sums in influence peddling. Does the FBI investigate them? The Clintons got away with murder, metaphorically speaking, and possibly literally.

If the Russian idea was to cause chaos and severe discord,they've succeeded. I've never seen such severe division and hate in the US and in our political system. The media shares a huge part of the blame because they will do and say anything for their dwindling ratings and advertising revenue.But, Americans, especially high school and sadly even college age young adults, badly need training on how to be more analytical and to learn all the manipulation tricks marketers use to sell them products and ideas.

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The Sixth Amendment calls for "public" trials and common law calls for the public's right to look at court records, except in certain circumstances (for example, if you read the Gates request, you'll note that his exact itinerary is under seal, for obvious security reasons).

The Supreme Court made this pretty clear in Nixon v. Warner Communications, a 1978 case involving, well, you can probably tell. The First, Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments also come into play.

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This guy has flipped. The testimony that he will be giving in exchange for a reduced sentence is going to piss off people who profoundly do not give a fuck about US laws (even less so than the Trump administration). They have plenty of kills laid at their doorstep. It's rumored that he's sought protection for himself and his family. And you think he's just going to traipse along the Freedom Trail with his kids?

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Sad, but true. In the public eye, in places where food gets inspected and guns are restricted.

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