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Baker orders all restaurants closed except for takeout and delivery

Gov. Baker today ordered all restaurants shut - except for kitchens, which can keep filling take-out orders, until April 7, and banned all gatherings of more than 25 people.



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After last nights BS, good.

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left him no choice.

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The 25 person limit is for single rooms. One could gather more than 25 people under one roof as long as no more than 25 people were ever in the same room together.

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Do you really want to look for loopholes in public health regulations?

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It would be a wild experience to be one of only 25 people in Fenway for a game.

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With Spring Training shut down, we're looking at a shortened season. No MLB regular season until about May 15 is my guess, maybe later if the infection growth rate continues.

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Good. I went for a drive today to get out of the house for a bit and noticed so many people walking around in big groups. Parks and playgrounds were packed. So many people are disregarding the advice to socially distance.

I wonder if they're going to shut down the T.

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those doctors, police, 'essential workers' and grocery store workers need to get there somehow.

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I normally take the T however have switched to driving.

There is no longer any such thing as a parking shortage in the city.

Keeping essential workers off the T would also have the side effect of keeping essential workers healthier longer.

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You do realize a lot of people in Boston don't own cars, right?

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The ride is going to be pretty quiet soon. Re purpose it.

Heck use MBTA busses for health care/police/fire only. Doorstop pickups with density limits.

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You do realize there are a LOT of people in the Boston area that do not own cars?

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If everyone were forced to drive there would be a parking shortage again.

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You and your car are more of a danger than someone being in a park. If you are concerned about people’s health than stop driving around and spewing out toxic emissions and ruining the planet just so you can “get out of the house”. Drivers kill way more people than the virus.

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This isn't the place or time for rants about cars.

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Ron, I wish I could like your comment 20 times

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I take the train to work every day (under normal circumstances) and hardly ever drive my car anywhere. Hold your fire.

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to go

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Restaurants and bars with the ability to prepare food can at least bring in some revenue. What about bars that don't have food to prepare and serve? Yes I know by law bars have to provide some food but often it's not much more than packages of peanuts.
Serious question. Can we in fact take out beer and booze?

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You go to the bar for the social atmosphere. Take out beer and booze is called a "liquor store".

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is also something you might get from a brewery or cidery taproom, which would normally also have a place for sitting down and drinking it.

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The legislation that is being passed is not enough to cover many people. If we close businesses for a month how do people survive? I have been a server my whole life, they don’t consider tips as wages. If your employer pays your hours it’s most likely you will only get $5 or under an hour. I believe it’s the same w unemployment? I hope someone is taking this into account??

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The Globe's report says April 6. There seems to be some confusion:

Governor Charlie Baker announced Sunday that all bars and restaurants in Massachusetts would be shut down to on-premise consumption starting Tuesday until April 6, and banned gatherings larger than 25 people, in an effort to stem the coronavirus outbreak in the state. He also ordered a three-week suspension of all public and private schools, effective Tuesday until April 6. (Baker originally said at a press conference that restaurants would be closed through April 17 and schools through April 7, but a statement from his office said otherwise.)

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One is clearly about restaurants (17th), the other clearly about schools (6th).

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In the video Baker misspeaks and states the 17th, but in the wrap up questions at the end he clarified the 7th.

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C'mon.....emough of the 'one-upping' of who can secure the public more between Mayor Walsh and Governor Baker!

While I, and I believe others, are taking this pandemic seriously given the small confirmed numbers as a precaution. The local government is treating the public rights of it's citizens like a yo-yo, not to mention business owners who are seeking to survive this pendemic by changing the rules hourly!

This doesn't show great leadership, quite the opposite, as it looks like the Mayor and Gov. are either in a competition, or continually questioning their most recent decisions as if they don't trust their own leadership. To make these multiple dramatic changes in a 'free society' within hours of their last decree which is CLEARLY NOT based on new, elevated data levels suggesting a rapidly growing infection rate supported by public interaction. Really questions the leadership ability of both the Mayor and Gov.

Either you didn't do your due dilligence before your last order driving you to make such a dramatic change shortly thereafter, or someone else is running what is appearing like a "rudderless ship"!

PLEASE think before you speak and order such serious changes. By making these life-changing decisions every few hours over each day is whipping the public who relies on your leadership into a FRENZY!

Please stop it, and lead with a plan.....and not a 'shoot from the hip' policy to "one-up" other leaders across the state, or the nation (or even the world).

Stay safe everyone!

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we don't have a Federal Govt CDC response program directing state and local municipalities, innit?

"Elect a reality Tv host" they said.

"What's the worst that could happen?" they laughed.

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Either you didn't do your due dilligence before your last order driving you to make such a dramatic change shortly thereafter, or someone else is running what is appearing like a "rudderless ship"!

OR a whole bunch of idiots, having done their "storm prep" shopping, decided that it would be a great time to go out to the bars and restaurants.

There was a LOT of this in Boston over the weekend. I'd call that new data, son.

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While I, and I believe others, are taking this pandemic seriously given the small confirmed numbers as a precaution.

FYI, the small confirmed numbers are a function of the very small tested numbers. Other countries with much larger numbers of confirmed infections are testing vastly larger numbers of people. You may be taking this seriously, but persons at the very top of the chain are not.

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