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By adamg - 3/21/12 - 2:30 pm

It takes skill to block a bus stop, a bike lane AND a hydrant simultaneously. Well, that, and an 18-wheeler. JP Biker was on hand to chronicle this achievement, on Centre at Seaverns.

By adamg - 2/9/12 - 12:56 pm

The MetroWest Daily News reports an alleged road rager from Ashland responded to some perceived offense by tossing a bunch of pennies at his adversary - at least one of which flew through the guy's open sunroof and hit his girlfriend in the face.

By adamg - 1/30/12 - 8:41 am

It's a South End twofer. First, a South Ender reports the neighborhood's quaint Sunday tradition of parking in the middle of the street is "out of control," at least, on Warren Avenue, where he or she spotted somebody parking in a crosswalk:

By adamg - 1/29/12 - 12:12 pm


By adamg - 1/26/12 - 8:39 am

City Councilor Matt O'Malley thinks so. O'Malley, who reps JP, West Roxbury and a bit of Roslindale, is calling for a hearing to consider ways to force Boston drivers to stop being such Massholes, including speed humps, speed slots (which are like speed humps, but with grooves that let emergency vehicles avoid jostling when driving somewhere at ramming speed), new medians and signs warning motorists speeds are monitored by radar, like the ones New Yorkers learned decades ago to ignore. A little more enforcement by BPD wouldn't hurt, either, O'Malley says.

By adamg - 1/5/12 - 9:20 am

Wellesley PD Action News reports live from the scene!

By adamg - 1/3/12 - 10:33 am

A concerned citizen grows weary of obnoxious drivers blaring horns at pedestrians crossing with the light at Belvedire and Huntington by the Pru:

By adamg - 12/30/11 - 5:54 pm

Christine Dunne photographs and gets angry at some jerk in a BMW who almost seemed to go out of his way to park like a moron at the Star Market on the Cambridge/Watertown line the other day.

By adamg - 12/21/11 - 7:49 am

Channel 4 reports on a road-rage pepper spraying off the Expressway in Quincy.

By adamg - 9/14/11 - 9:43 am

Also don't realize that some bicyclists now wear helmetcams for just such occasions, as Eoin O'Carroll demonstrates in this video from Mass. Ave. (the Boston one) yesterday:

By adamg - 9/14/11 - 7:36 am

Update: Both drivers were arrested.

BU Today reports on a battle royale on Comm. Ave. near the BU Bridge yesterday afternoon that left two SUVs with smashed windows and a bicycle beneath the wheels of one of the vehicles - its rider having managed to leap to safety just before he wound up there as well.

By adamg - 8/27/11 - 8:58 pm
Car at a hydrant

Firefighters sometimes have to improvise. Boston firefighters responding to a fire at Mt. Ida Road and Fox Street in Dorchester early this morning improvised right through the windows of a car they found parked in front of a hydrant.

Ed. note: A photo like this deserves credit. Did you take it? Let me know.

By adamg - 8/16/11 - 10:39 am

Masshole Jumps From Roof of Atlantic Beer Garden After Bruins Parade

The Atlantic Beer Garden found itself before the Boston Licensing Board this morning to explain why somebody jumped off its roof while holding a fake Stanley Cup on June 18.

It faces an additional hearing for another incident within the past month in which another man eating dinner on a waterside deck decided to take a swim as well.

Restaurant attorney Jeremiah Sullivan said the Bruins jump was not something the restaurant could have anticipated and that in response, the restaurant has installed a fence and is meeting with local police to try to keep people from scaling to the top of the restaurant's roof again. The topmost part of the restaurant is not public and already had a fence.

"How did a man with a fake Stanley Cup get over that without being noticed by anyone?" board Chairwoman Nicole Murati Ferrer asked. Restaurant manager Joseph Primo said nobody noticed the guy climbing up there because it was a very busy night.

Police Sgt. Robert Mulvey said the Bruins jumper attracted quite the crowd. "The crowd was very agitated and excited about what had happened and encouraged him to do it again."

Primo acknowledge he did not call police. He said that in hindsight, he should have, but the jumper left quickly and there appeared to be no safety issues once he left.

The board decides Thursday what action, if any, to take related to the Bruins incident.

By adamg - 8/10/11 - 5:12 pm

A disgusted citizen vents about the repaving on the parkway by Jamaica Pond:

Missing traffic lanes. Stupid massholes don't know how to drive nor stay on their side of the damn road and this project was completed over a month ago. Draw some damn lines on this little path to at least help guide these idiot mass drivers from running onto the other side of the road !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By adamg - 7/7/11 - 11:24 am

A vigilant citizen files a complaint from Kilsyth Road in Brighton:

Space saver, traffic cones and barrel. seriously. In july. When its 90 degrees.

By adamg - 6/30/11 - 12:59 pm

Massholes are forever

The Boston Public Library just posted a ton of photos of Boston firefighters and firefighting back in the good old days (like, when horses still pulled fire engines) from its Leslie Jones collection. Do not click on that link if you don't have some time to spare. I'll be posting some photos from the collection over the next few days, but had to start with this photo of a firetruck trying to get out of a fire house because it's just so Boston: Massholism is obviously not a new phenomenon.

Click to see the photo in all its glory; post if you know where that station was.

Posted under this Creative Commons license.

By adamg - 6/1/11 - 6:51 am

Masshole Mommy reports on a family trip to New York that included a relatively long wait to get to talk to the hotel concierge because of the guy in front of her:

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