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The T

By adamg - 5/15/24 - 3:37 pm

Transit Police report arresting four teens - all 15 or 16 - on charges related to an attack on a Silver Line bus at Washington and Herald streets in the South End around 10 p.m. on Tuesday. Read more.

By adamg - 5/13/24 - 10:03 pm

The MBTA reports all that work on the Red Line between Park and JFK/UMass means it's eliminated 13 more slow zones on the line. But all that work can still be for nought if trains keep dying on those zippy tracks, as happened tonight when the T reported delays of up to 20 minutes due to a train gasping its last at Broadway.

By adamg - 5/13/24 - 10:50 am

At 9:49 a.m., the MBTA reported delays on the Green Line Extension between East Somerville and Gilman Square as workers went into Officer Mike mode and escorted some baby ducks off the tracks.

Aw, shucks: More ducks.

By adamg - 5/13/24 - 9:08 am
Car on the Green Line tracks at Fuller Street

Transit Police report that around 3 this morning, somebody in a 2015 Hyundai drove onto the inbound Green Line tracks at Packards Corner, and then, realizing he couldn't escape the clutches of the sarlacc pit there, got out with a pal and ran away. "TPD Detectives to follow up," police say. "Vehicle towed from scene, no damage to tracks."

By adamg - 5/13/24 - 8:47 am

Remember when the T said the cure for the old, wheezing Orange Line cars was to buy new ones? The T reported, at 6:26 a.m., delays on the Orange Line because of a dead train at Wellington.

By adamg - 5/13/24 - 8:42 am

At 7:49 a.m., the MBTA reported that the Red Line, after part of it took a refreshing week off, had delays because of signal issues near Broadway. Fortunately, they didn't last long - the T updated at 8:01 that the signals were once again working. But the MBTA slow zone map still shows slow zones between Park and JFK/UMass.

By adamg - 5/11/24 - 11:54 pm

Boston firefighters responded to Downtown Crossing around 10:40 p.m. on a report of smoke that turned out to be from a small fire on the inbound tracks between Chinatown and Downtown Crossing.

Once the power was shut off, firefighters quickly doused the fire, located between the two "running rails" rather than along the third rail, with a fire extinguisher.

By adamg - 5/10/24 - 5:02 pm
Firefighters on top of a commuter-rail train at North Station

Firefighters atop a train. Photo by BFD.

The Boston Fire Department reports firefighters responded to North Station around 1:30 p.m. after a locomotive on Track 4 began belching fire. Firefighters quickly knocked down the fire, which caused no injuries but which did cause some delays on service into the station.

By adamg - 5/10/24 - 9:11 am

The MBTA reports more delay-inducing signal problems on the Blue Line, this time at Airport.

By adamg - 5/8/24 - 2:56 pm

The MBTA was forced to rustle up some buses to get Riverside Line riders between Fenway and Reservoir due to an issue with the overhead wires near Brookline Hills.

By adamg - 5/8/24 - 10:04 am

The T is reporting delays of up to 15 minutes along Beacon Street due to a trolley that diverted to Train Valhalla at St. Mary's.

By adamg - 5/8/24 - 10:02 am

Bright and early, well, early at any rate on this rainy day, like 5:21 a.m., the MBTA announced delays on the Blue Line due to signal problems near Orient Heights. Fortunately, the T updated at 5:46 a.m. that the problem had been fixed.

By adamg - 5/7/24 - 9:45 am

The MBTA started the morning by announcing delays on the Orange Line due to a dead new train near North Station.

By adamg - 5/6/24 - 2:06 pm

Sometime in the mid-1950s, Nishan Bichajian snapped the Washington Street el passing the Cathedral of the Holy Cross on Washington at what is now Washington and Msgr. Reynolds Way.

The el-less view in 2022: Read more.

By adamg - 5/4/24 - 1:03 pm

The MBTA reports that signal issues at Government Center mean Green B and C trains are currently making Park Street the end of the line.

By adamg - 5/4/24 - 11:46 am

Transit Police report that around 10 a.m. yesterday at the Ashmont T station, an officer "politely requested a 27y/o male cease smoking." Instead, police say, "He became hostile, combative and assaulted the officer" - all while packing a steak knife in his waistband. Read more.

By adamg - 5/1/24 - 12:53 pm

The MBTA has scheduled a press conference at Orient Heights at 3:45 p.m. to go over "the completion of critical track work" on the Blue Line. T officials might want to find another way to get there than the Blue Line itself, because at 12:46 p.m, it reported delays of up to 20 minutes due to a Blue Line that kicked the bucket at Aquarium.

By adamg - 5/1/24 - 12:15 pm
Workers wait for signal to work on signals at Wood Island

Roving UHub photographer captured workers waiting for a signal to work on signal at Wood Island this morning.

A couple hours after the MBTA told an inquiring rider that, yes, it has removed all the slow zones on the Blue Line, it reported delays on the Blue Line due to some sort of signal problem near Wood Island.

By adamg - 4/30/24 - 2:38 pm

HoofbeatsEqualZebra lives on Fairmount Hill, just perfect to catch all the sound from the train yards and tracks of Readville, including the now infamous 22-minute stuck-on-blast hornshow late in the evening of April 16. He even recorded part of it (only 40 seconds, but for full effect, just let it keep looping for 22 minutes).

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