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By adamg - 9/13/15 - 4:50 pm

Scene in Back Bay. Photo by Paula Tennyson.

Cambridge Police report somebody was shot as the Caribbean parade wound down in Kendall Square this afternoon.

The victim, a 25-year-old woman from Roxbury, was shot in the leg but is expected to survive, police say. Read more.

By adamg - 8/18/15 - 9:15 pm

A bit late with this, but ... Cambridge Day reports MIT is kicking out everybody who stores stuff at Metropolitan Moving & Storage so it can turn the building into some sort of studenty thing.

By adamg - 8/10/15 - 7:42 am

The Boston Business Journal reports on the sensor, intended to be implanted during a biopsy. A key issue: How to get power to the thing. Magnets to the rescue.

By adamg - 3/12/15 - 8:53 am

MassLive.com recounts the testimony in the Tsarnaev trial yesterday.

Kevin Cullen focuses on the testimony of an MIT grad student who bicycled by the Tsarnaevs at Colliers cruiser as they were trying to get Collier's gun.

By adamg - 2/16/15 - 9:19 pm
MIT Alps

Dan Meade chronicles his expedition to the top of the snowy mounts on the MIT campus. He does not say if he brought oxygen with him or risked the thinner air.

Photo copyright Dan Meade. Tagged as universalhub on Flickr.

By adamg - 1/16/15 - 8:37 pm

President Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron say they will harness the collective geekpower of trans-Atlantic Cambridges in a bid to help squelch cybercrime. As MIT reports:

By adamg - 12/9/14 - 6:46 am

The Tech reports retired professor Walter Lewin is no longer allowed near the school's online course platform.

MIT issued a statement:

By adamg - 12/8/14 - 3:22 pm

MIT reports some of its researchers have developed a method to produce cheap NFC-based sensors that could tell if a box contains spoiled food - or explosives.

These inexpensive sensors could be widely deployed, making it easier to monitor public spaces or detect food spoilage in warehouses. Using this system, the researchers have demonstrated that they can detect gaseous ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, and cyclohexanone, among other gases.

“The beauty of these sensors is that they are really cheap. You put them up, they sit there, and then you come around and read them. There’s no wiring involved. There’s no power,” says Timothy Swager, the John D. MacArthur Professor of Chemistry at MIT. “You can get quite imaginative as to what you might want to do with a technology like this.”

By adamg - 11/14/14 - 8:04 am

The Tech reports on growing outrage over the way pedestrians can be mowed down along the river road.

By adamg - 11/4/14 - 9:49 am

They start around 10:40.

Via MIT.

By adamg - 10/31/14 - 2:36 pm

MIT reports both it and the Lambda Chi Alpha national fraternity have banned the local chapter, Lambda Zeta, 99 Bay State Rd. in Boston, for five years for "conduct that does not support the fraternity’s priority of providing a healthy chapter environment for its members."

By adamg - 10/28/14 - 8:13 am

WBUR reports on the details of a survey of MIT students - which also found most never report the assaults. The Tech reports the school's president is "disturbed by the extent and nature of the problem."

By adamg - 10/24/14 - 9:23 am

The New Yorker talks to Harvard and MIT researchers trying to figure out how to battle Ebola by deciphering its genetic code, including Harvard biology professor Pardis Sabeti, who heads the "Ebola war room" at MIT's Broad Institute.

The next morning, Gire took a car to the M.I.T. campus, carrying a small box containing the tubes of droplets with the Ebola RNA. There, in a lab at the Broad Institute, he and a colleague named Sarah Winnicki, working alongside two other research teams, prepared the RNA to be decoded. The work took four days, and Gire and Winnicki hardly slept. By the end, they had combined all fourteen samples into a single, crystal-clear droplet of water solution. The drop contained about six trillion snippets of DNA. Each was a mirror image of a piece of RNA from the blood samples. Most of the snippets were human genetic code, but among them were about two hundred billion snippets of code from Ebola.

By adamg - 10/20/14 - 11:25 am

Cambridge Police report finding multiple shell casings outside 266 Mass. Ave. after receiving reports of gunfire around 1 a.m. today.

By adamg - 10/10/14 - 5:25 pm
Honkfest guy at MIT

Mark looked up in MIT's Infinite Corridor this afternoon and immediately thought "broken neck" when he looked up and saw this guy on the other side of the railing. Musicians were in the corridor warming up for this weekend's Honk.

By adamg - 9/18/14 - 1:26 pm
Audi on fire on Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge.

Jimmy Doan happened upon this flaming car a little after 1 p.m. on Massachusetts Avenue near MIT and Memorial Drive.

He reports nobody was inside the car, at least not when he arrived.

Anson Stewart captured the Mass. Ave. scene from the other side of the road and behind the car:

By adamg - 9/5/14 - 8:16 am

The Tech gets the scoop.

By adamg - 9/4/14 - 9:17 am

The Tech reports the Institute announced the new ban yesterday, after determining that non-MIT student who fell out a window at a Bay State Road fraternity was "intoxicated" despite an MIT ban on liquor at rush-week events.

City officials last year basically banned parties at MIT's Boston frats after an MIT student fell through a skylight.

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