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The Jordan Marsh Christmas display

Jordan Marsh at Christmastime

The BPL has put up a ton of Leslie Jones winter photos, including this one of the Jordan Marsh nativity scene in 1950. Also see the Christmas displays at other long gone downtown stores, including Gilchrist's, R.H. White, Houghton and Dutton and Jordan Marsh in 1957.

Photo posted under this Creative Commons license.



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Wow, what a treat to see these pictures. As a kid, an annual tradition for us was meet Dad after work on Summer street and to spend an evening taking in all the Christmas displays and dinner at Dini's. What is now Downtown Crossing would be lit up with Christmas lights, trees, Santas and all kinds of wonderful window dressings. As a child it was all so magical, and still is.

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My Mom would bundle us up and we'd all take the Blue Line in from Beachmont to go to Jordan's and then after we'd go to Bailey's for sandwiches and ice cream.

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At first glance, my brain registered the sign as saying JORDANMARSH.COM.

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Back then the sorry atheist couldn't have it banned :)

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This is on private property. That's never been an issue.

You can go back to your Glenn Beck Fauxcast now.

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Likely, any store wishing outdoor display signage and decoration changes needs to apply to the City zoning board for permission. At that time, people of other religions including atheism could protest and block the permits, if not the board itself. The board might order a structural analysis to ensure added weight was safe.

Environmentalists would protest if the lights are not expensive LED types and efficient.

Police would protest that pickpockets would feast on distracted crowds.

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Citations Needed.

Oh, heck, lights that are bright on a corner might blind a driver trying to feel the g-force like santa's sleigh!

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These ornate, over the top were visual feasts. Now we have tiny windows containing cheap throw away decorations.

These older grand displays are a thousand times better than the measly display at Macy's. The "holiday tree" mounting the building's canopy at least in the past was a glory of color. Now it's just a super sized street lamp. Same goes for all the houses that are decorated in just white lights because it is "tasteful." It's not tasteful; it's boring and pretentious.

Xmas (or holiday if needed) decorations seem to following the same direction of architecture: boring exercises in monotony. A capitalist version of dullard Soviet architecture that eliminates the decorative qualities that give a sense of wonder and soul.

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is nothing short of an "I Believe" acid trip. I don't know why only the flagship store has this- all of the old-school urban hub stores should too!

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I'm trying to remember when and why the whole "white light" thing that is so pervasive now started. It's so unfestive.

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In a area that now contains its share of homeless people, I find the display of these particular homeless people finding shelter in a stable ironic, and an appropriate reminder to all of us.

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You do realize the homeless hang out there because they're counting on tugging people's heartstrings and it's a high traffic area, right?

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