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Charles River

By adamg - 1/10/24 - 3:42 pm
Dark and stormy on the Charles

It was pretty dark and stormy looking over the Charles as our own Ron Newman made his way over the Longfellow around 1:30 p.m.

Earlier though, roving UHub photographer David Fisher captured a rainbow over Jamaica Plain, then a full up Fort Point Channel (on the South Boston side): Read more.

By adamg - 1/8/24 - 8:47 pm
Duck with its butt seemingly on fire

Mary Ellen headed over to Cow Island Pond - the part of the Charles off Rivermoor Road in West Roxbury - around sunset and spotted this merganser with its butt seemingly on fire in the setting sun.

She's just a bird and she's on FIYAH

By adamg - 12/18/23 - 3:19 pm
Rainbow over Cambridge

Did you notice it briefly got lighter for a bit a little after 1? Alisa Bokulich looked out from her office at BU and captured the rainbow that sprang up over Cambridge before it got dark and stormy again.

David Fisher spotted it, too, from his aerie in the Seaport: Read more.

By adamg - 10/20/23 - 11:45 am

Frederick Hewett has lived within a mile of the Charles River for 40 years now:

As you spend more time around Boston, the Charles infuses into your consciousness.

By adamg - 10/8/23 - 1:36 pm
Smoke coming up from below the bridge before it was shut

Smoke coming up from below the bridge before it was shut. Photo by Danny.

The Cambridge Fire Department reports firefighters responded to a homeless encampment underneath the BU Bridge for a fire that sent thick black smoke into the air - and forcing firefighters to back away after multiple propane tanks exploded. Read more.

By adamg - 10/2/23 - 12:12 pm

Guy wants to row a giant pumpkin down the Charles River, but the 1,000-lb. pumpkin he's apparently procured for his Oct. 14 orange ride is just too large to get from the truck to the river without a forklift, so now he's hoping some kind soul with a forklift to spare will help him out in his hour of need. No word on what he's doing (done?) with all the pumpkin guts, what he plans to do once he gets to the locks or whether DCR has said OK, but first things first.

By adamg - 9/1/23 - 8:58 am
Sunrise over the Charles and Boston

Handmaid watched the sunrise over the Charles River, Back Bay and downtown Boston.

By adamg - 8/4/23 - 12:15 pm

Watertown News reports on the proposed boat service.

The tahget mahket: Read more.

By adamg - 7/30/23 - 5:19 pm
Charles River looking downstream from the Millennium Park canoe launch

The Charles River at the Millennium Park canoe launch today looked a bit different from the view on July 29, 2022: Read more.

By adamg - 7/23/23 - 1:37 pm
Berries on the shore of the Charles River

There are plenty of big things to see on a walk on the path along the Charles River at Millennium Park in West Roxbury: Big trees, big sky and a wide river (now that rainfall is back to normal). But look carefully and there are all sorts of interesting little things to see as well. Read more.

By adamg - 7/17/23 - 10:35 am
Abandoned boat at Millennium Park canoe launch

This abandoned motorboat sat at the Millennium Park canoe launch yesterday, soaking up rain with no motor and stripped of all its wiring and gauges.

By adamg - 7/11/23 - 8:38 am
Rainbow over the Charles River

Ksenia Dunn got a good view of yesterday's rainbow over (and into!) the Charles River, along with some UFOs (OK, she says they were really just reflections from the office lights on her window).

By adamg - 7/6/23 - 9:56 am
Catbird with a berry

Mary Ellen's been watching the birds chow down on berries along the Charles River in West Roxbury the past couple of days, such as this catbird.

A cedar waxwing also eats up: Read more.

By adamg - 6/25/23 - 11:46 am
American bullfrog at Millennium Park

Mary Ellen spotted an American bullfrog at Millennium Park in West Roxbury today - from the eyes up, at any rate.

By adamg - 6/24/23 - 9:46 pm
Lots of used tennis balls

Mary Ellen spotted all these used tennis balls at the canoe launch on the Charles River at Millennium Park today. A sacrifice, or an attempt to give all the dog owners who bring their pets there something to throw into the river for them to fetch?

By adamg - 6/21/23 - 11:10 am
Muskrat grabbing some lunch along the Charles River

Mary Ellen captured this muskrat (or some other rodenty critter) chowing down along the Charles River in West Roxbury the other day.

By adamg - 6/16/23 - 3:01 pm

The Charles River Conservancy has announced its canceled tomorrow's City Splash swim event at the Esplanade due to forecast "heavy rain and potential thunderstorms" that would make swimming unsafe.

The group had set Sunday as its rain date, but it's been forced to cancel that as well, because all the rain Saturday could mean unsafe levels of potentially harmful microorganisms via pipes that still drain into the river.

By Oliver Blake - 5/18/23 - 4:01 pm
Havey Beach carriage house

Imagine this as an ice-cream stand and coffee house.

DCR has hired a landscape architect to draw up possible plans for returning Havey Beach, along the Charles River across from the VA Hospital in West Roxbury, into a place where people would actually want to go again. Read more.

By adamg - 5/16/23 - 2:13 pm
A beaver in water with some fresh greens

Mary Ellen watched this beaver at Cow Island Pond (the part of the Charles off Rivermoor Street in West Roxbury) make several trips with fresh greens the other day - so maybe bringing lunch home for the kids, rather than doing construction.

By adamg - 5/16/23 - 11:03 am
Frieze from old Mechanics Hall in honor of Machinery

The Boston Parks and Recreation Department plans to clean up the banks of the Charles River at Millennium Park by trying to rid the area of Japanese knotweed and oriental bittersweet and by removing various metal tanks and tubes that have popped up from the park's previous life as the Gardner Street city landfill. Read more.

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