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Dunkin' Donuts

By adamg - 5/25/08 - 9:18 pm

Miss Von Schtoop acknowledges her Dunkin' addiction, but reports her need for a medium iced coffee with two Equals and a strawberry-frosted donut can only be fed at one particular store in South Boston:

... There are more than TEN (10) Dunkies within striking distance from my house and yet I will travel in my car to go to this one Dunkies in South Boston just for that particular chemical fix.

I AM a Masshole. Harbor water in my veins, a pot of beans for a brain. ...

By adamg - 5/15/08 - 9:19 am

Jason reminds us that today is Free Iced Coffee Day at your local Dunkin' Donuts, all 63 gazillion of them:

... Usually I don't hit up these free events (free cone day, free burrito day) because it just seems like too much of a hassle to receive a free item of nominal value. I suppose part of the charm is community - waiting with others also seeking free stuff. But the lines usually offset the value, and I can't get myself to wait thirty minutes for a scoop of ice cream.

By adamg - 5/12/08 - 2:49 pm

Beantown Bloggery stumbles on a Dunkin' Donuts commercial being filmed downtown.

By adamg - 4/22/08 - 10:17 am

Jenn Martinelli cringes whenever that Papelbon butt-slap ad comes on:

... I can't even follow the point of the commercial because I'm so distressed by the dumber than dirt look on Papelbon's face. He just looks so stupid. Like he's trying to figure out something really hard, not act in a Dunkin Donuts commercial.

Stunt butt!

By adamg - 4/18/08 - 3:18 pm

At least one Mary Kay distributor is now cruising lines at Dunkin' Donuts looking for new business.

By adamg - 4/17/08 - 2:18 pm

Boston Police report they had grounds to arrest a Dorchester couple following an alleged coffee-rage incident at a Dunkin' Donuts drive-thru at 845 Morrissey Blvd. last night:

By adamg - 4/3/08 - 8:35 pm

The Tab reports today was the day the neon sign at North Beacon and Market Street was supposed to come down.

By adamg - 4/1/08 - 5:39 pm

A 25-year-old state employee was arrested Sunday night after police said he drove his car to a Dunkin' Donuts drive-through window while naked.

By adamg - 4/1/08 - 1:56 pm

Reta Rampino writes in to relay the following:

Early Monday morning at Dunkin' Donuts on Spring Street in West Roxbury, while my friend, Kim K. was getting a coffee, a fight broke out between two of the dozen students that were sitting at the tables. They were from the High School/Complex, or whatever they turned Westie into. The fight involved two girls, Kim didn't see what had happened, she was pushed into the corner with other people. One of the girls was screaming and the other was yelling, "Bitch, I told you that I would cut you." The police were called and were there in less than 3 minutes, the entire incident was over within 5 minutes. Kim says there was blood and coffee all over the floor, but no one was seriously injured.

By adamg - 3/13/08 - 1:57 pm

The aptly named DunkinJeff posts:

We traveled to 40 different Dunkin' Donuts in 1 day... we traveled 350 miles in 17 and 1/2 hours and consumed nothing but Dunkin Donuts products. Previous to this we have taken several cross country trips stopping at every Dunkin Donuts we could. We have gone to a total of 180 different stores in 26 states, 5 countries, and also including the first Dunkin Donuts in Quincy, Massachusetts.

By adamg - 3/13/08 - 12:26 pm

Via Amy Derjue comes the news that Rick Pitino and two partners are opening 17 Dunkin' Donuts shops in Kentucky.

Along with his partners, he also owns 35 Outback Steakhouses in California.

By adamg - 3/9/08 - 2:59 pm

Eeka reports North Station now has a second Dunkin' Donuts:

... Like, 50 feet away from the other one. Like, you could throw a donut and hit the new Dunkies. ...

Meanwhile, the Joker is back: I saw Rachael Ray advertising some Dunkin' Donuts non-coffee, non-donut thing on TV last night. Yep, her absence was too good to be true.

By adamg - 2/26/08 - 11:18 am

Fox In Detox suggests the entire city of Boston take some anger-management classes, and stat. She offers as proof an incident this morning involving a woman in a car screaming her head off in anger at a van that the driver of her car had just cut off in a mad, failed attempt to get into a Dunkin' Donuts, thereby blocking traffic, including her:

... So I did the only thing I could think to do. I smiled the biggest, sweetest smile anyone has ever seen and waved to her, like I knew her... then I blew her a kiss... but for some reason, it didn't work. She wasn't cheered up. She stopped her tirade, a look of almost recognition flickering on her face for like... a second, then she rolled down her window and started screaming and swearing even louder! I smiled and waved some more, blew her another kiss...but again, it didn't seem to help, she was practically clawing her way out the car window with the driver clinging to her coat. Just then, the car moved forward abruptly. This startled the woman out of her rage and made her lose her balance. Then the light changed and traffic started to move forward. I waved one more time, blew one final kiss and moved with the traffic. Out of my side view mirror, I could see her running across the parking lot towards me, left arm extended, middle finger raised. I'm sure she was just trying to thank me for making her feel better. ...

By adamg - 2/13/08 - 11:04 am

Maybe if I still had the sort of job where I'd be at work until 2 a.m. (reporting on exciting selectmen's or public-works board meetings), I'd be thrilled to death by the announcement that Dunkin' Donuts is moving into the dinner market - it'd be a welcome change from the chicken fingers I'd get at the Sampan in downtown Framingham. But now that I'm old and get home in time to watch Charlie Gibson most nights, all I can think is "No, this must be stopped."

Meanwhile, Dunk's is giving away free samples of its new "food" at City Hall Plaza today. Good day for it.

By adamg - 1/26/08 - 9:04 am

Japan Grown Masshole Wannabe discovers a tie between Dice-K and the Double D that goes far deeper than that Japanese sign out in right field.

By EBguy - 1/18/08 - 9:51 am

Some guy confused his coffee with mine at Dunkin' Donuts this morning. In order to make sure he got the right one, he took a sip out of mine, and said, oops, wrong one. Then he took his and left.

I stood in disbelief as this Seinfeldesque situation happened. This rude behavior is an example of how one scumbag ruins it for everyone else. Believe me, I felt like chasing him and splashing it in his face. But I picture the headlines "Man burned in face over coffee"

In this day and age, and in this city, it is amazing how people can be so ignorant. I hope he burns his tongue!

By adamg - 1/16/08 - 11:55 pm

No more Rachael Ray but plenty of TMBG commercials (only without John Goodman on voiceover). She's even gone from the Web site. Thank you, Dunk's! Please, please, please say this is permanent!

By adamg - 1/13/08 - 11:20 am

02145 starts the discussion:

... It tasted like hot cake batter, but not in the best way. ...

By adamg - 1/12/08 - 4:54 pm

Mike Ball posts his personal story about the soon-to-be-gone Dunkin' Donuts sign in Brighton. He starts by saying it's better than any you might have about the sign. And after reading it, I have to agree. With a special bonus message for all you people convinced Harvard plans to screw the neighborhood - seems they were doing it even in 1969.

By adamg - 1/8/08 - 8:20 pm

Save the sign? Michael Pahre has another idea: Bulldoze the entire corner:

... What to do with that old neon sign in my new scenario? Project its image on the WGBH digital mural over the Mass Turnpike. Then we can enjoy it for all eternity -- and from miles away.

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