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By adamg - 3/28/13 - 10:06 pm

The JP Convenience Store, 162 South St., was held up around 9:45 p.m. by a Hispanic male, about 5'8", dressed all in black, who fled towards the T stop.

By adamg - 3/28/13 - 8:34 pm

Who are we to argue with the president of the United States?

Boston is the vibrant, welcoming, and world-class city it is today because of Tom Menino.

By adamg - 3/28/13 - 4:44 pm

Tom Menino entered Faneuil Hall a little after 4 p.m. today to a standing ovation and "My Way."

"I never dreamed I would end up here, mayor of Boston during its best years," he told the packed auditorium, saying that in jobs, graduation rates, construction, credit ratings, population and crime, the city is at its best numbers in decades.

"Boston's neighborhoods are thriving as they never have," he said. "And most important to me, we are more open and accepting city."

By adamg - 3/28/13 - 3:47 pm

The 31-year-old LGBT newspaper says it's been hit by the decline in newspaper advertising revenue just like every other print outlet and hopes contributions could let it continue to offer print and online versions without a fee.

Update: Headline changed; see comment below from publisher Sue O'Connell.

By adamg - 3/28/13 - 12:25 pm

David Bernstein (who broke the news that Hizzona was not running again) wonders what exhibits the curators of a Menino museum simply must have (needless to say, it would have to be located near the Menino Arts Center and the Menino Wing of the Hyde Park library):

By Josh Resnek - 3/27/13 - 8:46 pm

Mayor Thomas Menino will announce Thursday that he will not run for re-election this fall.

The mayor has set an announcement for 4 o'clock at Faneuil Hall - after telling his top City Hall administrators at a meeting in the morning, sources say.

"It appears to be the end of the line," said one of the mayor's close friends, who wished to remain unnamed.

It is believed his doctors have told him the rigors of a full fledged campaign might be too much for him to withstand in his present physical condition. The mayor has apparently said that he does not want to enter a campaign and fail to go through with it.

By adamg - 3/27/13 - 8:12 am

A Suffolk Superior Court jury yesterday convicted Amos "Ace" Don of first-degree murder for the 2009 murder of a Lewiston, Maine woman who had the misfortune of being the girlfriend of a drug dealer in a soured business relationship with Don.

Prosecutors showed that Don shot Erica Field in the head as she sat with her boyfriend and Don in a car on Nrowell Street. Don also shot the boyfriend, but he survived, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office said, adding this account:

By adamg - 3/26/13 - 8:54 pm

Guilty guy

A roving UHub photographer reports he watched young dude sitting on a D trolley between Kenmore and Hynes tonight as an old guy with a cane stood and struggled to stay upright:

By adamg - 3/26/13 - 8:42 pm

Gamification explains why an upcoming upgrade to Citizens Connect will feature a Facebook-like "like" function.

By adamg - 3/25/13 - 1:17 pm

Mayor Menino announced the new program - in which iPads will come "preloaded with bestselling books and apps to connect them with job searching, social media, and language-learning tools" - in a speech today before the Boston Municipal Research Bureau.

Menino also pledged to have 30,000 new housing units built in Boston by 2020 - and that not all of them would be luxury apartments in downtown high rises.

By JohnAKeith - 3/25/13 - 12:38 pm

IMAGE(http://www.universalhub.com/files/photos/bps.png?1364229442)The first round of lottery assignments for students in Boston Public Schools went out last week. Some parents were overjoyed that their children would be going to the schools they preferred; others (probably, including the lady whose child didn't get into his first 9 choices) were faced with disappointment.

But, worry not, parents! You have another option - Simply move!

By adamg - 3/25/13 - 11:08 am

The Massachusetts Appellate Tax Board last week ordered the city of Boston to pay back some $2.4 million in property taxes levied against the company that leases parts of South Station for retail and office use, because state law forbids property tax assessments on any MBTA property, even if it's used for commercial concerns.

The payments cover taxes the company paid in 2009 and 2010.

By adamg - 3/25/13 - 10:33 am

Mystery marchers

By adamg - 3/22/13 - 8:24 pm

At 7:54 p.m., Matt Karolian tweeted:

Did anyone in #boston just see whatever the heck that was streaking through the sky?

Reports began flooding in not long after: A flash in the sky; Karolian reports it was "green and heading from north to south."

At 8:17 p.m., the Weather Channel reported:

Twitter search reveals meteor sighted [at least] as far south as Richmond, VA and as far north as Boston, MA.

By adamg - 3/22/13 - 11:37 am

Boston Police report two guys posing as water workers rang an 84-year-old Huron Circle resident's door around 5:30 p.m. yesterday and said they needed to check his pipes:

By adamg - 3/22/13 - 11:28 am

Seems they took offense at a Murphy drop kicking a guy giving a Nazi salute in New York last weekend.

By adamg - 3/21/13 - 7:17 pm

WGBH reports on a chat Tom Menino had with Emily Rooney today.

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