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Davis Square

By adamg - 5/6/08 - 12:28 pm

Bobbob hasn't taken the T regularly for three years now, so wonders if the following sight is unusual:

... [T]here were two very buff, swat-team style cops with large guns -- I don't know my guns, but this sure wasn't a handgun, it extended about the length of his torso. Is this a new thing? Have there been military style police riding the rails for a while now? I opted to take the next train but the other passengers seemed less surprised.

Amazingly, JP Beat got a photo of two T SWATters at Back Bay station this morning, and they don't look like they're about to order him to the ground and rip the memory card out of his camera.

Maybe they were too busy looking for this evil dude.

By adamg - 5/5/08 - 8:18 am

Mike Mennonno reports he's now gone to Mr. Crepe in Davis Square enough to conclude that it is staffed entirely by grumpy people:

... [N]o human kindness escapes any of them. At least not towards me. And they have trained me not to attempt to show any myself by answering my innocent smiles with glares, or by returning my "good morning" with a brittle "can I take your order?" ...

Plus, they shed eyelashes on the crepes.

By adamg - 4/22/08 - 6:50 pm

Spaz_i_mota wonders about the smelly guy now inhabiting the platform at Davis station:

... I'm not looking for snide remarks, its obvious he is homeless, but to be honest, and potentially non-pc, the smell of urine is really potent down there. I have noticed that he keeps to himself and really doesn't interact with anyone.

I'm not expecting someone, to offer him a place to shower, but how does this get addressed in terms of the MBTA? Is it allowed as long as he gets through the gates? ...

By adamg - 4/15/08 - 8:42 pm

Back in December, somebody with a Sharpie modified the historic timeline display at Davis Station to include "Native Americans, wholly mammoths." Christina J. Hodge, MA, PhD, RPA, senior curatorial assistant, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University and a research fellow in the Department of Archaeology, Boston University, places this act of consciousness-raising defiance in its proper milieu with a detailed post (complete with footnotes):

... My gaze tended to slide over the Davis timeline because it was static, familiar, of the background; dangerous and powerful qualities (Miller 2005:5). I did not engage actively with it until after it was graffitied. I acknowledge the graffiti authors for bringing my attention to the installation and for amending it. They inspired me to bring professional agendas more critically to bear on everyday praxis. Whether we recognize it or not, we all engage in a physically- and textually-mediated dialogues with the writing on the wall.

Via MetaBoston.

By adamg - 2/12/08 - 7:38 pm

Coyote spotted down by Powder House Park.

The Somerville News reports:

The prairie wolf eluded police and animal control officers as he ran through the Max Pak site, Highland Road and Boston Avenue.

By adamg - 2/5/08 - 9:16 pm

Spatch reports he has not seen his cat, Abbie, since Sunday:

By adamg - 1/28/08 - 3:41 pm

Spatch answers the question that vexed inbound commuters at Davis Square this morning: How the hell did trains keep heading outbound to Alewife when only one train came from Alewife this morning?

... The real explanation is that there is a freak rift in the time-space continuum in the train tunnel and it is centered directly underneath the northbound tracks. Trains travelling northbound don't actually reach Alewife, you see, for they fall through the rift and end up in the lair of an ancient Eldritch horror so arcane and powerful that the mere sight of its full name will cause any mere mortal being's head to explode. ...

By adamg - 1/22/08 - 1:28 pm

McIntyre and Moore to close in April; owners hope to re-open somewhere else, in a smaller space.

By adamg - 1/11/08 - 6:33 pm

It's that simple, really; Boloco owner John Pepper explains the situation and answers every last person on Davis Square LiveJournal who posted why they never eat there.

By adamg - 1/3/08 - 4:29 pm

Olex Tatro reports his wife was hit by a car this morning and is looking for witnesses:

This morning at around 7:40 my wife was hit by a green car while she was crossing the street at the intersection of Highland Ave. and Trull Ln. She knows that an older man (jogger?) helped her up. She was in shock and left the scene before police and paramedics could arrive. We are looking for any information anyone might have regarding the car that hit her. ...

By adamg - 11/25/07 - 8:42 pm

Stand in Davis Square at 1 a.m. with a clipboard and yell at passersby: I AM NOT A CRIMINAL! I DO NOT HAVE ANY WEAPONS!"

By adamg - 11/18/07 - 11:29 pm

Tut21 faces the classic urban conundrum: What to do about the old guy down the street who uses a trash barrel to reserve "his" space all the time, not just after a snow storm.

By adamg - 11/2/07 - 8:36 pm

The Jamaicaway guy (you know which one), turned on the lights he has up this week.

In Somerville, Kathleen Powers videos all the wreaths the city DPW was putting up on light poles today.

By adamg - 10/21/07 - 2:53 pm

Luscious Nichols complains that Davis Square would be even perfecter if only the damn smokers wouldn't just toss their butts on the ground:

... I think we live in the coolest Square there is, and I'm really proud of it. But it makes be incredibly sad to see thousands of cigarette butts littered all over Davis Square. And to me, it's disgusting. It smacks of trashy, ill mannered and anti-green. And I don't need to go into the reasons why it hurts the environment, right?! ...

By adamg - 10/8/07 - 4:13 pm

Kathleen Powers posts a 100% guaranteed real press release from the people behind the new Chipotle burrito joint in Davis Square:

It is somehow fitting that a site not far from the historic Powder House, where gunpowder was stored for Revolutionary soldiers, will be the home of the quick-service burrito restaurant named for a fiery pepper. ...

By adamg - 10/8/07 - 10:06 am

Mike Mennonno noticed that nearly everybody at this weekend's Honkfest was white:

... It's not really a criticism, or a grievance, or a judgment, just an observation and gentle reminder. You know, something to think about. I mean, is the concept of HONK! inherently white? Or is it just that it hasn't caught on amongst other races and ethnicities yet?

By adamg - 10/7/07 - 8:00 pm

The Somerville Journal went to Honkfest:

By adamg - 10/6/07 - 6:22 pm

Somerville sure does love it some quirky stuff, like this weekend's Honkfest, which some people used the Red Line to get to. With their tubas.

Ezra Ball takes a honking good number of photos.

Giant knife and fork (and tuba).

More Honkfest photos.

By adamg - 9/9/07 - 11:01 pm

Some Assembly Required and spouse head over to Davis Square for some of the new cupcakes; he reports they're either seriously over-priced at $2.75 or under-sized. He adds:

... Saturday we stopped in Ball Square to get a snack at Lyndell's bakery. They make some pretty great pastries; I'm quite partial to their raspberry danish. And they also make cupcakes, which are generously sized and cost 90 cents each.

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