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The T

By adamg - 3/8/12 - 9:27 pm

WBUR reports on a new MBTA initiative to reduce the number of people riding the rails for free.

By adamg - 3/7/12 - 5:08 pm

When I got on on the second car of an inbound trolley at Hynes early this afternoon, it was fairly crowded, and the back half of the car was packed with high-school kids.

About halfway between Arlington and Boylston, WHAM, the train slammed to a stop. Some guy began yelling "Is everybody OK?" The operator got on the PA and asked the same question. Everybody was. And then the operator got back on and said "You kids back there better stop fooling around, somebody's going to get hurt."

By adamg - 3/7/12 - 4:51 pm

YusufBoston Police report an off-duty cop returning home from a detail at the Garden last night had to subdue an out-of-control passenger who, after refusing to stop harassing other passengers, turned on him and sent him to the hospital with minor injuries.

According to police, the cop, heading toward his car at Forest Hills around 11 p.m., perked up when he noticed Aisha Abdi Yusuf, 22, screaming at some men at the other end of their train car. When he asked her - "quietly," police say - to knock it off and sit down, she turned on him:

By adamg - 3/5/12 - 5:55 pm

This afternoon, it's homebound commuter-rail riders at South Station sharing a very special experience thanks to switch issues. TH sighs:

When I die and go to hell, I'll just end up back on the MBTA and every day will be Monday.

By adamg - 3/5/12 - 9:12 am

Broken trolleys on the Green Line, borked signals on the Orange Line, non-functioning lights on the Red Line at Park Street. But at least the Blue Line was working just fine.

Oh, and don't be so smug, morning drivers: Storrow inbound was FUBAR.

By adamg - 3/2/12 - 12:56 pm

A college student from western Massachusetts wrote to state Sen. Stan Rosenberg, D-Amherst, asking he join efforts to help the MBTA stave off fare hikes and service cuts by doing something about Big Dig-related debt the state put on the T. Rosenberg replied:

By adamg - 3/1/12 - 7:52 am

Some major new development, from the New Balance land in Brighton to BU in Allston means the area really needs a stop on the Worcester Line - especially given how it lost all three of its stops to the turnpike construction, not to mention the A Line, TC writes.

By adamg - 2/29/12 - 8:38 pm

Those eyes, those eyes!

Nancy looked down tonight and went "What the hell?"

By adamg - 2/29/12 - 7:45 pm

Kristina Cary reports a trash fire means problems on the Red Line in Cambridge and Somerville tonight.

By adamg - 2/29/12 - 9:48 am

UPDATE: MBTA spokesman Joe Pesaturo says there were no four-car trains in operation on the Green Line this morning; only two- and three-car ones.

Laura Longoria reports she rode on a four-car Green Line train today:

I got on it at Park St and rode it 2 stops to Arlington, it was a Riverside train.

By adamg - 2/28/12 - 11:38 pm

Mr. Snowplow Running off Big Dig Debt. Photo by Rob Bellinger.

The T Riders Union organized a pack of superheroes to fight evil service cuts and fare hikes at an MBTA hearing in Somerville.

Copyright Rob Bellinger. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 2/27/12 - 11:17 am

The T reports its Red Line track work between Harvard and Alewife will be completed after this coming weekend, which, as the T notes, means this is one project coming in on time and on budget.

By adamg - 2/25/12 - 1:41 pm

Fred Palmerino has posted photos of buskers in action in 1999 and 2000. Any still performing?

Via Ride Like Charlie.

By adamg - 2/24/12 - 7:24 pm

Grabauskas has a lei-away plan.

Honolulu is building an el (a $5.3-billion el) and the people in charge want to hire our own Dan Grabauskas to oversee it. Wonder if he gets an SUV out of the deal.

His current boss, at the Bronner Group, couldn't be more thrilled:

By adamg - 2/24/12 - 2:51 pm

Some subtitles NSFW. Plus, you know, Nazis. Via the Phoenix:

By adamg - 2/24/12 - 11:12 am

Paul Levy provides the proof, with a video survey of the secret nip burial ground at Reservoir:

By adamg - 2/24/12 - 9:56 am

MBTA Transit Police report arresting a 14-year-old on charges he flashed a gun at an MBTA bus driver at Warren and Howland streets and then did the same thing moments later to a cab driver who refused to let him and his three pals in his cab.

According to MBTA police, the alleged gunboy and friends got off the 23 bus's rear exit, then walked to the front, where the kid with the gun "tapped the door of the bus, displaying what appeared to be a black handgun." In response, the driver floored it, fearing for his life, a police report says.

Not long after, police found a cab driver, who reported:

As he was stopped by Crawford Street and Warren Street he refused several youths from getting into his cab, one of them pulled out a black colored hand gun and pointed it at him and then tapped it on the window. He said fearing for his life he drove away and called 911.

Boston Police found the four hanging out on Blue Hill Avenue:

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