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The T

By adamg - 12/23/11 - 10:50 pm

Around 9:40 p.m. Suspects are two Hispanic males, one 18 or 19, 5'8" and wearing a black and gray North Face jacket, the other about 5'6" and dressed in a black top and pants.

By adamg - 12/23/11 - 9:02 am

So far this morning, a charred 39 bus was towed from Huntington Avenue near Brigham Circle and buses had to be rolled out for the C line when an overhead power line came down near Cleveland Circle.

By adamg - 12/22/11 - 6:24 pm

Trains in both directions came to a halt this evening as police ordered power to the third rails shut off while they got the guy off the tracks.

By adamg - 12/20/11 - 5:23 pm

A teenager was arrested this afternoon on charges he punched the operator of a trolley about to leave Mattapan for Ashmont, the MBTA says.

A spokeswoman said the incident happened around 2:15 and that investigators do not yet know why the teen decided to punch. The operator was taken to a local hospital for a non-life-threatening facial injury; the teen was nabbed nearby.

By adamg - 12/20/11 - 10:39 am

A worker at Conover Tuttle Pace downtown came into work this morning rather distraught because she lost her engagment ring on the train into work. But a conductor found the ring and turned it in and now it's back on her finger.

By adamg - 12/20/11 - 8:22 am

The Boston Business Journal reports the MBTA plans to go ahead with an idea from a local startup - which the T says, however, is not guaranteed the contract to implement it all.

Ed. question: Didn't the old T passes sometimes have ads on them? The article doesn't answer the question of how to avoid Coraline-like ads on cards designed to last a decade.

By adamg - 12/19/11 - 7:33 pm

Downed power lines somewhere in the Canton area mean no Amtrak service between Boston and New York and, of course, massive delays on the Providence/Stoughton Line that have left stranded commuters hoping for the buses the T is promising.

By adamg - 12/19/11 - 6:12 pm

Channel 4 reports an MBTA cop has been suspended for allegedly using his cruiser to drive his prostitute girlfriend to assignations - including one with a man who stiffed her, leading to the cop's trip to a UPS store with a couple of dead rodents.

By adamg - 12/19/11 - 9:36 am

A Worcester Line train died this morning in Natick; commuters on that train and the one behind it, which wound up pushing it into town, were, of course, seriously late.

Some trains into North Station were delayed by the ever popular switch problems. At least one Greenbush train was also late because, well, who knows?

By adamg - 12/18/11 - 10:26 am

The Herald reports on this amazing thing. One wonders when Forest Hills will get something like that.

By adamg - 12/17/11 - 1:49 pm

Two tweets from your basic Saturday on the T:

Derek Lumpkins: "Never thought I'd see someone carry a Christmas tree on the subway."

Dan Moriarty: "The MBTA: Where watching a woman lick the cut on her kneecap is normal."

By adamg - 12/16/11 - 4:32 pm

No, it's not when you miss the last train to Haverhill because the Orange Line was delayed. It's people realizing too late they're looking for love on the T. We eagerly await MBTA Forum, with letters that begin, "Dear MBTA Forum, I never thought I'd be writing something like this, but ..."

By adamg - 12/16/11 - 7:11 am

The Jamaica Plain Gazette reports the city has put the T's Arborway bus yard on its list of problem properties, which it usually uses for places at high risk of catastrophic fires, excessive illegal activities and the like. In the yard's case, the issue is chemical storage and fumes. The T has shelved plans to renovate the property, citing lack of money.

By adamg - 12/14/11 - 8:08 am

Orange Line riders wait for mystery shuttle bus at Green. Photo by Rick Pinchera.Orange Line riders wait for mystery shuttle bus at Green. Photo by Rick Pinchera.

UPDATE, 9:24 a.m.: The T says normal service has resumed, but with "residual delays."

You'd be hard pressed to pick a worse time for the Orange Line to die than 8 a.m. on a weekday. But there's no service south of Ruggles as the T tries to figure out where the power went. Shuttle buses are allegedly plying the roads; the queueing masses at Forest Hills are being told to take the 39. Rider Jennifer M sums it up:


Of course, the problems quickly backed up north of downtown as well. Shana O. tweets:

Stuck on an orange line train packed like sardines delayed at CC, feeling claustrophobic

By adamg - 12/12/11 - 5:18 pm

Newton Police report the attack happened around 10:30 a.m.:

The victim was on the T platform when she was attacked from behind and thrown to the ground. The victim's cell phone was stolen during the attack.

Police report, however, five arrests were made.

By adamg - 12/12/11 - 11:40 am

Some photos from the good ol' days, back when there was a direct rail link between South and North stations.

Fans of absurd disasters, of course, recall that the Great Molasses Flood of 1919 took out part of the el on Commercial Street.

By adamg - 12/12/11 - 9:44 am

A Harvard manA Harvard manTransit Police have made an arrest for a November incident in which a guy allegedly poked a woman's crotch with a finger as their Red Line tra

By adamg - 12/9/11 - 5:40 pm
Casey Overpass protesters

Sarah Freeman (l.) and Beth Worell were among the protesters on New Washington Street under the Casey Overpass today urging the state Department of Transportation to replace the crumbling hulk with at-grade intersections and parks.

By adamg - 12/7/11 - 5:03 pm

A concerned T rider files this report via e-mail:

CharlieCards seem to be expiring today in spite of the promised extension.

This morning, my everyday card with a monthly pass on it came up as "EXPIRED" and wouldn't let me in. The attendant at Davis said that this was happening a lot - he gave me a new card, told me to go to Downtown Crossing to get the pass transferred over, and to tailgate someone to get in this morning.

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