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Deval Patrick

By adamg - 9/12/07 - 5:07 pm

With absolutely nothing else to talk about, the right wing has, of course, decided to raise the question of why Deval Patrick hates America.

By adamg - 9/11/07 - 10:01 am

The Herald reports Deval Patrick is looking at leasing key roads to private companies, who would then be able to make money by squeezing commuters like a turnip.

Here's the thing: Although the authorities that now run our toll roads (the turnpike authority and Massport) are isolated to some extent from the public they allegedly serve (hence the "quasi" in "quasi-public"), the are, ultimately, still responsible to our elected officials (just ask Christy Mihos). Private companies? All bets are off:

By adamg - 8/28/07 - 9:20 am

Keno, scratch tickets just not enough to fix our crumbling infrastructure.

By adamg - 8/9/07 - 9:49 am

Sabutai knows something about the gambling issue, living in Middleborough and all, and so wonders why Deval Patrick won't release that casino study:

By adamg - 7/27/07 - 11:22 am

The Herald reports on Margot Botsford and her husband's contributions to Patrick. Dan Kennedy says the whole thing could blow over - unless Globe metro editor Brian McGrory gets mad about getting scooped and orders full-frontal swarm coverage on the story.

By adamg - 4/18/07 - 8:44 pm

Sean Roche e-mails the governor to ask if he always wears his seat belt in the Caddy and if he ever speeds.

By adamg - 4/6/07 - 9:04 am

Extra money for cops is good, no? But how much is enough? For the second day in a row, the Globe basically calls Deval Patrick a meanie (making a point of how "limited" the funds are), while the Herald seems to give him a big "attaboy". And isn't that an interesting role reversal? Also interesting was the Globe's lede, which starts:

Under pressure to respond to a surge of violence in the state's capital ...

By adamg - 4/5/07 - 11:03 am

Is Deval Patrick silent on violent crime or is he galloping to the rescue with help for neighborhoods plagued by violent crime?

Today's media incongruity brought to you by Sco.

By adamg - 3/30/07 - 11:50 am

Dan Kennedy doesn't know what to make of the news that Deval Patrick might be trying to pay for new police officers by diverting state funds that traditionally have gone to local governments to, in part, hire new police officers. He wants to know what you make of it all.

By adamg - 3/29/07 - 10:14 pm

So the Big Dig isn't the only part of our transportation infrastructure always on the verge of collapse. A state commission reports roads, highways, public transit, you name it, have fallen billions of dollars behind basic maintenance needs.

A roundup of reactions:

Casey Ross summarizes the lowlights.

By adamg - 3/28/07 - 9:37 pm

Sure, today's Devaluation story was an obvious hatchet job lovingly spoonfed to Frank Phillips by a pair of Romney holdovers on the state Labor Relations Board, but the Outraged Liberal wonders how many more such stories will come out before the public abandons the governor?

By adamg - 3/27/07 - 10:27 am

Update: He has a winner, details to follow.

Network World blogger Paul McNamara takes note of the devalpatrick.com address controversy and dismisses it with a challenge:

By adamg - 3/27/07 - 9:14 am

I was only half-watching the news last night, but I have to tell you - the smug, smiling Patrick groupie explaining why it's just groovy that DevalPatrick.com lets you look up the address of pretty much every single Massachusetts resident of voting age really, really bugged me.

Kid, go spend some time with some domestic-abuse victims (as Channel 5's Janet Wu obviously did, because she typed in the name of one and found where she now lived), then come back with that perky smile of yours.

By adamg - 3/19/07 - 4:26 pm

Is there one? The Blue Mass. Boys wonder if their copy got lost in the mail:

... I don't know what to talk about if I don't hear from Deval's flacks. I wander around confused and listless, not knowing what to say to make people really, really like Deval again. ...

By adamg - 3/14/07 - 10:16 am

I admit it: I was dubious about Eileen McNamara's first New Bedford column, in which she said state officials failed the immigrants, because her assertion those officials knew about the raid ahead of time was based on word from a federal flack, and how could we trust that?

By adamg - 3/13/07 - 11:30 pm
By adamg - 3/8/07 - 5:58 pm

The Globe reports today that dissent erupted in the blogosphere over Deval Patrick's call on behalf of that mortgage company he used to work for, in an article about allegedly shellshocked Patrick supporters.

By adamg - 3/6/07 - 9:14 am

Charley on the MTA wasn't concerned about the Caddy or the drapes. But making calls on behalf of a subprime lender like Ameriquest? That Charley cannot abide:

... I'm amazed and appalled that Patrick didn't just say, "Sorry, I can't make that call. I'm governor now." His constituents have a right to expect that he's going to be governor, all the time, and not take some time out to help out old employers. ...

By adamg - 3/2/07 - 8:56 am

As a Boston homeowner, sure, I'd love to see my property taxes go down $200 a year, which is what Tom Menino says would happen if the legislature passes Deval Patrick's proposal to let local governments raise their own meals and telecommunications taxes.

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