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Boston Globe

By emily sweeney - 5/25/06 - 12:59 pm

lately I've been trying to produce videos to accompany the articles I write for the Globe.
so far Boston.com has posted three of my self-produced videos in the past couple o' weeks. I'm hoping to do more...when you get a chance, pls check 'em out, I'd love to hear what ya think:

1.) this is my latest one, about prom season (and the
dangers of drinking and driving.....scroll down the story to get to the video link)


2.) this one ran a couple weeks ago....kinda like my personal

By adamg - 5/22/06 - 8:25 pm

Yup reads today's Globe article about Internet advertising and declares it so last year:

... I guess this could be considered a 'new' type of advertising, but those of us in marketing and PR/IR are already looking to move beyond and above this to get people's attention in order to differentiate ourselves from the rest, which means, within the industry, this stuff is already lame, which in turn makes the article super lame.

By adamg - 5/18/06 - 7:40 am

Adam Rosi-Kessel explains why he's cancelled his Globe subscription:

... I like the idea of a print newspaper, but in reality, it doesn't work for me anymore. ...

By adamg - 5/17/06 - 7:23 pm

Back when I was interviewing for my first full-time journalism job (at ye olde Middlesex News in Framingham), they sat me down at a desk, gave me a typed list of facts about an incident in random order and gave me 15 minutes to turn the facts into a story.

Let's pretend we have two candidates for metro columnist at the Boston Globe. Here are some of the facts: Days of torrential rains lead to worst flooding in 70 years on the North Shore. Hundreds are evacuated. State officials rush to the scene and offer immediate aid.

Now we set them loose. They have 15 minutes to write a column.

By adamg - 5/17/06 - 9:33 am

Steve Garfield reports on a Globe reporter covering a videoblogger meeting he was at. Among other things, she just started asking him questions without identifying herself first. Best part, though, was what happened when he tried to take a picture of her taking a picture of them.

By adamg - 5/17/06 - 9:25 am

Over at Boston Sports Media Watch, Bruce Allen summarizes what he's learned about the local sports media in the four year's he's been following them. Among his observations: Local sports radio panders to idiots and Bob Ryan is a glorious exception to the rule that local sports writers are petty and thin skinned - especially his colleague, the Curly-Haired Boyfriend:

By adamg - 5/16/06 - 12:37 pm

Look at all the misery He's inflicting on the poor boy! McGrory writes today that life in Boston naturally sucks anyway ("the female population wraps itself from head to foot in Gore-Tex for half the year"), and now it's just raining too damn much and he can't take the gloating anymore from ex-Bostonians living in better climes.

There's a way to fix that, Bri.

Elias wants to smack McGrory:

By adamg - 5/10/06 - 2:21 pm

That's what Christopher Lydon argues.

Now, who am I to disagree, sitting here at my dining room table tapping out this post, as I help plot an entire business plan based on blogging?

By adamg - 5/4/06 - 11:24 pm

Remember last month when the Globe reported that the state Ethics Commission was banning political speech in the State House? The Ethics Commission quietly says the Globe is wrong. The Globe says the commission backtracked.

By adamg - 5/3/06 - 1:22 pm

Dan Kennedy cannot believe the sloppy wet kiss the Globe and boston.com gave the Sox today with wall-to-wall coverage of deluxe travel packages the Sox now offer to people with more money than they know what to do with.

Like the Globe, I, too, have my very own disclosure to make.

By adamg - 5/3/06 - 1:11 pm

Bruce Allen puts off flying to California for his wedding and honeymoon just long enough to post results from the annual Boston Sports Media Watch best/worst columnists poll.

By adamg - 4/26/06 - 9:59 am

John Daley was suprised to read that Eileen McNamara can't figure out Mitt Romney and Kerry Healey's possible motives for opposing the Cape Wind project given that they live so far from Nantucket Sound:

By Ron Newman - 4/22/06 - 10:39 am

The Names column of today's Globe reports:

By adamg - 4/22/06 - 8:41 am

Especially when she's politically connected (John and Theresa Kerry issued a statement!). But when thugs shoot up Roxbury, eh, happens every day, apparently.

By adamg - 4/21/06 - 8:12 pm

Or which will get bigger play?

1. South End woman has finger bitten off while trying to rescue her pet dog from two attacking pit bulls.

2. Roxbury 19-year-old grazed above his eye while leaving his grandmother's house - then chased down the street by two thugs who fired more shots, wounding a 17-year-old girl.

More details.

By adamg - 4/21/06 - 11:44 am

Dan Kennedy wraps up the story about the Globe story about the guy who wants reform of criminal-records laws that didn't mention his role in the murder of a police officer.

By adamg - 4/20/06 - 9:29 am

The Globe today cautions voters not to judge candidates for governor by their bank accounts. Sco finds that ironic, coming as it does from a newspaper that:

By adamg - 4/18/06 - 10:40 am

Before I dissect McGrory's column today, let me first compliment him on a truly wonderful first paragraph:

I live with what is probably a completely rational fear that one day I'm going to wander into this newsroom and someone else is going to be sitting at my desk, talking on my phone, and no one in management will have bothered to tell me about the change.

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