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Frustration: Seeing the station but not being allowed off your dead train

Commuters on a Needham-Line train report they've now been sitting outside South Station for more than 30 minutes thanks to a dead engine.

Scott Katz tweets:

Waiting for push into station - could spit and reach platform now but stuck here going on 30 minutes.

Aaron Perrino adds:

If that fails they are going to send a pick up truck to save us.



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It's not like you are locked in the train car. Don't understand why someone wouldn't open the emergency exit, pile out and just walk.

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I'd consider doing that in the same situation, but you need to be very careful since trains may be moving in either direction on immediately adjoining tracks leading into the station.

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Also watch for the third rail, which has the potential to make you smell like hot dogs.

It's also considered criminal trespass to be on the tracks, but the max penalty is a $100 fine. After 30 minutes of being stuck in a hot fart-oven full of weirdos, though, it's worth the risk. Hell, I'm out of there after 15 minutes, tops.

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No third rail on the commuter rail. Just catenary wires on the Northeast Corridor.

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This happened on the Commuter Rail, not the subway.

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While you can pop open the plate covering the stairs and get to ground level, how would you get back up to the platform? Probably a ladder ...

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The standard platform height in the eastern U.S. is 48". That might be hard for some people to climb, but it's not impossible.

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Not to nitpick, but I think that would be considered trespassing.

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Being held somewhere against your will trumps trespassing in the eyes of the courts, I'd think. I'd HOPE.

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A Hubway stand about 500' from the platform.

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